Tagged > What makes women superficial |
13 Posts • 7112 Views Philosophy Forum |
weltanschauung> 'the desire to have no desire is a desire in itself' you are absolutely right. Though is a 'goal' the same as 'desire'?
epicrus> your attitude m... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3143 Views Talk Talk |
I have a little folder I have watched grow over the last 9 months full of my thoughts I jot down for this site. And somewhere I had written a few similar lines to what your getting at.
It went somt... |
9 Posts • 4081 Views Philosophy Forum |
here's something that's been bugging me for a very long time, just kind of in the back of my head.
the question is, what is order? what i mean is, how can it truly be defined? a lot of peop... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11227 Views Science & Technology Forum |
There is an obvious conditioning that occurs, for so many to feel so comfortable writing things off as coincidence and so uncomfortable with there being potential meaning, shows a direct and strong bi... |
Traped In Civilisation
13 Posts • 3661 Views Philosophy Forum |
Has anyone ever told you before that if you didnt like something you should just leave or not go near it.... well why cant that apply to a country?
Say I absolutly hated the idea of organised commu... |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31618 Views Psychology Forum |
sorry that last post didn't really look as good as i had hoped--i typed it up real quick like, cause i was gonna be late for work.
basically, im for equality--short people, tall people, black,... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7422 Views Religion Forum |
"good point. I can feel something wrong with that argument, but i can't seem to articulate it. it's a hard concept to get one's mind around to start with, and that makes it hard to... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17077 Views Philosophy Forum |
As ive mentioned before, Chaos exists in many domains of the universe, if not in all areas. I think one of the most interesting realms of chaos is in astronomy, where chaos refers to an abrupt change... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11274 Views Talk Talk |
Talking to you is like talking to a wall.
"I never said you were right." No shit.
Had you said I was right and I thought I was right do you believe I'd have defended myself and bett... |
Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14187 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess at least one of the points I've been making about happiness here is that it's not a destination where one can arrive at and remain as long as one chooses -- but more like a barometer... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51575 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have posted this on another thread but I feel it may fit in better here. I have also expanded on this concept.
Below are a few ideas I have on life, infinite life and the Universe and beyond.... |
HomosexualityGay Marriage
9 Posts • 6388 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
lol-well i was watching larry king the other day and they had this gay guy who wanted to get married, a priest, the mayor of california who was granting marriage licenses to gays, and a senator lady w... |
Music VideosRap Videos
0 Posts • 6173 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
You shouldn't diss a band/rapper just because you don't find their lyrics "mature" enough for your taste. I happen to enjoy songs because skateboarding and chicks, because those ar... |
Society & SociologyRacism in today's society and the impact of modern hate
7 Posts • 5069 Views Psychology Forum |
I would have to agree that if I walked into a room, saw a friend and said "What's up niggah!" , that I would probably cause disgust in the other people in the room.
It irritates me t... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15664 Views Philosophy Forum |
trawets...i never stated the world was round.
All i've been saying was that in order to not limit ourselves or others to our own personal opinion, we must follow a standard that surpasses it.... |
I'm kind of sad
19 Posts • 5668 Views Talk Talk |
You know what most of my problem is, I am not a very fast typer. I still finger type and dont look at the screen.
Hehehe, I can relate!
I never typed in my whole life until I got my PC 1 year ago.... |
Society & SociologyLife and Decisions
9 Posts • 3119 Views Psychology Forum |
How old is George and how old is Gary?
You all have your point thou not all of you are totally correct... i guess.
One should always look at ones capacity and character in doing a task or job. As... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views Talk Talk |
I don't think that single sex groups are counter productive, I think that some time spent with just your own sex is a good thing (no guy is really going to be particularly interested in make-up a... |
Body Art/Piercing
21 Posts • 8420 Views Talk Talk |
I have 3 tattooes. No piercings. I feel the same about tattooes as I do about designer brand labels. Nobody thinks its classy to have the designer brand splattered across the front/back of your garmen... |
War & TerrorismWhy do young Muslims blow themselves up?
4 Posts • 13980 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am a muslim these are my thoughts
Because of the complete insanity of my Iraq Muslim brothers and killing 79 people I thought the world deserves to get at least some reason for why someone would... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8788 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, we are creatures of habit. The words we use are a prime example. Habits of speech will impact greatly on what is said by our inner voice.
We may speak words of significance for many different r... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand that I may have carried off on tangents during this discussion, but I honestly am not aware that I am twisting anything and if I have been, then I appologize and have you know, that I hav... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23036 Views Philosophy Forum |
U know i m quite surprised, I thought this was one topic where religion wouldn't come in.
U know, I'v learned that we see things in a 'two dimensional' way, like looking at thre... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15117 Views Psychology Forum |
And as for life having no point: I'm pretty sure the purpose of life has to do with relationships, so without emotion can attachments and relationships even be formed? And if that's not the... |
110 Posts • 24289 Views Religion Forum |
This is the fundamental flaw of giving man the power to choose what is right and wrong.
Think before you answer these questions...
Did you or did you not CHOOSE to "believe" and have... |