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If women ruled the world... - Page 3

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 36yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that takemeseriously is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The question isn't so much how different would a matriarchal government would be compared to a patriarchal government, but more of a 'how much different would the world be if the major religions weren't all patriarchal systems but instead matriarchal goddess-worshiping religion?' After all, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have obviously affected history to an extreme extent. How much different would the world be if people worshipped Astarte or the old fertility goddesses of Egypt and South America?

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"If home is where the heart is, then I got evicted this week (Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains)"
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that KGB is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Everything boils down to morality (whatever that word means to different people). would a "goddesses" morals be any better or worse than any other god's morals? again, it comes down to individual beliefs. so naturally a world dominated by people worshipping goddesses would be different than the one we live in now, but any other minor religion (whether matriarchal or patriarchal) would make the world different if it were the dominant religion. morality can't be separated into masculine and feminine.

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"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If we had female goddesses worshipped, wouldn't women be treated better? We would be more tied to "Mother Earth" and take care of any woman who has a baby, regardless of her condition. Maybe then men would be punished more for rape and searched if they did not take care of their biological children. Women could be granted the highest positions in government. Isn't it possible?

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 51yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Photar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
To Photar:....Maam I understand all of that....i'm saying it's about a is wrong for putting hisself above women, and women are in the same wrong because they are putting themselves above man in this day and's a power struggle between both sides that goes nowhere but downward...what do you think woman power is about?...the word power is not just a word for decoration!!....There's strengthening and there's powerstruggle......... And it's not religion if I speak about adam and eve it's history.....woman was brought from man to complete him....not to be ruled under him.....women don't need to look down on man and men don't need to do the's all a balance, and the world has been off balance ever since sin hit, because they only delve into two everything is the way it is because we're at one of those extremes, A womans world....Like it was in the beginning, it's the same way in the end!

You think this is a womans world? Look who is in power. Look who has most of the money, most of the high positions and almost all of the political power. We are at war because of the actions of men (as usual). This is not a judgement, just a fact. 9/11? Men.
Jewish Holocaust? Men. Running the Titanic into an iceberg? Men. I believe original sin was forgiven by Christ at Calvary under the new covenent but I would still say women have paid a million times over for nothing we ever did. I think that was an excuse though up by the early church to stop women preaching and save the power for the men. (This definately happened in the early church. There was little of Jesus' teachings being followed at that time- around 300AD). Make women the scapegoat and the menfolk come off rosey and have been trading on it ever since. ("Oh, but it's Eve's fault there is sin. We had nothing to do with it!"
Adam wasn't even there apparently.
We have been second class citizens in most societies since history was recorded and for the most part remain so.

Anyway the question is moot. MOST (I never said all) women only want control so they can feel safe. What do they want to feel safe from/with? Wouldn't be men and their wars etc would it?
Do I look down on men? No. All people are equal.
Their trackrecord is rather more sorded than ours however and anyone who blames women for the worlds problems has 0% knowledge of history and current events..
You say things are like they are now because it's a women's world but of you look at any period in history you would find the same problems and even if it's a women's world now no-one could say it was before the 1970's.
No one, however Catholic,(I was one for 19 years) could blame women for the worlds problems. Look at history and you will see it repeating whatever the status of women at any given time.

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"We are, all of us, in the gutter but some of us a looking at stars"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
if you went back in time and asked a women there if she would go to the future and live a life where you're the boss do you really think they'd go. As you are probably thinking it depends on the woman. Although you are obviously upset over past injustices look and see that all women aren't like you. Many women are satisfied with a traditional lifestyle.

Their trackrecord is rather more sorded than ours however and anyone who blames women for the worlds problems has 0% knowledge of history and current events..

And to say that men are 100% wrong wouldn't make sense either.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 51yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Photar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
if you went back in time and asked a women there if she would go to the future and live a life where you're the boss do you really think they'd go.

My point exactly. Most women don't want power which may make them better candidates for those who do. Many more men want power but sadly some misuse it terribly.

As you are probably thinking it depends on the woman. Although you are obviously upset over past injustices look and see that all women aren't like you. Many women are satisfied with a traditional lifestyle.

