impulses and the ego
10 Posts • 2423 Views Talk Talk |
Ah decius this is all true and it is what im striving for but after so long its like my life story has writers block im at a loss im sure you know how confusing this gets question your own sense of ri... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33971 Views Religion Forum |
Although limited by our physical selves I agree with wizardslogic the only true way to ultimately find answers to these kinds of questions one must free the soul/consciousness from the body be it temp... |
Shamrock Vs. Ortiz
1 Posts • 1501 Views Talk Talk |
A rivalry of Legends in the ring. You want real fights, screw boxing. Mixed martial arts is the home of todays true Gladiators. |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33971 Views Religion Forum |
We see God all the time, we just don't know how to. Once one answers the question 'who am I', you realize what God is. God is our innermost self, you can call God the soul/the source/yo... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29264 Views Religion Forum |
Well bring it on dreamer!
As I returned to the origin of this thread & I noted a concept that I had overlooked to a degree. The old saying about politics and religion certainly are true but I don... |
8 Posts • 3339 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i have written it down as an e-mail and gave it to her. I got her message back and her reply is that it is so true and beautiful... you dont even know how good it feels. She called me her sun in the m... |
Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20818 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I grew up in Ontario and moved to BC about 9 years ago. Pot is way more prevelant and accepted in BC, although it is quite accepted in Ontario as well. As far as it being "legal". Not to my... |
Shattered Views...
8 Posts • 4894 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
this is dracula revisted
The Dragon's Son
In a castle of time forgotten
The dragon's son led his armies
Against his enemies he impaled
When the enemies lied of his demise
Took his wife away... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59364 Views Philosophy Forum |
ya, we are human so we will err that is true. He accepts that it is her right to sleep with whom she chooses, doesn't imply he accepts it as something he's willing to become part of. |
to hate a parent
18 Posts • 5593 Views Talk Talk |
i just recently had an argument with a friend about paranoia. to me, paranoia is a medical condition. even if its true you can still be paranoid. |
Nuclear weapons
3 Posts • 3188 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
oh my god!!! we are or should i say bush is a monster!, i hate you president bush, you psyco freak!! but yes it is so very, very, very true! 6 out of 5 stars! *eek* |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15657 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think you have hit it on the head. These things that we know to be true are things that have been passed down form our parents. These are the first steps to enlightnment. |
love stories
1 Posts • 2533 Views Talk Talk |
i personally have never heard a true love story before in my life. if you know one please tell me. i would like to know there is such thing. |
51 Posts • 20006 Views Philosophy Forum |
Even if we can perceive the person correctly still doesn't mean they're fake.. only that we understand their true intentions.
there is no fake.. |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9970 Views Psychology Forum |
True but what if dreams were really astral traveling? What if their chemical reactions were in the sense because of these astral frequencies |
Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6685 Views Talk Talk |
It doesn't really matter how other people define love, if you are really in love then you'll know it. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. |
Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views Psychology Forum |
The Church of Religious Science has a saying:
"What you say about others is the truth about yourself."
I have always found that to be true. |
Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26727 Views Religion Forum |
The point is that I can go out right now and write a book and say HEY LOOK THE BOOK OF GOD! HE INSPIRED ME TO WRITE IT! 2000 years later people worship the bullshit I wrote!
Sure you can. Many peo... |
25 Posts • 6172 Views Talk Talk |
I don't know if it is only my feeling but it sounded a litttle paranoic...
Anyhow it is funny and true... every time you say hello may be the last time! |
SpiritualityCan the Supernatural be taken seriously?
32 Posts • 9681 Views Religion Forum |
truth only exists within the individual
Is that statement absolutely true? |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
If we can know nothing at all. Then hope in something is all that we have. Everything must be based on faith. If this is so then I have faith that God wants us to be as he is. Anything less than godho... |
ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20109 Views Religion Forum |
true may not be accurate but it IS DEFINITLEY MORE THEN 50%
I guess I'll have to take you word for it, huh?
*grin* |
GovernmentBush Presidency a Budding Criminal Dictatorship?
25 Posts • 7074 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I found this and looking around thought it would be best placed here.
By the way, I really do enjoy the song. As a song it really has a great tune, I just wish it was true. |
cartoon sex
17 Posts • 31100 Views Talk Talk |
wow, it seems like you did not even give it a second thought....[wyote] funny....but i guess it is true. not sure who i'd choose. so many to choose from [LOL] :D |
SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
also most people dont remember being a baby yet they were
and i've never met any one who can remember being in their mums womb yet every one was once |