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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3004 Views
Philosophy Forum
I suspect "choice" is a matter of perception: A moment before, free will; a moment after, destiny. I suspect "choice" is an illusion -- that there is ALWAYS a reason that we make t...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46376 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
This would only be true if people chose to have black skin the way people choose to be gay. Ok then why shouldn't we create a medical way to provent people from chosing any religion except chr...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43986 Views
Religion Forum
"In an atheist state, there is suppression of religion and atheism is explicitly taught. In a secular state, the government does exactly what it should, it doesn't MEDDLE in people's re...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeWhat is TRUE KNOWLEGE
6 Posts • 3988 Views
Philosophy Forum
When Socrates went in search of the wisest person he went to all those people who were considered to be masters of knowledge. After speaking with them he found that there were things that they know a...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAlthough I'm not religious...
13 Posts • 4065 Views
Religion Forum
I find it interesting that the video claimed that speaking of the Christian faith in public is suppressed but obscenity isn't. That is not true seeing as though sexual discrimination laws forbid...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46376 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
who would willingly choose to be part of the most religiously-hated most discriminated against group in the entire world? If being gay is so bad that nobody would choose it then why not find ways...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionTrue Love is not a Myth.
5 Posts • 4140 Views
Philosophy Forum
While working in the service for the past 4 years, 3 years of that I have been waiting to be with the one I love. In those 3 years, I have only been able to spend a month and a half with her. The...
THREAD Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15799 Views
Religion Forum
it holds the human race together because without it, we would be lost... i do not believe in a religion... yet i am not an atheist. i so very much want to say there is no "god" but everytime...
21 Posts • 10270 Views
Philosophy Forum
Methuzula, The (many more than) ten commandments are near exact copies of what is known as the "Negative Confessions" of an Egyptian scholar The first 5 commandments are: 1. You shall h...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyAwakendwraith's Pain
13 Posts • 5230 Views
Psychology Forum
It is true that your relationship with your parents can form a basis for every relationship for the rest of your life, but that doesn't mean that that basis cannot be broken. Knowing awakenedwrai...
THREAD what if..
12 Posts • 4053 Views
Philosophy Forum
True. It is possible that when we combine A and B (things we already know to exist) then you have C which can not exist at all (oweing to our inperfections). However combining knowledge to reach antho...
THREAD what is the truth?
15 Posts • 2808 Views
Talk Talk
there is no truth only facts and opinions and trying to find truth in an opinion is like trying to find a niddle in a hey stack I guess the only way to truly find truth is to find it with in your self...
THREAD BiologyEvolution
12 Posts • 3503 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I've read the site. You'll find that in any age its characterised by political correctness, the moral teachings of the day and their interpretation and the studies that are going around....
48 Posts • 12651 Views
Talk Talk
Okay Left, I understand a little more now. It's exceptionally wounding, when lied to from a loved one. If you can't trust someone that you love, whom can you trust? I'm going to assume you were...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40596 Views
Religion Forum
But I also think that logic has absolutely no place in a discussion about religion/beliefs etc absolutly true. good thing this conversation isnt about religion. its about the lack of. and well p...
THREAD LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22163 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
how can I miss a point if i'm stating what IS!!......what other alternative can sex be used for sir??...mere pleasure? well sex is very nice and feels's really enjoyable but it�...
THREAD The OJ Simpson Case
47 Posts • 31334 Views
Talk Talk
Mugen... That is My Contention also, based on my Personal Investigation of The OJ Simpson Case that MORE than One person Killed Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. Now Remember, Goldman had gotton o...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16248 Views
Religion Forum
I like okcitykid's comments about exploring nature. That, among many other methods is where we find God. If we take all of the holy and spiritual textx ever written from every belief that eve...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8701 Views
Religion Forum
I won't go into detail, but just briefly 'universal truth'- is that there is only one truth. This is of course an empty abstraction and doesn't exist. Only individual perception is...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views
Philosophy Forum
^^lol...hahaha....I like that all of that....Basically what you said was all true.........I'm gonna let you know tho that you're kilin yourself doin drugs and it it makes you h...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17046 Views
Religion Forum
"1/3 of Central Europe died" I'm not saying you are wrong but I think you need to check those numbers again. That sounds way huge. "out the Enlightenment, there would be no U...
THREAD PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15222 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Into My Own BY Robert Frost One of my wishes is that those dark trees, So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze, Were not, as 'twere, the merest mask of gloom, But stretched away unto...
51 Posts • 20008 Views
Philosophy Forum
Loner, I know what you mean. Thats what we call Convenient Thinking. Just because they think they are sincere, doesn't mean it's true. There's truth, then there's belief. They take...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views
Psychology Forum
Is it really that difficult for you people to understand what it's like to truly "give yourself" to a cause? The majority of soldiers would die not JUST for the country itself, but the...
THREAD ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15987 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well, folks since our presidents are chosen by how well they perform of TV I feel I should remind those whom it concerns that the 2nd of 3 debates is on tonight, and after general views of the democra...
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