WOW, so now I know why you dont fully understand Christianity, OKcity.
The watchtower is so erroneous, it gives new meaning to false prophets.
Which BTW Charles Taze Russell broke off the 7th day adventists and made his own cultic following.
The whole thing is based on the end days. AS is with the 7 day adventists.
Ok, now I am not going to promote Catholicism...but it is the first Chruch.
I have been studying too, and the more I research the more truth comes from catholicism.
Well, read the earliest Church fathers and you will see why.
Ireneaes, Polycarp, and then keep going.
Polycarp was friends with St John, whereas his writings directly refelct the origin of faith
It goes beyond the bible, because the followers were still writing.
In fact the Bible wasnt even put together til 200 years after the Apostle John.
keep in mind that the Bible which so many follow in sola scripturas, never says that scripture is the final authority.
IN fact, the Bible says to keep the Tradition...aka, the oral teachings as well. IT also states the Church is the bulwark of Truth.
AND finding that it also says to seek help in understanding scripture.
So, men have promulgated several versions of their own understandings, but none have the claim of following the Apostles.
There is plenty of info out there.
AS for Jesus being angry and returning, well, it says in Matthew 24, that few will be faithful. SO that will be the time He returns.
Jesus doesnt 'kill' man, He is entitled to take their souls and judge them.
There are many apparitions; Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje {Not yet recognised by the Catholic Church} that have been giving mankind warnings.
AND in the apparitions, of Medjugorje, the children said, most ppl go to purgatory, then the second most go to hell.
Very few go to heaven directly.
Even Jesus said the path to Heaven is narrow. And few will go.
for all this info, research Catholicism.
AND before anyone tries to denounce purgatory, first understand the scriptures, and furthermore, check out the apocropa {sp} books {Luther considered them as such but Jesus quoted them, and in those books {Maccabees} is the Hanakkuh} so you must understand Luther, belng man, took away from scripture, and has caused thousands...30,000 plus sects off christianity by promoting the oft mistaken theory of sola scriptura.