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Tagged > What makes women superficial
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22589 Views
Religion Forum
So God's image, is Man's soul? The body is simply the vessel for God's image until it can enter heaven? Why does there even need to be a life? Why can't souls just enter heaven...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9958 Views
Psychology Forum
What makes you so sure that there is an absolute universal truth? your assertion that there is a universal truth only furthers your proof that your are close-minded. and remember, an ignorant man sa...
THREAD suicide with heartbreak?
16 Posts • 12048 Views
Talk Talk
From a male's perspective, I have done a lot of stupid things in my life - the majority of which had to do with my own stupidity when it came to women. I look way back and am actually embarassed...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9334 Views
Religion Forum
That means Oblivion can't prove the "9 out of 10 rapists are religious" statement... What i said there was not fact. It was simply an educational guess. Hence the "I would be...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27267 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Dear Leftwood: Love is no more a product of homosexuality than it is of heterosexuality. I could never deny that deep sincere Loving relationships exist on both sides of the equation. Of course...
THREAD FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13285 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hey James you should check this out...goes with your theory of "gods" being evolved humans e.html. They follow Jesus' words but differ in their beliefs...
THREAD LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22168 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Also: kitimaridimashi - I was hoping you would clarify what you were saying your statement: "I makes me crazy when someone speaks again gay, lesbian or bisexual marriage!" does not mak...
THREAD EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Obama regime? Money is behind it, UNRESTRAINED MONEY is behind it, SOMEONE HAS TO PLAY THE GAME OR NO ONE WINS, baby steps at least Obama is passive world destruction instead of Bush who was Active...
THREAD Negative...
15 Posts • 3714 Views
Philosophy Forum
Welcome to CC Girlbot, I think I am going to like talking to you! I disagree Decius, I think repression is a choice one makes that allows them to continue on. That is how I deal with things,...
THREAD Short Films
10 Posts • 3983 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
some of the effects are fantastic. they arent as detailed as the "real deal" but these people definately know their stuff and have done their research. for fan flicks they are five star....
THREAD EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Let's back up a bit, and forget the numbers for a second. I think we are reaching a consensus that: Corporate power should be limited (politically and retain some sort of liability to those th...
141 Posts • 31186 Views
Talk Talk
I'm cynical of people like /\ *censored* who think human breeding is absurd, but wouldn't be here if it weren't for human breeding, and odds are participates in human breeding themself....
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views
Psychology Forum
This is a very interesting conversation. I enjoy it. Spicesoup- When I said "Forgiveness" It had to be after he realized that pursuing "pleasure" will NOT bring him lasting hap...
51 Posts • 20012 Views
Philosophy Forum
i think thats all bullshit. if you arent yourself then you are wasting your time as well as others. it pisses me off to no end when i figure out how fake people are being. being fake and keeping your...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42430 Views
Religion Forum
Jesus, you people are down right silly. Although it is near impossible to explain, I think you better start taking a better look at you "experiences". I have experienced such things, and...
THREAD ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6545 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You have me at a disadvantage because I can't post the links I went to anymore. No longer trusted I guess. :) But... That is not what he suggested. He suggested that issuing an order to break...
THREAD Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views
Psychology Forum
It has just occurred to me, reading your previous post, Decius, that there may be another way of viewing this. I'm not sure it is true to say, within the context of this thread, that women are...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16251 Views
Religion Forum
If pepper is bad and salt is good, all food is seasoned with it. Within all religion you have thoughs who are and seek great goodness and you have those who use their religion to do wrong. We all e...
THREAD social mobility in the class system
15 Posts • 5424 Views
Philosophy Forum
mikeh - Yeah, I was basically saying that education makes better societies. But also that we shouldn't educate everyone equally (and often can't anyway). Education would be different dependi...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Afterlife
22 Posts • 9840 Views
Philosophy Forum
Personally, I'm still debating exactly what I believe in, after death. And as for where religion kicks's a little theory I thought up. I've seen people from every religion...
THREAD Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23789 Views
Philosophy Forum
i had my best friend shoot himself because i broke up wit him....yes i cried yes i was extremely upset but was it because he was becuse he did it cuz of i blame myself hell yea...
THREAD JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103728 Views
Jokes & Games
Oh its on... you want to talk about mothers... it's mother time!!! Yo mamas breath smells so bad, when she yawns her teeth duck. Yo mamas so old, her breast milk is powder. Yo mamas so stupi...
THREAD ChristianityQuestion for Christians
3 Posts • 5388 Views
Religion Forum
I have asked my self the same question. It seems like there should be an answer to this question, but I cannot find an answer to this question which makes me question my belief, and why I believe as I...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20511 Views
Psychology Forum
Like I said it doesn't matter how many people believe it. It is a matter of what is or what isn't. Five billion people may be right or they may be wrong. But just because there is more doesn...
THREAD FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11502 Views
Philosophy Forum
No matter how much you bang, you'll never get 6-legged men to survive. Why? The amount of food necessary to maintain the extra body weight carried in 4 extra legs. We are still evolving from smal...
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