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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD GodBecome Your God
11 Posts • 3498 Views
Philosophy Forum
Chris doesn't believe in original thought because he has none. You're offended by this statement therefore you do believe original thought exists. It doesn't make sense that over thousa...
THREAD Chicken or the Egg
64 Posts • 16756 Views
Philosophy Forum
a creature can evolve while its still alive. Therefore possiblly become a chicken before the chickens egg is laid. Sorry Eliasan but thats not true. Individual organisms don't evolve. Popula...
THREAD What is Heart Break ?
5 Posts • 7444 Views
Talk Talk
its a combination of your heart and mind. Having a heartbreak in part means you're a good person and wanted to provide the best for the person youre feeling for. It means that a relationship en...
THREAD Attempting to balance philosophy withother intrest
8 Posts • 3029 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have allways said that the first rule of philosophy should be "that the only thing one can know for certain is nothing at all". This of course makes it very hard to beleive in anything. An...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEuphoria
17 Posts • 7818 Views
Psychology Forum
Euphoria. I have felt true euphoria. It's such a beautiful feeling inside. It's like going near a fire after spending hours outside in the bitter cold. The feeling comes on gradually, but on...
13 Posts • 4009 Views
Talk Talk
Not true Canada has a significantly higher rate of combat deployment than people realise. Just because as a country we don't go into war doesn't mean we don't take part in other wars. J...
THREAD What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16280 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
try something new not so trife maybe try something unique in life Don't just repeat the simple, and stale Risk it, go for it, let go of the rail. The sticks and stones damage physically But...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33979 Views
Religion Forum
the bible has never been misproven and it has been proven to be true because we have found stuff it says exists and people are still tryin to misprove it and guess what not gonna happen http://www...
THREAD RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19217 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
No that is not the primary reason. Not as motivator. It is true what you say, I'm not denying it. But the primary reason is that women feel they gain by it. That they gain by objectifying men. An...
THREAD War & TerrorismGulf War Veteran Speaks up
0 Posts • 2512 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok, this is an interesting and far more relavent find in the back logs of this site. Adding to this I was looking more into our appointed interim leader Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, I was simo...
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26405 Views
Psychology Forum
I didn't see the pitcure, but I know what ur talking about. It's being talked in detail in the thread 'what is the soul' Basically, he's asking the question, 'who am I...
THREAD ElectionsUnbelievable Bigoted Ad Released By Repulicans
3 Posts • 3801 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
How is this bigoted? Marriage is defined in each person's mind however they define it, and it's not up to one party or the other to determine the 'true' definition of marriage....
THREAD Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9094 Views
Philosophy Forum
we have to accept other people not accepting it. we are not worthy of judgement, nor are we in position to know what mkaes other people happy. the only thing that matters is that people are happy, re...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15614 Views
Religion Forum
Hmm . . . reading throught I realized I never gave an answer to the orginal question? I would say then having come to the conclusion that certain aspects of soul or spirit (whatever) have valid (real)...
THREAD God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8392 Views
Religion Forum
And besides, if you want to use circumstantial facts to back up a religion there are plenty going for Islam. Islam does not deny christ, but only denies he has saved humanity. Given the wars and deat...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsHeartbreak and Suicide
15 Posts • 14713 Views
Psychology Forum
well you now the sitch evilla, as for everyone else... I did tell her that I loved her, and yes she knows and will keep that forever in her heart...However, things just didn't work out. As she p...
THREAD SocietyThe Energy Non Crisis
7 Posts • 2233 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Did you get an indication as to why they wanted him to shut up, like, because they think it is nonsense, because they know its true, etc? hes got a lot of connections on the inside info. ill try to...
THREAD GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yay! Michael Moore is seriously considering making a new film on Hurricane Katrina and how Bush's admin seriously screwed up. Michael Moore said 'There is much to be said and done about the manm...
THREAD ConspiracyOfficial Stories vs. Conspiracy Theories
1 Posts • 2275 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
These seems to be the thing of the intellectual day. And, knowing history, some of them are going to turn out to be true. Some not. All I say is that you really need to watch and ask all the questi...
THREAD alive or living
5 Posts • 2230 Views
Talk Talk
I live to try and help people live as I am living, to try and attain those goals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to attempt to finally experience a true and selfless love for another,...
THREAD Life & DeathDid Einstein unknowingly prove life beyond death?!?! This is a theory of everything
25 Posts • 63822 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't know to much this kind of thing. But I talked to a couple different people about this thing a friends brother told me about and apparently a couple people have heard of it and did a littl...
THREAD God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14839 Views
Religion Forum
so god wants us to live be good n die what's the point? who created god, i think its illogical that something came from nothing and infinite is inposiible for us to see but just have concept.. i...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57901 Views
Religion Forum
Even though the God in this thread is all powerful/knowing. He is also caring enough to give man the right to choose, though He already knows man will choose to do evil things, it would be cruel of Hi...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55462 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think that we need to take a time out here. I beleive that there is a concept most pertennant to our ideas as philosophers, that most people are not aware of. As I read these ideas from my fellow ph...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorWhat Star Are YOU?
42 Posts • 17223 Views
Psychology Forum
ive always thought astrology was quite interesting, i hate the magazine horoscopes, as there is no way that you could possibly make a prediction for that many people ate on time, so it is all health w...
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