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Tagged > What makes women superficial
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views
Religion Forum
I will discuss your facts with you in a more appropriate thread.What makes my facts inappropriate for this thread? We are talking about why one believes in God. These are my reasons, or more appropria...
30 Posts • 8375 Views
Philosophy Forum
But what if you are "insane" or "multiple personality" and you kill someone. If the God is all forgiving and the person was not in there right mind they should go to heaven.......r...
3 Posts • 2940 Views
Talk Talk
Does anyone own or have experience with pistols? Who makes the best pistol? I've always wanted a Beretta but I hear SIG SAUER is very good and is becoming the preferred company. Also, what is...
THREAD Police Taser Use Increase
16 Posts • 8383 Views
Talk Talk
I have heard quite a few news stories myself regards this. The more I read the more it seems to me that the problem is with the way they are training the police to use them. Instead of trying to find...
THREAD ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24289 Views
Religion Forum
If good things come from them then they are true" That makes no sense at all! Can you be more specific with this idea here? I'm still waiting for your great wisdom, you offer none, yet yo...
THREAD Poetry'Untitled'
51 Posts • 13386 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I think I exist... I am conscious of my own identity. I was born and I will die I occupy a particular point in space. No other solid object can occupy the same point simultaneously. I can feel pa...
112 Posts • 27057 Views
Talk Talk
Heh, a thing on soda: I love the way people are always saying "what's the point of getting everything supersized and then ordering a diet coke? there's just no point," when really...
THREAD Serial KillersGary Ridgway vs Ted Bundy
0 Posts • 7070 Views
Psychology Forum
You are right, I didn't know about Gary. A quick glance at his Wikipedia page divulged that most of his victims were prostitutes. Prostitutes are easy prey. Ted Bundy, however, killed colle...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25422 Views
Psychology Forum
But wouldn't you consider the idea that sometimes suicide makes people more considerate and compassion a purpose? That's just one example of the effect suicide may have and I'm sure...
THREAD Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7518 Views
Psychology Forum
Don't underestimate cuteness. If it makes parents more likely to take care of their kids, I'd say it's a huge issue. The bigger issue it touches is why parents take care of offspring wh...
112 Posts • 27057 Views
Talk Talk
People talking at movies bug me to so do dumbasses and there damned cell phones and the retards who insist on brining babies to the theatre that makes me angry at least when they start crying away.......
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27645 Views
Religion Forum
i seriously have to add new information to those who think that islam is truly a religion and that the quran is a holy book i'm an arab christian living with moslims ,actually in an islamic commu...
THREAD Random QuestionsMarried or single?
3 Posts • 4270 Views
Talk Talk
What makes you happy when your married or single? Are you more carefree when your single or married? Do you think marrige is more of a security blanket?
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyChildhood Memories
8 Posts • 4039 Views
Psychology Forum
It makes you doubt memory, the truth is infinite in diversity and allows no singular perspective of doubt or certainty. This is why it doesn't matter. We can't seem to be able to know the...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI lost the love of my life, how can I get her back
9 Posts • 24193 Views
Psychology Forum
I am a 18 year old college student. During high school I dated this girl for 3 years. When we started to date she told me she wanted to wait to have sex until she was married, so I respected her wishe...
THREAD LawRight to choose Right to kill.
5 Posts • 3393 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Okay we all know abortion isn't that important of an issue and it is mainly used to divide people from left to right however it is still an interesting issue. The thing that gets me is RIGHT T...
THREAD ChristianityChristians believe they are cannibals
8 Posts • 2814 Views
Religion Forum
If Christians really believe they eat the body of Christ and drink the blood of Christ then that makes them a cannibal. That does not make sense people. Ah, I think there is a symbolic nature to this...
THREAD IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 17132 Views
Religion Forum
Islam is the only religion which makes believing in all the other prophets(jesus,ibrahim etc) an article of faith. The Quran doesn't say that only muslims will go to heaven, and the 'infidel...
THREAD PerceptionDeath
12 Posts • 4748 Views
Psychology Forum
Is it so far fetched for me to find death more natural than I do life? It makes more sense to me than living does. People feel the need to give living a purpose. It's not often questioned why we...
THREAD Relationships & LoveAdvice would be nice
19 Posts • 4867 Views
Psychology Forum
You're right. I know I should leave, but whenever I try, I break down and call him again. Part of me wants to leave and show him how much he'd really miss me, but then the other half wants t...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan we connect philosophy with racism?
2 Posts • 2541 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ideology universalizes, absolutises, and reifies (makes an object of) abstract concepts. that whole sentance is just like a double negative, Universalizes and refines abstract concepts thats just...
THREAD Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301191 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
This makes the moon seem to be 'in front' of earth's atmosphere. It's an illusion, of course. The moon is really a quarter of a million miles away. The picture is tricky because of...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6523 Views
Religion Forum
I'm not sure if any of that made sense or not. Good try though. By the way, wouldn't infinity be the greatest concievable something? Couldn't your definiton of God then be reduced to in...
THREAD hi my names chopped liver
17 Posts • 5436 Views
Talk Talk
Just one fish in the sea. But, honestly you should of made a move physically not verbally. Girls don't want to here that you like them they want you to show it (well at least at the beginning). T...
THREAD The two biggest neo-fags in Hollywood
0 Posts • 3558 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
i think the only thing they may have lost is originality. Scott more than Lucas. the scope and creativity has diminished somewhat as well. i wouldnt write Lucas off yet, all of his time has been on St...
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