Tagged > What makes women superficial |
Society & Sociologyimpulsive society?
9 Posts • 4410 Views Psychology Forum |
What difference does it make to you? If a person decides that a star makes them happy why rain on their parade?
I feel theyve lost their true purpose
In Japan tattoos were originally used to m... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3774 Views Psychology Forum |
Got something to add,
Research has found that women have more brain matter devoted to the language area then men do. This would make sense considering women seem on average supirior then male counter... |
Relationships & LoveRelationships kill, slowly.
5 Posts • 3014 Views Psychology Forum |
maybe the women wont make you feel that they want children at that time but deep down it's really what they want. cause that child would make them brek free from you while having you inside of th... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Power of Illusion
0 Posts • 824 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't think you have to beat yourself up over it, Decius. We're naturally this way. We want what's attractive. It's on an animal level. Symmetry, curvature, femininity, etc. It... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16872 Views Psychology Forum |
To Photar:....Maam I understand all of that....i'm saying it's about a balance...man is wrong for putting hisself above women, and women are in the same wrong because they are putting themse... |
Random QuestionsI got a fetish for a milf
2 Posts • 4641 Views Talk Talk |
I don't know why but i'm sexually attracted to some more mature women in my community. My question is I know that there are older women who like to mess around with younger boys but how can... |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19216 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Anyway, I don't really see there's anything to be done.
i am so happy being around these women. And NOT being around western women.
Happiness. Happy. :)
Not irritated, angry and fu... |
DepressionFed Up
13 Posts • 10481 Views Psychology Forum |
yeah...actually, I feel that way right now. I was thinking about friendships, actually. My image of 'friendship' has very much crumbled down. I feel as if I don't belong, that no one un... |
Kids complete women
12 Posts • 2797 Views Talk Talk |
For women, it's part of being a woman to want and have children. "You were designed for that purpose" is what I hear. It reinforces your identity as a woman. A woman without kids by the... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29319 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I believe that Gays should be allowed to marry, based solely on the fact that there should be no government restriction at all in the area of a bonding ceremony, its just fucking ridicules.
As far... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34664 Views Psychology Forum |
I think the disconnect in people's thought process is in understanding how women forced into a self-loathing state collect so much agression, yet often still play out a subserviant role. It'... |
sites about women you should check out
16 Posts • 7031 Views Talk Talk |
http://www.americanwomensuck.c om/
Arthur Schopenhauer's (famous 19th century philosopher) essay "On Women"
http://www.heretical.com/mis cella/onwomen.h... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You forgot something. The war cost a lot of money while the war machine makes a lot of money. The lobyist will do there best to convince whoever they need to convince that we need to go to war. Some p... |
 41yrs • M
Conan, what is most important in life? \"To crush your enemies to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women.\" That is good |
Sexual BiologyI like sex but have trouble Orgasming
17 Posts • 17692 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Alright well I'm no sex expert or anything, but it says you are only 15.. now I have no moral interest in what you do at your age, but your body might not even be attuned and ready for sex yet. I... |
189 Posts • 73099 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
____________________________ _________________________
women are inferior by nature and will be fuck ups regardless of how theya re as kids, and young boys dont mind fucking older women.... |
19 Posts • 10747 Views Philosophy Forum |
well no, i was actually talking about sexual orientation, not gender. although i do think the two may be connected in several ways, i don't know.
i just thought it was interesting how the greeks... |
Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2935 Views Talk Talk |
I know where you're coming from Decius, I don't watch TV. Like the kid I mentioned it seems to be a social crutch. But is that such a bad thing? Your delt with by your attitude and what you say, nothi... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34664 Views Psychology Forum |
This has already been summed up by NWA, not all women are bitch's but all women have a little bitch in them.
http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=M1YIcMmsQms |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
"if a man was dominating the women the whole time, the women will not feel satisfied"
i don't agree. |
Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9479 Views Psychology Forum |
I plan on dedicating a thread to the topic of birth control pills/natural female contraception methods and why it's such a farce that women have been taught to believe BCP is the best option for... |
Gender PsychologyHow are women more discrimated against than men?
4 Posts • 3337 Views Psychology Forum |
I PROMISE I'm not trying to vent or troll by this thread. I simply have had a professor push this issue so hard at me all semester in a class not even related to the subject, so I naturally think... |
Gender PsychologyWhy do women nag?
21 Posts • 20894 Views Psychology Forum |
Why do women nag? What causes them to do it? Most of the time it doesn't bother me so much. Other times I get angry and I just want to throw something through my girlfriends face. I love her thou... |
Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6108 Views Psychology Forum |
It's interesting to me that you use the word 'character.'
I think that's how I see women. Or, rather, how I wish to see women now. Sex; passion; romance as set, setting and char... |
Gender PsychologyHow are women more discrimated against than men?
4 Posts • 3337 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree. What I'm saying is, by focusing on making things better for women, we ignore men. That will just make them the more discriminated against party. Therefore feminism should be replaced by... |