Tagged > What makes women superficial |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20522 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why is having kids such an accepted and expected part of getting married and getting older? It is not for everyone, take me for example. I do not want kids, I actually hate kids. I do not want to have... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15664 Views Philosophy Forum |
So then killing is wrong because "It makes others sad", and because it "deprives them of liveing". What then is wrong with makeing people sad, and what then is wrong with deprivein... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views Religion Forum |
the concept of heaven and hell that i was taught growing up scared me to death as a child but now makes me wonder why once "grown up", people still fall for it! you are right about people bl... |
Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10279 Views Religion Forum |
I agree. When someone does something wrong - it is easy to say, "The devil made me do it." The devil is an excuse I don't believe in. And the threat of hell is used to force people to c... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29268 Views Religion Forum |
Paul, although a GOOD man, gave merit to his untiring zealous work to the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
If Jesus had not struck him blind, and poured forth His Spirit...Paul would have been as... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20408 Views Religion Forum |
I love humanity despite all of its weaknesses and darkest moments. I love people and believe, as you do, that we should show kindness to one another and help each stand when we fall. But... |
Christianitywe're nothing special
9 Posts • 3356 Views Religion Forum |
I'm going to take a wild stab at this and say that Mugen wasn't referring to common diseases that we have cures for when he mentioned diseases. I'm guessing he was more thinking of AIDS... |
Random QuestionsTop 5 Artists
45 Posts • 10019 Views Talk Talk |
i'm glad u liked them =)
Sigur ros have plenty of albums, i think you should better start with "Með suð i eyrum við spilum endalaust" : maybe it's not reckoned as their best al... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views Talk Talk |
Hey, wait a minute, I've just had a realization thanks to you people!
You made me think about my rights as a human being and something occurred to me, I can do whatever the fuck I want and no... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16828 Views Religion Forum |
just because mother thereasa stole from the church doesn't make her bad. The church is one of the richest organizations in the world. Not knowing anything about mother thereasa's activities... |
Lost love
9 Posts • 4641 Views Talk Talk |
How do I cope with it? How have some of you people out there coped with losing a boyfriend/girlfriend? I've heard the saying its always easier to leave then to be left. And I think that it is pre... |
Frou Frou- Let Go
2 Posts • 3219 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Couldn't find a video, but this is the prettiest song ever ade, and the first time I heard I cried from the extreme emotion it MAKES you feel.
Drink up baby doll
Are you in or are you out?... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
"Wrong - Levitical Law prohibits the enslavement of the Israelite."
And hence, allows the enslavement of everyone else.
"You desperately need to study the history of the early Chris... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10582 Views Science & Technology Forum |
" Since when do we put a patent on a plant?"
When it took years of research to make that plant. If I worked my ass off for a 5 years to make a faster-growing tomato, I'd sure be annoye... |
Its 6:51am
7 Posts • 3648 Views Talk Talk |
Its 6:51am. Tonight, changed my life. For the better, or for the worse, Im not sure yet. The girl that I once loved, has betrayed me....again. Im asking myself so many questions, I cant sleep. Why? Ho... |
ChristianityHappy in heaven... alone?
20 Posts • 7632 Views Religion Forum |
I wish I could belive you nurtured when you say its the fact we are scared FOR the person. Maybe it is for you. But you'd be very rare. I think, in fact, its the other way around.
Scientists... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
I never called anyone a greedy whore. I wish you weren't so offended so as to see these things.
I said they were after power and money, just like everybody else.
I don't know them pers... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
God is omnipotent, but he gave man a free will. To choose.
That is the definition of true love.
We as humans understand that concept in 'Love something set it FREE...etc'
Let me explai... |
Society & Sociologyfashion
26 Posts • 8636 Views Psychology Forum |
Fashion itself is not evil. Some people's appreach to it is destructive.
I have never been a follower of fashion and sometimes I have been ridiculed for this reason. That's sheep misdset ma... |
30 Posts • 8375 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess I should have read everyone else's post.
Murder sometimes has to be. Murder being probably the biggest evil, I don't think warrants hell - However - it might warrant purgatory, I... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Perhaps but I looked it up the dictionary which define it as lazy?
The NT quotes something about those who did not toil (work) & purposed 'that they that do not toil should not eat?'
J... |
48 Posts • 12653 Views Talk Talk |
That's how is seems, lies are detected by internal fluctuations, and our brains make brainwaves that like radio waves leave our skull, they are already trying do decifer this, no it will not be h... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9200 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is having the intelligence and responsibility to make the good decisions worth being forced to make the good decisions for the good of the world?
I agree, people do have the ability to make their... |
DepressionI am so depressed
3 Posts • 8741 Views Psychology Forum |
As someone suffering from depression myself I have some idea how you feel. I know how painful it can be to keep going through those cycles. The pain, the darkness, the not knowing why, the hopelessnes... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85896 Views Science & Technology Forum |
30 December 2012
Doomed Star Eta Carinae
Image Credit: J. Morse (Arizona State U.), K. Davidson (U. Minnesota) et al., WFPC2, HST, NASA
Eta Carinae may be about to explode. But no one knows when... |