Yet, this is why we are starting World War III, against countries with no connection, and allowing a President to evicerate the Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights, as if WE are to blame.
While the only ones with the power and resources to accomplish this are now more secretive than ever, are getting caught in blatant lies on a weekly basis, are invading multiple countries, and feel YOU need to be spied on and your dissent quelled.
If you watched this film, do you remember it talking about how long it took to start an inquirey?
Look here...
Government rules out July 7 inquiry
London Evening Standard | May 11 2006
Downing Street has again ruled out a public inquiry into the July 7 bombings, despite calls from some survivors and relatives of victims. This is all State Sponsored terrorism.
Look into Operation Gladio, MI5/MI6 and CIA bombings blamed on the IRA.
Please wake up.
Loose Change Second Edition.