Define freedom; but how is that possible when we as human beings have never experienced it? - zerokool
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 39yrs • F •
Payneguin is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Shattered Views...
Don't let it fool you..not everything is bad...but life can be fairly unclear and shattered....

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"To Question is to learn, so I shall always Question."
[  Edited by Payneguin at   ]
 39yrs • F •
Payneguin is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.


Pointed object to flat surface
Definition of the imagination
Slowly opened and discovered
Yet fulfilled so easily
We crawl in words like they flow from clouds
Seek the deeper meaning

Opened eyes
Enlightened souls
Words from fear then enter minds
Freedom of thought
Bringing rifts of feeling

Scared eyes at first sight of pages
Confused thoughts of real experience
Patronize the mind
Influence the soul
Unafraid but leery actions
Ambivalent in tears

Filing away knowledge
Fighting personal battles
Words and phrases or power
Send nerves awry
Twitches of the soul

Pointed object
Flat surface
Wide and hard-covered
Fulfills the mind.

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"To Question is to learn, so I shall always Question."
 62yrs • M •
nightwing62@yah is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
inspire by litretature and i hope william S is turning in his grave night about now...

Star Cross Lovers

I 'm walking the flaming fires of Hades
That kept me here to condemn my fate
The faith of loving no other rose
By any other name should smells so sweet
Upon the balcony you waited that night
My angel in the moonlight
With murderous hands that now caress my wife
We wed on this day I cried the church bells rang
The heavens gave my true love bride
That none I shall love after this night
The dawn bring sweet sorrow this sight
The curse light came to separate
My love 's embrace that holds me tight
Are departed with hands outstretched
That parting is the last kiss I will embraced
The lips of my beloved held me to stay
For death is better than exile anyway
I am in hell I curse this day
I came to bid farewell to life cruelty
To see you laid there without me
I do come with phial of love's reunion
Within candles that burn and warm
The body of my beloved so cold and gone
As the love courses thru my blood flows
I see her eyes open that heaven doors
Brought her back to guide my hand
For she hold me close has my breath fades
She kisses my lips and takes my dagger
To piece her heart for love is already dead
As the angels cried when true love died
They live inside our hearts thru words and song
Of the tragedy of star cross lovers lives on


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"From the mind of darkness I embraced the darksideUnto my own suicide I am born again The Poet Sith"
 62yrs • M •
nightwing62@yah is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

Lost (A child's nightmare)

I am lost in a valley only the dead walks
The angel he left me to my curiosity stalks
I lost the angel's footsteps are gone
In a valley of the dead I walk alone
The dark eyes follow my walk earnests
They call me to stray to darkness
I run but this maze is a game I play
On video game the demons I slay
For there, the warrior king I reign
Here I am boy scared of my shadows came
In valley they seem alive somehow
The angel left me alone to find my way home
For the light I could not see
The valley is creepy for darkness shrouds
The mist seems alive with demons inside
I am lost finding without the guide
The angel he left me here to die
Maybe it's the lies I told my folks
That I am loss without any hope
Then a hand breaks the misty cloud
A voice calls from inside
Wake up a voice stern so familiar
My dad what's he doing in land of the dead
I woke up in sweat I being screaming in my bed
It's the video games and comics that mess up my head
So its time to take them away my dad says
Now my nightmare truly begins my fate
I sit wondering what to do instead
The game junkie without a fix
Are the nightmare games lost in my head?

Lost (soul)

I stand outside my body bleeding
On the pavement of a hit and run accident
The light, it came for me
A hand of angel beckons me
I ran away fear instill
It cannot end this way I must be lost in a dream
I ran towards the city of the dead
Seem to be curious at my state
The living walks thru non-existence me
I ran I felt the hounds of hell howl
Picking up my scent, hot on my heels
I am lost in a city of the living
I ran to a familiar street
I ran into my love she rush
Thru me to a taxi waiting
I sat beside her she seem distance
Lost in her thoughts I try comforting her
My hands seem to pass thru her
She rush in to my room
And my best friend walk in beside her
They whispered secrets I came closer
Then the light came the angel's hand beckons
To my shock she smother me with love
With a pillow till the line was flat sound
And I remember the face the driver was her
As I walk towards the light she cried pretend
The paper in her hand will make her a rich woman
As I step in to the light
The doctors they tried to revive me alive
An the angel smiles as I fade out of his grasps
And woke up in the bed beside her
A second chance I will not relive that
I woke up and tore up the paper
Leaving everything to her

