ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21783 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"What - like the Irish did? Maybe they should respond like the Poles did. Am I expecting to much from their people for you?"
Just because I am 1/2 British does not mean I endorse British po... |
26 Posts • 5047 Views Talk Talk |
Hey thelivingend the skulls can only be found on legendary and there is only one skull that can be found on any difficulty.
and... well heres a description of were some of them are.
Cairo station:... |
PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15222 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Allen Ginsberg - Plutonian Ode
What new element before us unborn in nature? Is there
a new thing under the Sun?
At last inquisitive Whitman a modern epic, detonative,
Scientific theme
Fi... |
The two biggest neo-fags in Hollywood
0 Posts • 3558 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
When I was a kid, my favourite movie of all time was the original Star Wars movie. It was just so cool to me. And I always wished Lucas had gone on to make the prequels and sequels he originally inten... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42276 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have a slightly different take on hallucinations, although yours was definitely an interesting one to consider Decius. Most of what we would call hallucinations (probably not all but I would say the... |
PoetryAdmired Poets and their Poems
12 Posts • 9577 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This poem affected me in a way i cannot even begin to describe, its from "The Perks of Being A Walflower" by Stephen Chbosky
Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
he wrote a p... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90777 Views Psychology Forum |
101. Sniper case
I think the sniper case was done by government insider. It's a case similar to anthrax attack. I believe it was done by law enforcement agency. The anthrax attack was done to... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
Interesting, although not everyone thinks this thread worthy.
http://www.captaincyn ic.com/thread.php3/thrdid=2626 9-u-frmid=17-u-page=1
Dumbtee n
Well, we've seen the process occur with moths if... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush governs in dictator style
Robert L. Black Jr. / The Cincinnati Enquirer| May 21 2006
The investigation by Congress of the surveillance of domestic telephone and emails calls is an absolute... |
Science vs ReligionReligion AND Science/ Relgion OR Science
6 Posts • 3358 Views Religion Forum |
In the end no matter what happens in science religion just has to say god made it. Case closed. For them if that's their belief. We can't see the whole picture ourselves yet to "know&qu... |
Hollywood Undead- Knife Called Lust
1 Posts • 2392 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I don't feel this pain because of things that have happend to me, but because I care about the people that this happens to.
I look alive, i'm dead inside
my heart ha... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21298 Views Psychology Forum |
this is genius. ive been searching for something like this for so long. it almost seems like a more in depth journal. i have a couple questions and im lazy and i hope u dont mind the fact that i only... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24735 Views Religion Forum |
Peace to you!
I've published the article:
http://my666.boom. ru/666_en.html
This material makes understanding of Revelation more clear and will help to be saved for many many people and w... |
Ethics & MoralityDoes meaning come before awareness?
5 Posts • 2941 Views Philosophy Forum |
First assumption (meaning is resolved through reason).
I think awareness is the essence that drives us into meaning.
Awareness is one of the most incomprehensible words in language (in m... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19570 Views Religion Forum |
'Intelligent Design' is a tool to promote theology. It seems despondent and rather ironic the term used 'intelligent'. The theory should be called Poor Design.
Here are some ex... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38019 Views Psychology Forum |
Dugbug you are correct. I have found nothing to correlate provocative dress and rape or any mention in preventative articles.
Reduce Your Risks
*stay in well -lighted area as m... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21992 Views Religion Forum |
Quantom zero effect disproves everything we know about physics.
The Quanum zero effect does nothing of the kind. Science continues to examine and describe the universe around us. Things dtill fall of... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21298 Views Psychology Forum |
I am hoping to find people who might be able to help me with my research regarding a Mind Altering Discovery I made about 4 years ago. After working with it for a while, I am calling it the... |
SocietyWhy Would Any Democrat Support Alito
5 Posts • 3046 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt from: http://www.ctrl.org/silence/me mo.html
More to be added later
They went on about five state region. One of the states they were in was Colorado and they did in fact find some of the... |
ConspiracyHillary Clinton Co-Conspirator
1 Posts • 2442 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Most arguments can be made from either direction so the difference is the difference...
I always believed Steven Hawkins was a haox simply becasue he was said to have first begun to communicate th... |
The Living Dead...
2 Posts • 3157 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
anybody else love george romero flicks as much as i do? the first night of the living dead was, in my opinion, the greatest horror movie of all time. the first one was pretty kickass, and i actually t... |
ChristianityA Cartoon Banned by the Mormon Church
12 Posts • 3309 Views Religion Forum |
I agree. It is rediculous because it is wrong.
Let me just correct a few things and also introduce some other idea's.
Mormons DO believe in countless gods that were once human and that God hi... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12984 Views Religion Forum |
xloobyloox -
I sure am glad we've contained this to privately seen emails...
kind of
Again, my first comment was not to embarass or JUST contradict you... it was to further and "... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41112 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Marvel's Film Slate From 3rd Quarter Report
Source: Marvel Enterprises October 28, 2004
Marvel Enterprises has released its Third Quarter financial report and in it the company mentions th... |
43 Posts • 9084 Views Talk Talk |
I dont really like emos, as I don't think feeling angst should be a fashion statement. Nor should cultivating your negative feelings be encouraged just to be one of the crowd.
But there seems... |