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Why I hate women - Page 2

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 57yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that HissyFit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I find it interesting that humans tend to project their emotions outward .. assuming that when we feel upset about something, it means there is something wrong "out there", with another person or an event, as opposed to there being something wrong "in here", with "me".

I think the original poster's feelings toward women say more about him than about the women he thinks he hates.

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 64yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that sunonleaves is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i agree

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 39yrs • M
darius27 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I find it interesting that humans tend to project their emotions outward .. assuming that when we feel upset about something, it means there is something wrong "out there", with another person or an event, as opposed to there being something wrong "in here", with "me".

I think the original poster's feelings toward women say more about him than about the women he thinks he hates.

This is the typical women's response conspicuously veiled in half-assed psychology (the problem is "internal" with "him"... It's also a way of saying to the man that he is "weak" for having any negativity or aggressive feelings towards women... "you are cynical and aggressive towards women... well, the problem is is probably in you... you are "projecting""

Women often disguise their attacks on men with seemingly innocuous and gentle "suggestions"...without realize that their snide, smug attitude is quite visible... and, in fact, part of the reason they are so smug and shallow in their observations and suggestions about men, is because this type of attitude is so prevalent in our politically correct world, this level of criticism... it's as if this is where they can feel powerful and secure.... just watch any women's daytime talk show(you won't be able to hand it for more than a few minutes)

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 57yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that HissyFit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I've never felt inferior in regards to my intellect, though I'm guessing many women do. If anything, my experience has been that many men feel inferior intellectually when they spend time with me. So perhaps it's more a human struggle, as opposed to a woman's struggle, this sense of inferiority anyone can feel in a situation where one feels "lesser than" as a result of their own concepts and beliefs about themselves.

Discounting a woman's comments as "half-assed psychology" or suggesting her attitude is snide and smug because he doesn't like what she has to say, is simply a man's attempt to build himself up artificially by attempting to knock her down, all of which is easier than genuinely considering what she has to say.

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 39yrs • M
darius27 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Discounting a woman's comments as "half-assed psychology" or suggesting her attitude is snide and smug because he doesn't like what she has to say, is simply a man's attempt to build himself up artificially by attempting to knock her down, all of which is easier than genuinely considering what she has to say.

I wasn't discounting what you said... In fact, I was trying to account for it suggesting that women often times are dismissive of men's criticisms of women by being short and superficial in their assessment.... I was merely responding to your response to the OP, which didn't take into account why he felt the he did but was rather dismissive ( " think the original poster's feelings toward women say more about him than about the women he thinks he hates."

You sort of use the same tactic against me when you feel insulted because you think I "didn't like" what you said so i just HAD to "knock" down women (because that's what angry men always do to feel better about themselves, right? ...THAT"S the go-to answer to regain your security right?)...You also added the stereotype that men never adequately listen to women as well... " all of which is easier than genuinely considering what she has to say."

I suppose I could be using more neutral language...

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 57yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that HissyFit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think society places little value on "emotional females". A woman who expresses herself more like a man, intellectually and without much emotion, is valued more for her comments than a woman who simply speaks from the heart, all messy and illogical, without having the thoughts pass through analysis and intellect. I see value in both the well-thought-out, intellectually worded expression and in the messy illogical emotional ones. My experience has been that this society doesn't like the latter .. we shouldn't cry in public apparently.

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 39yrs • M
darius27 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I think society places little value on "emotional females". A woman who expresses herself more like a man, intellectually and without much emotion, is valued more for her comments than a woman who simply speaks from the heart

Well, there's the idea that an "emotional female" is either being manipulative, is oblivious to herself and indulging in a moody nature, or simply does not take the time to intellectualize things, so is looked down on with contempt.... Conversely, a women that speaks "like a man" can also be looked down upon for trying to be "something she's not"... So in a way, a woman might feel very insecure expressing herself one way or another, feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.. I think women think they have to be emotional sometimes to give men something to do ( come to their rescue )... sometimes women do this to be manipulate... sometimes they are conditioned to do it and it's not their fault....

But men and women are both highly suggestive to any appeal to the emotions... Just look at how readily men lunge themselves at war because someone stirs up their aggressive tendencies just the right way.

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 57yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that HissyFit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Perhaps an emotional female is simply being herself, devoid of hidden motives. And perhaps she wishes others would see value in her, simply being herself. Ah, to live in a world where emotion was valued as much as reason, where both men and women were free to flip between the two, without being devalued or ridiculed.