Yes, they are. Because they have the choice. My grand mother grew up in a time it wasn't seems for married women to work. She did because she was driven and wanted to contribute. My mum often worked with her as a girl. She ignored convention and did well at every job she took. She had the choice because her husband supported equal rights for women and thought holding them back was short sighted and wasteful.

Do you think my nan would have been happy had she been forced to stay home like most of her friends were?
If she has stayed home by choice she would have also been happy. It's not the lifestyle, it's the ability to choose it that's important.

I enjoy working but I would rather work part time if I could.
I like having time for other outlets. It's not ambitious but I enjoy mental stimulation and the sense of achievent and fellowship I get from work.

Not all women want the same thing just all men don't. I'm not saying that for a minute. But there are women who stay in abusive relationships or who live as servants because they believe they should. No person should be expected to subjegate themselves to another yet women are expected to defere to men often. If a women wears jeans that's OK for her to look manly, if a man wears a dress he is a joke, weak, foolish, he becomes about the dress and no one takes him seriously. No one would put this man in a position of responsability yet put him back in his suit...

I know some awesome, wonderful men and some nasty women.
I'm not saying men are 100% wrong. Just more men have made bigger, more destricive errors than women because violent tendancies are more common in men, they often have more desire to prove themselves publically and because they have had the chance. Women also make mistakes but I think the agression level goes down as the testosterone does. (that's a medical fact)

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"We are, all of us, in the gutter but some of us a looking at stars"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
you should watch the sketch done by the british comedy duo the two ronnies. its a good example of what might possibly happen.

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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Women could be granted the highest positions in government. Isn't it possible?

This is currently the case in Canada though few realise it. And the presence of a woman doesn't seem to make anything better.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What's important as Photar said is that women are given the chance, the choice, but if you're in a society that encourages a woman to stay at home or take lower positions, you're not giving women fair chances.

It's important to create that envirionment where BOTH men and women are encourages to go into ALL fields (instead of making girls go intro cheerleading and boys into football.)

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think women now a day have a choice. When they go to marry a man they should have made sure that he would give them the choice. That's just being practical, I understand that's not perfect and it probably never will be perfect

This is currently the case in Canada though few realise it. And the presence of a woman doesn't seem to make anything better.

Canada has a male prime minister and actually right now were in an election campaign. The first time I get to vote! But I think you're thinking of New Zealand and yes it ain't any better.

Any women who thinks that in modern times they haven't been givin a fair chance is just making excuses for their failure. Many women have made success these days. Women and men both receive equal education and rights.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Canada has a male prime minister and actually right now were in an election campaign. The first time I get to vote! But I think you're thinking of New Zealand and yes it ain't any better.

Like I said few people realise it. The Governor General is a woman and that is the highest political office Canada has.

It's important to create that envirionment where BOTH men and women are encourages to go into ALL fields

We should create an enviroment where people do what they are best at.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Technically the governor general is the highest member of Canadian politics but she really has no say in law making compared to the prime minister.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 51yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Photar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The first time I get to vote! But I think you're thinking of New Zealand and yes it ain't any better.

Well, it's a damn site better than Australia! We are at war with the Middle East, threated by terrorists on a weekly basis and our PM is about to strip workers rights, after 100 years of progress, to give more money to the the rich while the most vulnerable suffer.

I'm thinking of moving to New Zealand to get away from this crazy shit.

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"We are, all of us, in the gutter but some of us a looking at stars"
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Any women who thinks that in modern times they haven't been givin a fair chance is just making excuses for their failure.

Women haven't been given a fair chance. Girls are taught to play with dolls (and so enhance their social skills) instead of playing with blocks and trucks to enhance their spacial skills. In schools, boys are picked on more than girls (this is based on a research study.) You call that a fair chance?
We should create an enviroment where people do what they are best at.

How do you do that? What if I like something I'm not good at?

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
How do you do that? What if I like something I'm not good at?

That's the whole point. We can't just encourage everyone to do what they want or we would not have enough people doing what is necessary. If you have a poor math skills why should you be encouraged to become a math professor? Not all things can be learned by all people.

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
If women ruled the world... - Page 3
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