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Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf
THREAD Twisted Fairy Tales
15 Posts • 3777 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Make it so maybe they killed someone from the past who was travelling in time and it is what caused them to lose 6 months. And the witch wants to stop them because she saw them in her crystal ball...
THREAD GovernmentSecurity Council members deny meeting Kerry
13 Posts • 3588 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm slinging nothing, I'm tired of weak and repetative arguments on nearly trivial items, he met with some of them, ok then, if you just want to expose lies, I'm all for it, I wasn'...
THREAD IslamIslam.
19 Posts • 7622 Views
Religion Forum
The reason all these verses coincidentally sound like Christian concepts is because Mohammad was a plagiarist. He used the concept of a "one god" religion to gather men to his cause so he co...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDual diagnosis treatment centers
9 Posts • 5965 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
it was just to point it, if u want more lets complete the point what i said reveal the crucial element of reality which is else truth is freedom bc else exist and else is true bc freedom is re...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyIs my sister telling the truth that my uncle molested her?
5 Posts • 9989 Views
Psychology Forum
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm planning to take my sister to see a psychiatrist. I was thinking that a psychiatrist could ask the right questions without imposing an answer to my sister. Just to...
THREAD PerceptionI have an Important ?
4 Posts • 3113 Views
Psychology Forum
Soul Mate The Knowing" (or "Wishful Thinking") a poem Thoughtmanifest, you have expressed beautifully exactly what I wish to be truth.
THREAD ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18265 Views
Religion Forum
[Did find something interesting the arian movement thought Jesus was the highest angelic being, not GOD?] I wrote about this to all of you before. If you're interested in the conflict, there i...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views
Philosophy Forum
Actually I really wouldn't want to find out the answer to the question, "Are we real?" What if we weren't real, and some idiot in another dimension is playing with us like ants. Th...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12110 Views
Religion Forum
before deciding which is the truth and which is the lie This cannot be because an open minded person ceases to be open minded if he decides one way or the other.
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21664 Views
Religion Forum
cturtle - I don't know how God could have ever become a man and still keep everything working. How can God even die. Father Fox who was a Catholic priest, but was banished from the church had a g...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12985 Views
Religion Forum
That's probably because the same chemicals in the brain are to blame, when people become emersed in a religion, whatever one it is they fall in love and just like falling in love with a person th...
THREAD The Truth Of 911
3 Posts • 2218 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Yet, this is why we are starting World War III, against countries with no connection, and allowing a President to evicerate the Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights, as if WE are to blame. While the...
THREAD Learning
9 Posts • 3217 Views
Philosophy Forum
Distraction, loss of focus. You suddenly have new and powerful desires, very powerful. All insecurities are now hightened. You are getting some of your first tastes of a new reality requiring yo...
THREAD PoetryHumanity
2 Posts • 2383 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
As humans our souls are starving Striving for some kind of sustenance Love appears to be an adequate fulfiller Only love is hard to come by, now... Lust is all the dreadful vessels we call...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
LMAO @ Firebird! That was good man. There is some good info there Decius, There was a great article on the widows of 9/11 that I re-typed in another thread. I think Bush would say "We had t...
THREAD SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views
Religion Forum
I'm losing my religion as well.. it has always been one of my fears and now it's actually happening.. and I can't fight it, and it's killing me..I know it's wrong to believe i...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10236 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think it's just a different kind of socializing, most people attempting to seek truth don't make for good "socializers" in the eyes of those trying to avoid it. But, if you ar...
17 Posts • 6783 Views
Talk Talk
yea, the thing is i didnt find out from my parents. i dont remember exactly how i found out to be honest. but when my parents explained it to me i already knew the truth. they taught me the spirit of...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36763 Views
Philosophy Forum
haha along with all those people asking "Neo" questions as if the movie was true First I read something that says that "we aren't saying that this a computer simulated world&quo...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the what!
63 Posts • 44086 Views
Psychology Forum
I went to my friend's wedding last weekend, and she met the guy on-line, and now she's really was so beautiful. But the thing is, it doesn't always work out that way. It'...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12228 Views
Religion Forum
I can fully appreciate and understand the feelings that come out of discussions like this, it is easy to become defensive and emotional when talking about matters of Faith. Firangel's faith is no...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views
Religion Forum
Also, I read the first line of the link you had in your huge post, and needed no further reading to show something-you copied and pasted that post from the link! I didn't think that it sounded li...
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20693 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok I am reading some of these comments from some of ya'll are just so "Why should we move on" I'll tell you why because life moves on. Yes your body becomes one with...
THREAD Mental IllnessLosing Hope
6 Posts • 3100 Views
Psychology Forum
The planet is not a fair place to live. Bad things happen, good things happen. Loved ones die... Its just the way the world is. Instead of allowing it to hurt you, accept it, and adjust to it, i...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30360 Views
Religion Forum
Tell the thousands of orphans and childless parents that it was good for them. Feel free to give and remind of love, but do not belittle the loss of others, not without experiencing it yourself....
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