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 36yrs • M •
sizzlinsteaks is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I think there are too many men in agreement with the frustrating nature of females to call it a problem within any one man. It's the same kind of crap so called pick up artists use as a pitch... the problem is in you, you need to change. The problem CAN be solved with this mentality, you CAN adapt and capitalize on knowledge of social situations... but is this bettering yourself? Are you changing yourself to reach a higher standard? Is this objectively moral? I do not think so. Men should not change who they are to conform to the needs of women. Period. Men should follow what they believe is right and act accordingly, if that means you aren't so hot with this ladies because you lack the easy confidence and arrogance that comes with being an asshole... deal with it. I think is time for men to just accept the fact that.. yeah there are a lot of bitchy women out there, and yeah its rough... but it shouldn't change anything about what you believe is right. Stick to your guns, but don't get bitter. Going on an angry rant about the kind of shit that almost any guy has put up with from women isn't going to change anything. Maybe you will never meet the right women, maybe the one girl who turns it all around for you and takes all that bitterness away because she actually takes responsibility for her actions will never show. That some shit.. but you know what? It's not going to change either, let it go, be the man you think you should be and find fulfillment in life somewhere else... this is the one area that you can't fight for, because no matter how hard you try, people are going to follow their own paths and if a woman wants to be a b***... well theres nothing you can do about it.

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 71yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that littlejohn is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hi, perspective from another male... I was able to be very logical and analytical , even succinct, regarding my emotions for most of my life. Then, out of nowhere came a new set of emotions I had not experienced, and I found myself tongue tied and reaching... much like the feminine process being portrayed here. And, indeed , I have thought ... damn, this is a role reversal. I'm not going to suggest to anyone they do things differently, only that .. you might think you have seen it all, and got everything cool, under control... but it aint necessarilly so. I hope for your sake you dont get to know what I am having to learn. but if you ever do, you may go a little easier on the chicks.

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 36yrs • M •
sizzlinsteaks is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
You have me spooked on the lesson you've learned, you may be right.. thats one lesson I might not want. But in the end I think it's more about fulfillment than being right. I was a little zealous in my first post and I think I lost myself a bit... following what you believe is right (too me) is a path to fulfillment... it isn't necessarily about being right, just having faith in yourself and doing the best you can. And when you cannot agree with the paths of others, forgiveness helps the pain and frustration. In the end I'd rather have forgiven and died free of anger than stayed angry and fought till the last day.
Life becomes about more than being right when you look at the clock, and though I am not religious, I do believe that the lessons taught by christianity are good ones.

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 34yrs • M •
puffinsmke420 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
i totally agree with u...women are greedy, manipulative, selfish assholes....they say men are attracted to youth in women, thick hair as a sign of fertility....and women are attracted to stability in a man....what's stability money FuCKING matter whether you marry a women or date or one night stand that ho....there all whores...all the same just after your money and power....u know why some women wont have sex till their there signed on for half your shit before you get what u want from them....Fuck the whores they create so many babies that it drags the whole system down....Down with WOMEN get rid of those idiots!

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 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that pickup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I hope this whole thread is just aweful sarcasm

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"I like carl sagans spin on that, we are all made of the same stuff therefore we are all one and should love one another as an extension of ourselfs"
 28yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that agentchaos is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i agree with this guy completely

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 25yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that ravenclaw is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Apparently, physical characteristics notwithstanding, I'm not female, because all I wear are definitely-not-slutty shirts and jeans, and I don't hold people to impossible standards or use the possibility of sex to exploit people, nor I am I planning to in the future.

If the only women you can see are the bitchy ones, you are either living in a really bad place or you need some glasses. Or you have had so much bad luck in the past that you can't even recognize the non-bitchy women. Same goes for anyone else who agrees with this guy.
Hedgehog says it best: if you want to hate somebody, anybody, don't hate them as a group. Hate them as an individual, because despite the fact that you might think you have seen all the women (or all the men, or all the people of a certain religious group, or all the people of a certain subculture, or some other such thing), you haven't. There are a lot more people in the world than you can see, and if you consistently see the same type of people, you are either having a recurring nightmare, or you are consistently going to the same places, and thus excluding a very large part of the population.

I am sorry that so many men here have apparently been exploited by women. If a woman is in fact exploiting people with her sexuality, then yes, that is bad, but please leave the rest of the female population alone and bitch about this somewhere else.

There is a massive amount of gender bias stuck in a massive number of people's heads, as well as a massive number of individually varying differences between men and women, which those people are willing to massively distort and generalize based on their own massive biases.
Get over it dammit. I'm talking to both sides here. Men aren't universally jerks or universally prince-charmings, nor are women universally sluts or universally over-demanding bitches or anything else anyone thinks anyone else is universally. No group of people is universally always any one particular thing (unless that thing is the defining characteristic of that group, which, in cases that a lot of people think it is, isn't the case).

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Why I hate women - Page 2
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