Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9458 Views Religion Forum |
*roll* as much as you may assume this as some sort of juvenile play-time, this is not a game godisnotanidea. This is a discussion where two or more opinions are discussed. The problem may seem that yo... |
GovernmentObama/Bush are World's Biggest Terrorists!
16 Posts • 6415 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well if you read his post then you'd know that he said blacks are still being oppressed today in America.
That simply isn't true. If your counter arguement is that there are rednecks out... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90782 Views Psychology Forum |
22. Fluorescent lamp killing (1)
In about 1992, Flea market administration installed fluorescent lamp in our container storage room. After I had experience of microwave radiation I thought there m... |
what is music?
6 Posts • 3852 Views Philosophy Forum |
I love music because it brings out emotions. Music is incredibly powerful- as you said lastresort, it can make us happy, excited, sad, relaxed, pumped up, etc.
Humans are sensitive to stimuli- sou... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
Life is suffering and joy. We try to increase joy and decrease suffering, hopefully for others as well as ourselves. If you could chose between pain and pleasure, you would likely always ch... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16757 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Allowing same sex marriages will inevitably open a can of worms.
Presumptive aren't you, well, I doubt you are correct.
But, I'll tell you that your arrogance in thinking you should ha... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
The Five Pillars aren't that simple.
Just because "Muhammad is His prophet" doesn't mean he's the only one, as someone else mentioned earlier, nor does prophecy make him simi... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12643 Views Art Forum |
In the early universe, gravity took hold of atoms and sculpted them into stars and galaxies. In the era described in this chapter, we will see how, by a sort of social gravity, cities and states were... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43988 Views Religion Forum |
'Let's look at the world today...let's look at the hypocrisy of 'Political Correctness' shall we?'
Christians, acting as 'Civil Rights' advocates, instigated this agenda.
-----... |
Society & SociologyRapist priest sentenced
3 Posts • 3788 Views Psychology Forum |
By Greg Frost
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - A judge sentenced defrocked priest Paul Shanley to 12 to 15 years in prison on Tuesday for his child rape conviction in one of the most high-profile case... |
Ignorance: acceptable?
17 Posts • 5656 Views Philosophy Forum |
My mom had read every book there was about Edgar Cayce, and she would always tell me what Edgar Cayce said, anyways.
Edgar Cayce said that we will reach a point where there is just too much knowled... |
Society & SociologySchool girl frustration
19 Posts • 7456 Views Psychology Forum |
Having worked in the education field, I have witnessed exceedingly bright people fail miserably. I personal think it is the fact that public schools must cater to all students with one curriculum, reg... |
GovernmentTexas Constitution
1 Posts • 1805 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In the state of Texas there is an upcoming trend of offering proposal regarding the amendments of few of the laws of Texas constitution. The proposal that has been made regarding the constitutional am... |
GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14071 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The day I left the US for what I thought would be the last time, April 7, 1976 I bought a newspaper in NYC to read on the plane. The headlines were "Congress cuts aid to Israel by $11 million.&qu... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainDefining Quality of Mind
3 Posts • 8734 Views Psychology Forum |
Side project, just for kicks.
Terms used.
Intellectual - Possessing or showing the understanding of knowledge both rational and creativity
Smart - Synonymous with intelligent and clever
Intellig... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So, on the mews the other night I was listening as they reminded me that (if I remember correctly) that afghanistan has been the world leader in exporting opium/heroine for some time now, but that now... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
I am trying to see where you (Ironwood) is coming from with your understanding of quantum physics, infinity and all that, but I don't know enough about it to understand what you are talking about... |
World of Warcraft or Known as WOW !
18 Posts • 10610 Views Jokes & Games |
After jumping from Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, Runescape, Eve Online I will have to say WoW has something others don't. Charm.
All over the place in wow there are social references from Lost to Sw... |
Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3451 Views Philosophy Forum |
:p Okay, that is true and I say yes that we ( I ) can "jog" our memory, but I will still say that is time related.
I can "jog" my memory for yesterday but a week ago is much tou... |
War & TerrorismWhy do young Muslims blow themselves up?
4 Posts • 13980 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am a muslim these are my thoughts
Because of the complete insanity of my Iraq Muslim brothers and killing 79 people I thought the world deserves to get at least some reason for why someone would... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10893 Views Science & Technology Forum |
First of all, I'm sorry for posting my reply late, but I didn't have any time to reply as I was busy. But I'm back now, heh heh...
Now back to the original topic.
To Summit- What... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views Philosophy Forum |
Iron do you know what over development is. You know those video's on the T.V. talking about Little Einstein what ever and what not. Well some people did some research and found that these video... |
BrokeBack Mountain
7 Posts • 3779 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Let me start off by saying.. if any of you, straight or gay havnt seen this movie.. plz do so now...
[spoilers follow]:
I loved this movie and almost everything about it but the tagline ("L... |
Biologyweight loss? magical pill?
1 Posts • 4257 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ppar-delta a protein part of the animal genome, influnces many aspects of the metabolic process and muscle structures of a living catalyist. For our body has two types of muscle structures; fast-twitc... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51800 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
For some time i have wondered why is prostitution Ilegal? I thought that it was simply a law of morality that is both outdated and out of touch. I think it should be legal for several reasons.
Men... |