The problem with the designated driver program - it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house - Ana Rpo
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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12634 Views
Religion Forum
Does the title of a religion, the people who wrote about it, or when they wrote it, mean so much this day and age, that the true Word of God can be stifled by simantics? Of course it does. People...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9198 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Well, my dear Hedgehog," I feel that you are being condescending. Please try to respect me as an equal individual. If you could give me some information as to why you believe emotions...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
My mother was in the hospital crictical ill, so I didn't vote. Afteward we talked, she would have voted for him & I against him. So I look at it as we would have cancelled each others vote....
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10376 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
its true that they don't deal with the problem until its out of hand, but with alcohol you can't limit how much people can get. they can just go to different bars or drink as much as they wa...
THREAD ChristianityWhen jesus comes hes going to be pissed
20 Posts • 6718 Views
Religion Forum
"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder." but none have the claim of following the Apostles. Not even Patrish, when her extended Apostle condemned the war in Iraq, she sup...
THREAD God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14836 Views
Religion Forum
Only what they individually claim, many will say they are all the same, Christians (more fundamentalisticly) will claim their professed god to be the only true god and that others are just wrong, as f...
THREAD IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views
Religion Forum
I presume you know very little about Buddhisim True but irrelevant. I used the word enlightened in the sense of finding the right path to god or goodness or what have you. Point is I know a Buddhis...
67 Posts • 18850 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not true because it is not unpredictible to say that running a red light will cause an accident. There are simply more outcomes that are possible. It is simply a chance as to which fate you will have...
THREAD Do you ever get tired of being the nice guy?
15 Posts • 5566 Views
Talk Talk
You are an asshole in disguise. The reason you play nice is because you think it's what other people want, but it's not what you want. That's why you get tired of it from time to time,...
THREAD Relationships & LoveHurt...
9 Posts • 4188 Views
Psychology Forum
Make the best of what you have in your life and go search for the "true connection." But ask yourself this first, "Am I the person I want to befriend?" Are you as forgiving, as tru...
THREAD Gender PsychologyNaivety in men
6 Posts • 4551 Views
Psychology Forum
You miss them because they took your faith, and you hate them because they took your faith. So very true. *roll* *roll*
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsMaterial Body's Importance: Right or Wrong
17 Posts • 7372 Views
Philosophy Forum
That was profound. As true as that may be, most of the time we forget the reality concerning our bodies. Especially younger people who feel immortal. And those who forget face insecurities when the...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57894 Views
Religion Forum
So can we all agree that for every good there is an equal bad? If we can all agree on this then we can start asking why this is true? In my opinion, it is because of balance, *everything* has an oppos...
THREAD Illuminati
22 Posts • 11350 Views
Philosophy Forum
Just to clarify and reiterate. Your point about old connections doesn't change the fact that they have ruled from behind the scenes. One of the points of a new world order is open rulership. Peo...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
That's what's so good about this site. There is such an assortment of people on it from different places, ages, backgrounds etc. that you get a variety of different opinions on one subject....
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62753 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I so agree with this from the a few weeks after the whole 9/11 thing I thought of the exact thing they want drugs; fuel and natural resources. Being the paranoid person I am I reckon they might try...
THREAD Changing your ways
5 Posts • 2236 Views
Talk Talk
I have changed a lot of my behavior in part due to discussions on CC. Some I've participated in and some I have simply read. I wonder now, if I would have reached this same point in my life, had...
THREAD God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12634 Views
Religion Forum
I've found that most contradictions that occur, even inside a sole religion, is usually based on human interpretation leading to speculatory judgements, which of course, lends a hand to other fal...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWhy didn't traditional Marxist theory focus on ethical values?
5 Posts • 3285 Views
Philosophy Forum
Why didn't traditional Marxist theory focus on ethical values? I have been reading this book and the author states that Marx did not care about ethical values, but the author does not really e...
THREAD 3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9941 Views
Philosophy Forum
Of course this theory is true. Everybody must fall into one of those categories, because there is no other cattegory for man to fall in. Someone will either rule, be ruled, or help rule. I suppose tha...
THREAD What Is The Perfect Person?
20 Posts • 6960 Views
Talk Talk
perfect means flawless, what we see as flaws are all culturally defined, so perfection will also be culturally defined. true perfection is unobtainable, as we cannot know what it is to be truly per...
THREAD Religion & Humanityreligon
10 Posts • 3658 Views
Religion Forum
*I also support gay marriage* According to the bible, without hope a man will die and I believe that is true. One can say religion is the hope that drives a person when all seems hopeless. I...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views
Psychology Forum
i think people often join because they are searching for something "greater" in life (see The Void). things get very repetitive in day to day life and joining is a new and different world no...
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26404 Views
Psychology Forum
Originally posted by weltanschau... "For the question of emotion, how do you define an emotion? " Exactly. I do think it is something to have or not have though. Which means that if...
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20686 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've pondered on this topic for quite a while now, considering how young I am. Like mentioned before by the others, you just have to accept what this life is and what it has to offer. Because in...
  64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72  
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