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some theories I have stuck in my head

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 43yrs • M •
lucidity944 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
some theories I have stuck in my head
Hey guys, I have a few theories/idea's in my head right now. Im sure they are not new theories but I would like some feedback and let me know if there are any contradictions. Discredit them or build on them. thanks..

1. Everything has an opposite, or else it cannot exist (contrast).
Therfore, matter has to exist because space is nothing but a vacuum. The universe must then have always existed for eternity, because nothingness has always existed.

2. The reason we have technology, elements, thoughts, planets, systems etc. is because everything has happened, is happening or did happen. Everything is possible if you have infinite time.
If something can happen it will happen.

3. everyone and everything is part of the same system, on a quantum level everything in the universe is interconected, and the spaces inbetween the atoms-electrons-quarks etc (what we can't see) is God. God is the glue holding the universe together.

4. God cannot be a singular being. Because energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed. God would have to manipulate himself in such a way that he could convert himself into matter or energy, everything created must have God inside it.

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 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Black Gold is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think your theories show good insight, however I do have some comments, I hope they will be useful...
Part One (1) I think you're right about things having contrast, but not that all contrast is of opposites. For example Yellow which is 'not Blue' is not the opposite necessarily the opposite of Blue, as many colours contrast with Blue.
As you can see in my entries, at the bottom is says 'There is no negative one...', which is intended to mean a couple of things. One thing is that there is no exact opposite in every way, to make something clearly another thing's opposite.
As 'nothing' is something which basically has no form and no existence, it would be impossible to have it exist in any way, and for any length of time. I'm sorry I still don't know whether the Universe just started somewhere. I have a theory (I have not shared before), which involves the Universe being the only possible way things could have existed. The theory also involves the idea that there is no such thing as time, as what happens is just a process, with no time on the clock at any end, each moment only distinguishable from the next by it's place in the process.
Part Two (2) You may need to expand on this idea if you could. You are right that if anything can happen it will happen, spot on there! I'm not sure anything is possible, even with infinite time, some things were just made not to happen, for example things that make no logical sense in the first place. By which I mean Yellow being Blue, or One being Two, etc.
What we have in technology, elements, thoughts, planets, systems, etc. Can be quite individual and everyone's experience of them are different. But, they are there due to all preceding events, yeah...
Part Three (3) Yes and Sort of. In some ways (some points of view) we're part of the same system, and in other's we are not. But usually in the ways that we're not part of the same system is because we have abbreviated the world around us to only include the immediate environment, as you can understand to include the whole Universe in every expression would be impractical, so we abbreviate. This sometimes causes us to differentiate between one system and another.
God could well be the glue, but you need relatively sticky things (like humans) for the glue to stick to. I'm sure you can understand glue is wasted on oily surfaces... Maybe God is wasted on some things too, like those which cannot be at one with God. Don't really know the full story there... Sorry!
Part Four (4) God as a singular being works on one level (this is highly theoretical though), being that God is everything, including you and me. How can that idea work? Well, what if we were actually the same person (God too). As we experience our lives in precise moments in the process of the Universe, the being (which is you and me) is able to be in two places (which when I'm looking at you, appears to be in two places at once) at two separate times, in two different people. Basically for this to work, one's memory of being in two places needs to be wiped. Handy that one explanation for memory is that it is all of the physical body! Or whatever would be considered the physical.
With energy and matter being created or destroyed. Well, if all that exists is experience-based, nothing need really exist in that way. If it was all just passing before our eyes, the whole Universe could just be virtual (something I'm sure you've thought of before) or almost hallucinatory (in that it never really happened).
If you combine God's power with the idea that you had that anything can happen in infinite time, you have another answer there...

I think you've done well to get to this stage, and look forward to any further posts Lucidity.
I hope my comments were valued and thought-provoking! I would love to hear what you thought of them...

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"There is no negative one..."
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Lucidity, FINALLY someone who understands my thinking of existence. I swear I came up with the same theory while I was on shrooms but I think you put it into words better. I believe that the universe is ever expanding and ever contracting. We started off as a singularity, the two most profound opposites, something or nothing. It is when you make shades of grey that you get life. I believe that forms in this existence derive from the same basic material and its something or nothing. This also ties into happiness. The only way happiness can be achieved in a world of something or nothing is to be at equilibrium.

In an ever expanding and contracting universe, every thing will happen, did happen and is happening. When you truly accept this theory, a sense of solace and eternal connectedness is achieved. We are all made of the same stuff, just have more or less of something. This is why everything is beautiful. I wish more people understood this theory because then we could have what we all really want, just to live in peace and harmony.

Maybe when entropy occurs we'll finally realize that this universe means nothing without each other. When this happens I think that something will take the time to gather up all of the tiny pieces of once thriving life and put them all back together in that singularity and give the universe another go in hopes that we'll realize this truth in the next run.

Possibly when we catch on to this never ending cycle, we can collectively find a way to stop it and I think then, then and only then, we'll have true free will.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 43yrs • M •
lucidity944 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Thanks for your posts guys. Im trying to make sense of why the universe even exists, and I am starting to realize that I am very far away from having even a vague answer. Unfortunately
everything is questionable and it's all just theories.
Im starting to think that everything does not exist in a duality. My first theory that everything has an opposite may not be true. It is a common idea; good vs. evil, light/dark, the ying and yang. One reason being that humans created the catogories. Secondly it seems that
nothing is the absense of everything.. not the opposite. Between night and day lies dusk and dawn, a grey area. Altough, this may just be on an abstract level and mean nothing. I thought I had some proof that
eternity exists for certain. I can't comprehend how it wouldn't though. I suppose I just can't imagine nothing existing at one point. It's easier to think matter has always existed, based on the laws of physics.