Lost (anger)

I am lost in a city of hate
I stand in the middle of its fence
Between the maddening shouts of the city lost
Between the hatred that splits them apart
I try to run but I caught in-between voices
Deafening my spirits within
I am lost in this crowd
A fine thin line of red
The mob has lost control
As the hate eats them up inside
The angels wait outside
They seem to know something I do not
For the blow will bleed first blood
And I am caught in-between
Of the wrong and the wrong
For how can they be right?
They views are not my fight
I fight with words not clubs
They taunt each other like schoolboys
Picking a fight of which will cross the line first
I am lost in this hell as the angels move in
And hell did break lose
As I ran away cowering between stones thrown
And blood on my face is not my own
I lost amidst the bodies the angel collect
Their soul for the long march home
Towards the light they walk still fighting
And I was the last one standing
On a safe haven high above the massacre
One day I will have to choose
For words may not be enough
That day has not come for I am still lost
My soul that will not go into that light
My body I saw lay among the dead
I walk away from the light
I will not go home to rest
I am lost in man's hatred
I will never find peace again


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"From the mind of darkness I embraced the darksideUnto my own suicide I am born again The Poet Sith"
 62yrs • M •
nightwing62@yah is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

Bring me to life

Many parts of me of different personality
For my god lives in no skies but earth born
For my father is the creator of me
Bring me to life on god's electricity
That flows in my veins to bring me to life
The life now is the hell I face is my face
That now I turn to my father in rage
For the soulless monster I became
Lies the gentle man inside
That wants expectance in man kind
I learn the speech of man
I learn the true monster lives around me
The monster we call man that don't understand
That all I want is peace not the violence you thought me
So I hunt my father my god
So I took away his love
So I took away his family
So I took away his sanity
For he took away my soul
For he took away my peace
For he brought back his pride
All man wants to play god
So I send him to his god
And I went with mine
Together in flames that marked
Our death the creator and his monster


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"From the mind of darkness I embraced the darksideUnto my own suicide I am born again The Poet Sith"
 39yrs • F •
Payneguin is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I've fallen and cast myself into broken arms
For the depths of my mind frighten me.
The past has given no hope, only harm
Fear will always avail thee.

Tear streaked face and blood stained mind
The unforgiven shudders torment and bruise.
Heavens and hells alike, you all are my kind
We all seek for our very own muse.

The one to help us each create
And the beauty would never be left alone.
Deep down and very apparent we all are too late
For I know every bit of faith has formed a stone.

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"To Question is to learn, so I shall always Question."
 62yrs • M •
nightwing62@yah is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
this is dracula revisted

The Dragon's Son

In a castle of time forgotten
The dragon's son led his armies
Against his enemies he impaled
When the enemies lied of his demise
Took his wife away
To castle moat below she falls
For the betrayal of his church
For the betrayal of his god he cursed
To live an immortal feeds his life
Preys on the mortal for their blood
Shun by the sun that gives life
Into darkness he walks the night
The dragon 's son is alone without love
For he sails the ocean for image of his love lost
The dragon's son will not lose her again at any cost
To Britannia he sets foot the son of the dragon comes
To seeks his bride to be
Will not be separated for eternity
Thru the treachery of the mortals
That stands united against the dragon's son
He slays without remorse
The nights calls the dragon's son
To claim his bride but he could not
Let her suffer the same curse as he lived
For thru her love released him from his curse
True love set him on dragon's wings
That flies him to heaven
To seek his true love waiting


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"From the mind of darkness I embraced the darksideUnto my own suicide I am born again The Poet Sith"
 39yrs • F •
Payneguin is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Sui generis

Insouciant future with coy actions
Lewd aphorism with urbane twists.
Averred paths in wrong directions
Caught all together in their mists.

Clouds of destinies floating above
Seek crisp darkness and fecicious light.
Capture the hate, misfortune, and love
Aghast you may be but never lose sight.

Portentous thoughts from a malevolent being
Curving each mind past prudent manners.
Each to acquiesce far from seeing
Laconically the clandestine, aggrieved others.

Hollow inside causing equanimity
Life's curtness seemed so real.
Ephemeral to even those with thought nobility
One last obsequious cut to end the deal.

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"To Question is to learn, so I shall always Question."
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