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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21562 Views
Religion Forum
There are some really fanitical Christian terrorist groups the FBI keeps their eye on. Every religion has their nut cases. It really comes down to what you believe about your creator. Is your creat...
THREAD ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10195 Views
Philosophy Forum
we are really going round in a circle here. i suppose that is nothing new for us, but still. can we clear up what we mean by any problem it can think up. does this mean, any problem that the mind c...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"not true. you must be reading the new york times..." People from both parties have accused their respective rivals, as they do in every election. "that is also not true..."...
THREAD Religion & Humanitypray for me
29 Posts • 8560 Views
Religion Forum
the gospels are actual historical documents.. aka evidence The gospels are rubbish they have no basis in factual evidence by your logic I could claim mermaids exist or that the lost city of atlan...
THREAD Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14473 Views
Religion Forum
virtues don't prove whether Chritianity is a true religion or not. all religions prohibit stealing, Killing,...etc. the bible contains great commandments but it also contains bad and corrupted te...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyIs the atom filled with matter?
26 Posts • 9094 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Some people believe that the concept of mass, that is, matter, is simply that, a concept, as phantasmic and elusive as the concept of spirit in that it possesses no distinguishing physical characteris...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityRacism is Bad
0 Posts • 542 Views
Philosophy Forum
Never mind the diatribe blaming the poor for their station in life, calling anyone who isn't rich a thief and a liar. Except that, those things are more true of the rich. How do you think they go...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views
Religion Forum
If you think about it, Religion is just a bunch of theories and ideas that people have developed over time. There are some proofs in holy scriptures but they never really reveal the author so can they...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32938 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Put it this way, someone who is running for President is expected to put some effort into learning about the world." Yes I agree - however you could only name 1 of the 3 and your knowled...
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27640 Views
Religion Forum
Not true - the bible has a lot in it. Debora the prophet who ruled Isreal. The bible is hardly one sided on anything. It touches and describes almost all flavors of human kind. However, I will agree t...
THREAD Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10432 Views
Philosophy Forum
sounds quite a cynical if prob true outlook on life. I think rancid has gone a lil too far with the list of things a guy looks for though, most guys do look for a lot less than that. id say i look fo...
13 Posts • 4284 Views
Religion Forum
Just watch the South Park episode, explains it all, and is hilarious. Dumb dumb dumb, smart smart smart. Ya, he found some golden glasses to get his visions if I recall. Chatted with some mormon...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8938 Views
Philosophy Forum
I did and found it to be nice site. But I did want to point out for general information that in a real sense. I had never thought to much about it till I read this thread, I tend to see a true moral v...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12279 Views
Philosophy Forum
I previously specified my focus to be on mainstream religion, as in Christiany, Catholosism and their branches, and those that deal with OT NT teachings, but let me clarify that I haven't been st...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16819 Views
Religion Forum
ghandi was a racist. and mother thereasa was a crook. Even if these allegations are true that doesn't make purpose a bad thing. Everyone who has ever or will ever do anything good will have al...
THREAD ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13718 Views
Religion Forum
Oh... So I see. I might have misinterpreted your previous statements about religious truth claims to that of being strictly impossible to tell if any are true. I would refer to this as being a stri...
THREAD philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17942 Views
Philosophy Forum
pain and hurt are inevitable. if you are looking for a person that will never hurt you in any way... you are not looking for a person. a "perfect" friend will hurt you, but will do everythin...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40593 Views
Religion Forum
They know killing is wrong, a thief knows that stealing is a crime This is only partially true. Acording to law killing and stealing is a crime. But to them morally it could be perfectlly right. Eac...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43050 Views
Religion Forum
if you agree that its not a straight person choosing to be gay (not a choice well a genetic choice but not a choice eveeryone can make. I do not agree with that. I think I could make the choice to...
THREAD War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
People who, with their "good intentions", supported the war because we were "freeing Iraqis". These people passionately, with wholehearted love, fought to support the war to protec...
THREAD PoetryOnce gone Two return
13 Posts • 6936 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This world has torn me apart Opportunity has been given But emptiness has been my true motivation I think it may be time for a new start For the love I have seen Meaning it has been without Le...
THREAD ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21560 Views
Religion Forum
Good pont, iSought. Teens generally don't believe that they need God in their lives now. Why? Has life become so comfortable that they don't need to turn to a higher power for help? Pers...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33977 Views
Religion Forum
wow dude that sounded so... televangelist... well lets see... If some invisible magical being doesn't want to show it self, the most obvious answers are: 1. Its part of its secret plan t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6635 Views
Religion Forum
but are you really trying to tell people who know Jesus that He didn't do what He said He did? "people who know Jesus" And who would that be exactly? Often to the traveling s...
THREAD ChristianityVoices in my head
9 Posts • 3968 Views
Religion Forum
Sorry, I misunderstood your point before. No the 'idea" itself isn't mine of course. Indeed, my whole point was one of confirmation that separates the Christian scriptures from the othe...
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