Black Gold: You have very insightful ideas. Enough to rack my brain for months. If what we preceive is just virtual then we are pretty much screwed for conjuring up and relevant theories based on the physical universe I would love it if you could elaborate more on your theory about the universe being the only possible way things could have existed, very intriguing.

ChrisD: If we live in an ever contracting and expanding universe, and it has been doing so for eternity, I wonder if other civilizations experienced entropy?

anyways I feel far away from having a clue

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 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This is what "Existence" comes down to. You have absolutely no way of knowing anything, except that there is something, and that you percieve it in a certain manner. It doesnt matter what that is, as long as you are happy. Believe whatever you want, but your main goal should be being happy, not being correct.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 43yrs • M •
lucidity944 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I agree

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 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I disagree, if the only goal was to be happy, we would have all stopped at Christianity, quite possibly the best deal out there. The fact that we haven't done this proves that there is a human curiosity that needs to be satisfied. Honestly, how bad could the truth be? If it brought me life, I can't see it ever doing anything that I detest. I personally want to know the truth and I am confident that the answers are out there, we just have to find them. True, we cannot absolutely know anything for sure but we can get pretty damn close.

Back to the topic

I firmly beleive that everything has an equal oppositie, this truth is very apparent. Now if this reality is composed of only equal opposites then nothing can be gained and nothing can be lost. If nothing can be gained and nothing can be lost, then nothing can really ever be accomplished. We are only manipulating the balance that the equal opposites are on. Essentially, nothing can be absolutely unique or creative, it can only be inversions of other things.

Can anyone imagine just nothing? I personally have trouble doing this. The fact is, nothing cannot exist without something. They give each other their meaning. So in order to have nothing, you have to have something. This I believe is the one truth of life and the cause for the never ending cycle of life. They exist by default. Life is like a game that you can never get good at, at the same time it achieves an everlasting excitement. There is always something you cannot quite figure out, it is perfect. We cannot find truth, we can only approach it. I am confident that I have typed this very response an infinite times in the past and will continue to in infinite times in the future. Such a crazy thing, I love it.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Black Gold is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The Universe being the only way things could have existed...
Basically, it depends on the only possible course of events possible...
There was one definite thing at the beginning of the Universe, and only one way it could be brought into being, and therefore due to the rules of nature, there would be only one possible outcome...
Step-by-step from one beginning there would be only one next event, and only one next event after that...

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"There is no negative one..."
 43yrs • M •
lucidity944 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I don't think awakendwraith is saying happieness is the ONLY goal, just the main goal. one that should be a priority. We are here.. and what do we do now? be happy. To do not would be to laugh at this beautiful universe in the face. There is nothing wrong with searching for answers of course. We have a built in instinctive drive to know why.

ps. I don't think Christianity is the means to any happiness. why would a religion that makes you feel bad about who you are and where you came from cause happiness. Some of it is that we evolved to desire the existance of a saviour and the other half of it was implied to us by people with authority.

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 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
1. Everything has an opposite, or else it cannot exist (contrast).
Therfore, matter has to exist because space is nothing but a vacuum. The universe must then have always existed for eternity, because nothingness has always existed.

I'm sure something comes from nothing. There are two ways of looking at this: from the ultimately big to the small and from the vacuum, where mass reduces to zero, pure energy (zero point energy ) and from this vacuum to the ultimately large. For something to exist to be known it must also exist in contrast and relative to the observer. Matter exists in the fabric of spacetime and the warps in spacetime are what we perceive as gravity. As for the universe always existing this may or may not be true for though nothingness may always exist it does not mean what we think of as the universe has always existed: sustained nothingness (if you like projecting nothingness) is an option.

2. The reason we have technology, elements, thoughts, planets, systems etc. is because everything has happened, is happening or did happen. Everything is possible if you have infinite time.
If something can happen it will happen.

Maybe; who knows. We do not understand the nature of the vaccuum, which is possibly not nothing or may even be God.

3. everyone and everything is part of the same system, on a quantum level everything in the universe is interconected, and the spaces inbetween the atoms-electrons-quarks etc (what we can't see) is God. God is the glue holding the universe together.

If matter comes from the vaccum and the vaccum is pure energy; is not matter a projection of information; as for example, dna is the information code for life? I don't see that God is just the glue but that the items that are glued are related to but seperate to God; but ultimately not devoid of it.

4. God cannot be a singular being. Because energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed. God would have to manipulate himself in such a way that he could convert himself into matter or energy, everything created must have God inside it.

If God existed outside of any reality he would be limited and therefore I disagree with this. God can only be singular in my view , but the singular meaning oneness, since if he were not he could be altered and this seems a little silly. I do agree God is inside it but its this 'essence' which projects outwards

If we reduce matter and keep reducing it we get to a point of ultimately fine energy (God?). If we expand energy and keep expanding (and thus in space and time?) we encompass all mass (God?).
The search for truth is itself a fulfilment of happiness as far as I am aware. However, I'm sure there are people that sacrifice their happiness in the search of truth for the happiness or longevity of other people or their offspring/predeccesors.

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""No words""
[  Edited by heyjme1 at   ]
some theories I have stuck in my head
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