Tagged > What makes women superficial |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15041 Views Philosophy Forum |
hi brandy.
i think women are beautiful. however, i think i can appreciate their beauty without being sexually attracted to them. is that what you mean?
when i browse this site, i almost always l... |
 38yrs • M
hey i have a big cock |
Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3814 Views Psychology Forum |
If it is just physical sexual gratification I don't see any problem. Emotional gratification is another story because that goes deeper. The physical is only superficial. But yeah, why not? Go for... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82902 Views Psychology Forum |
I find it interesting that humans tend to project their emotions outward .. assuming that when we feel upset about something, it means there is something wrong "out there", with another pers... |
189 Posts • 73098 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
______________________ _____________________________
I dont even have a job and still live with my mom so I cant afford dates .....the only women I am really attracted to are women alot older... |
SocietyWomen To Be Farmed In The Future?
11 Posts • 2869 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
if we are going to farm women we will have a good chance of modifiying them into better women. I wonder what great ideas scientists can come up with. I personally would like a mute one. |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84765 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
hi, most women do it cos they like to do it, r some do cos they feel they must, it depends on what type of women it is, its not a bad thing to swallow.... |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19216 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Sammy, you are turning this into a women against men thing. Stop it.
I haven't set that kind of debate up at all. You are still taking this personally.
And this is not about 'bitches&... |
 37yrs • F
kill my mom fer me, please? |
 37yrs • M
Missin Lover |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11368 Views Psychology Forum |
*yuck* *yuck* *yuck* *yuck* *yuck* *yuck* *yuck* *yuck*
Wyote, I don't think I needed that image in my head this afternoon.
Everyone knows they can't be perfect, but they are in the ra... |
Serial KillersGary Ridgway vs Ted Bundy
0 Posts • 7070 Views Psychology Forum |
I think you are right that it has to do with America's modern day celebrity sickness. The superficial and shallow are glorified, and because Ted Bundy is attractive and charismatic as well as rut... |
Male vs. female
5 Posts • 3672 Views Talk Talk |
An issue recently crossed my desk that I want your opinions on. We all know men and women are different psychologically and physiologically(most of the time), but in the crazy times we are in today ar... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16872 Views Psychology Forum |
Most societies today are patriarchal. But if women were leaders of society, what would be different?
Will we ever come to a time when men are thought of as the weaker sex? |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19216 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
This is not though a debate about culture. Not primarily.
This is about why western women have a problem with being feminine, and eastern european women do not.
My point, and perspective. |
Emotions & FeelingsI Hate Cheating
12 Posts • 7240 Views Psychology Forum |
*ponder* *ponder*... how am I goint to get this hand bigger
I know what you mean. But I hate when women say they like a nice guy, but they end up going out with some guy that only cares about the t... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11368 Views Psychology Forum |
my "face to face" comment was making fun of the fact that i have been so judemental. i think because i have dealt with so many women throughout the years i have every right to be the way i a... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46370 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I think that stuff about gays are just a piece of shit there is no such thing as a man with another man or a women with another women, its becouse of the environment and our stupid money grabing socie... |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13925 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand what Rammstein is saying, though. All this "metrosexual" stuff is coming up. Soon all media will be focused toward men who act like women, and so maybe eventually women will act... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16872 Views Psychology Forum |
As much as I would like to say that women would make the world a better place, given the opportunity, I honestly don't think that's true. I would have to agree with many of the people who ha... |
57 Posts • 10412 Views Talk Talk |
i think chiron makes quite a good point, it is only generally women who gain their opinion of beauty from the supermodels they see. Often their boyfriend or partner would prefer them to be more health... |
Women, girls, Female...easy to read like a paper or alien creature to "MAN"kind?
7 Posts • 2385 Views Talk Talk |
I've searched through most of the "guys" forum, but didn't find anything regarding the understanding of girls as of yet, except for a few.
women, girls and female alike, can'... |
BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12156 Views Talk Talk |
As for me. When I was younger I was a true idealist and wanted to change the world. But I didnt like the idea of being a dictator. I felt just because I believed a certain way was right did not mean i... |
Gender PsychologyWomen Hate Me
16 Posts • 21904 Views Psychology Forum |
I seem to have spent my life in #2.
I was wondering how women feel about this too?
Do they feel trapped in the choices they have with males?
I always have experienced men as t... |
 37yrs • M
Art is I, Science is we and Maths is all |