Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55477 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have discovered deep within my soul knowledge which when translated into the flimsy truth molesters called words I have named The Logic of the Infinite. The Logic of the infinite operates on the kno... |
Gender PsychologyWhy was The Pill Developed for Women and Not Men?
6 Posts • 3463 Views Psychology Forum |
A woman is only fertile for a few days of every month whereas a man is fertile every day. Given this fact, why is it that the contraceptive pill and over a dozen other invasive contraceptive methods h... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15146 Views Philosophy Forum |
Dreamer - Its true, are brains are very differents from animals. I like your example, being vegetarian is the perfect example of the will of the brain being over the will of the body.
The question is... |
27 Posts • 9967 Views Religion Forum |
by Max Gordon
November 23, 2004
There is a thirteen-year-old boy in America who walks to school this morning. He believes he is a pervert because he is sexually attracted to a boy in h... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13268 Views Religion Forum |
The only proof of the nonexistence of God is personal opinion. I may not believe that 1 + 1 = 2 but that doesn't change it's truth, just as not believing in God doesn't change the fact... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29272 Views Religion Forum |
Their whole life will be self destructive to themselves and others until they will most likely be put to death. It says that God takes these people and gives them a true spirit and puts them back on e... |
Fun Little Quiz
17 Posts • 11927 Views Philosophy Forum |
You scored as Nihilism.
Your life is marked by strong Nihilism: You feel that nothing in the world, even your life, has much or any meaning.
"For out of fear and need each religion is... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44067 Views Philosophy Forum |
My Concern
Who reads this.And those who read this how will it help .
There are what seems a infinite array of concerns that vi for my attention they are all important all relivent to my life in... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15664 Views Philosophy Forum |
we dont determine a Right or Wrong.
only our opinions of.
"And I agree with whomever it was that said justification had nothing to do with it. Justification is an entirel... |
Ladder Theory
5 Posts • 4336 Views Philosophy Forum |
The ladder theory. On paper i'd have to say in most cases it's true especially with the best looking girls(of course with the rare exception). I'd have to say that he speaks the harsh t... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24618 Views Philosophy Forum |
heyjme, although i do like all the theories about the different demensions, try thinking without realising they exist. forget about 4th demension, 5th and 6th demensions.
but yeah, i think i said w... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
I had hoped firbird would have responded, but I think it would be a little unfair to generalize that firebird has faith in nothing.
I find myself making my own definitions of words which ma... |
LawPolitical/Current Events Convictions and Defense
8 Posts • 2730 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This in an open invitation to every member on this site to make a claim, ask a qeustion, or make a statement about any and all subjects. BE prepared to defend yourself using logical and legitmant reas... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13197 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
other side - your only quoting the lies and the rhetoric of the administration, do they pay you to do this?
The picture of the soldier giving the child the high five is very nice. I posted it on my... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6582 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Honestly I haven't heard much on the draft issue, so I can't say, sounds bad, but so does war, and we already have a double helping of that, some of which makes some sense, but its that very... |
Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7261 Views Religion Forum |
Science and Religion are completely different. Religion claims fact. Science claims theory. Religion is irrational and illogic. Science is rational and logical. Science is based on testable hypotheses... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views Religion Forum |
I think the idea of maths being the universal language of God is the right idea. Patterns in nature are mathematical so that would be how you could see God being revealed through creation. DNA is the... |
EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Whether or not you agree that the rich individuals in the United States should pay more taxes, the truth is that the IRS has allowed a number of tax code loopholes. Through these loopholes, the resour... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21993 Views Religion Forum |
No, thanks to everyone here. Rough thread. Still, we have our work to do.
I would like to believe that there are people here who really are seeking the truth. Not to expound upon their ego's -... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
You have a massive pair talking about censorship and dribble dude.
Here is an idea for you.
The signs of a good cynic are that they assume themselves to be false, and look at their own viewpoint mo... |
PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
You don't get it do you?
You've failed to give yourself a strength to fight
Your nothign but a puppet on a string
You've let yourself down its not my right to pity you
Give me a re... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from Fin is that he has something from his past that really troubles him from time to time. Even though he talks about present day sorrows, they area mask for a hidden hurt. He tr... |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4284 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya It is a good*devil* dream but whose dream is it? Their cultural hertiage is different from ours. Why do you think that given the oppurtunity to exercise their own free will, they would ever decide... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77271 Views Psychology Forum |
my posts are being deleted/censored which is a violation of 'freedom of speech'...
---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------
68 fireb... |
GovernmentNo More Rubber Stamp Politics
12 Posts • 3841 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Great but a problem exist with our system. We tend to elect those who are best at deceiving the most people, not because of their honest desire & ability to serve the people.
We don't just... |