OMG I ate Jesus last Sunday! His body was not so good but the blood was amazing! But kidding aside the whole "Do this in memory of me" thing does have symbolic meaning. By the way i'm catholic and i've been asking my self this cannibalism question since i started taking communion which starts at age seven. And here is what i think. This notion of eating someone else to gain there "power" as it were is a tribal ritual that goes back before the rise of the monotheistic gods and still went on in jesus' time. The whole idea that eating someone grants you there strenth is i think childish. But isn't that what we're doing? Consuming His body and blood to be more like him? But still when i go up there and see the "body" all i see is a badly cooked cracker and when i see the "blood" i see free wine(lol). but really it is a form cannibalism no two ways about it.
But i have two questions to propose to believers and non-believers both.
1) if you were in a plane crash and landed in the middle of no where and knew that rescue would take months. Now you have no food on the plane that can last that long except the passengers who died would you eat them to survive?
2) If the only way to get into heaven is to eat the body and blood of Jesus would you eat him?
Keep in mind i am just asking these questions just came off the top of my head so please just think about i don't mean to offend even if i do.