Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9651 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Saddam, in reality, was the only check in the entire Mid-East region that had nothing to lose fucking with Israel's mind. That's the pure truth, and no one is going to say it but me. That... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
A thirteen year old girl does not have the same understanding of the world as someone in their twenties or thirties or more and if you were sitting in front of this little girl instead of behind your... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40602 Views Religion Forum |
I have argued many times with an atheist. And the conclusion that all our argueing came to was the idea that 1) nither of us could prove God. 2)It is far better that he exist than that he doesnt. Howe... |
EconomyWhy are American people angry?
8 Posts • 4154 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Now on whenever I come across things like this speech by a person who is stating the state of America as it is, and this person wants America to wake up and realize the truth, it just goes back to Ron... |
What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15373 Views Philosophy Forum |
The only thing any of us have is our own reality, which is ofchourse subjective. We are so limited that we can't even answer the question of freewill. We ask, are we really making are own choices... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
Whew, finally, at least my third read through this.
Again, your attempt to make an arguement that choosing happiness is differrent than choosing pain, is incorrect, for me at least, perhaps some... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12652 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You are the one with broad generalities and what's worse much of what you cite is factually wrong. I'm sorry that you don't like to be corrected but you should actually know what you ar... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30358 Views Religion Forum |
You may not worship anything but you shouldnt speak for others.
"is there any harm in loving what God has created?"
No - no harm UNLESS you are loving something you believe God has cre... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
29 October 2012
The Red Spider Planetary Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Carlos Milovic, Hubble Legacy Archive, NASA
Oh what a tangled web a planetary nebula can weave. The Red Spider Plane... |
Science vs ReligionThe "What if I'm Right?" Argument
0 Posts • 1274 Views Religion Forum |
I can't tell you or even begin to do what you ask.. I am not claiming that my life experiences were any better or worse than another. I had a very functional mom and dad .......They we... |
some theories I have stuck in my head
10 Posts • 3013 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanks for your posts guys. Im trying to make sense of why the universe even exists, and I am starting to realize that I am very far away from having even a vague answer. Unfortunately
everything is... |
About You / IntroductionsOur strengths and weakneses
9 Posts • 3085 Views Talk Talk |
My strength is much like your own, more importantly I like to search for the truth and not just jump on the bandwagon. I like to be the person in the crowd that says "Hey, maybe she's not a... |
GovernmentPro Communism in America
14 Posts • 18449 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If you want to write the article right (as in, the way the teacher wants you to write it ) the listen to Decius. If you want to know the truth behind it all, Jimbobby is the guy to go with.
Also, d... |
ChristianityHappy in heaven... alone?
20 Posts • 7632 Views Religion Forum |
The bible does state all of those things but God is made out to be this great superior being, so assuming there is one & this is the one that does exist, if you truly love someone then wouldn'... |
ChristianityCatholic Churches feel grim
18 Posts • 6627 Views Religion Forum |
If you loved and respected your father then your son will love and respect you.
If you fought against your father, your son will fight against you.
Concerning his feelings about God, in most cas... |
Unwritten Law- Seein' Red
1 Posts • 1645 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A good game. When I beat it I went outside and practiced with weapons (two swords and a sectional staff) for three hours straight. I don't have a PS2 any more so I can't play the second, but... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19571 Views Religion Forum |
You have a rather odd attitude to evolution/science okcitykid. I'll tell you the sad thing.....is that religion feebly claims fact. Science claims theory.
a. Its not a matter of whether your... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43989 Views Religion Forum |
It is not a part of our nature it seems to admit we are wrong. You can throw on all the proof in the world and most will still deny it. We need to be careful not to be to pushy because you can push st... |
43 Posts • 11237 Views Religion Forum |
There is no logic in evolution, just scandal. They cannot prove that the world is 32 billion years (or whatever it is they claim now). They use defective testing methods or they leave out tests just t... |
110 Posts • 24289 Views Religion Forum |
It does not make logical sense that all religions are true. It is possible for all religions to be wrong but it is not possible for all to be true.
If Christianity is true then no other religion is... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13694 Views Philosophy Forum |
Plus, you can't always tell the entire truthyes you can. i do it all the time.Part of being intelligent is adapting to the situation sure. but i dont see what that has to do with me insulting som... |
Fun Little Quiz
17 Posts • 11927 Views Philosophy Forum |
haha very true..
You scored as Existentialism.
Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.
Man is condemned to be free; becaus... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12132 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Patrish, I was going to say something about how little you've learned in the extra 23 years longer you've lived than Danipog but he kicked your butt without any help. Right on!
You keep s... |
0 Posts • 1781 Views Talk Talk |
1. pacifism is the belief that there are always better ways to solve a conflict than with violance.
2. the easiest application is in everyday life and social situations, ideally world governments sh... |
what is the truth?
15 Posts • 2808 Views Talk Talk |
I indicated my acceptance (agreement) of the points given by stated I had found the answer I needed then added or else I found the answer I wanted to hear?
you sought out an answer you found an ans... |