 37yrs • M • 
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weight loss? magical pill? |
Ppar-delta a protein part of the animal genome, influnces many aspects of the metabolic process and muscle structures of a living catalyist. For our body has two types of muscle structures; fast-twitch sugar burning muscles und slow-twitch fat burning muscles. When an organism is genetically altered to possess more Ppar-delta, the subject has a huge increse in slow-twitch fat burning mucles... Test show(on mice) that due to the high concentration of Ppar-delta and the slow-twitch muscle structures, subjects were found to be immune to obesity in low activity levels, also 1/3 less weight gain on a high calorie/fat diet. not only where they immune to weight loss, but were excelent endurance runners, sustaining activity for a greater amount of time... Flaw: To my conclusion and other research done, i have concluded this procedure of weight loss quite risky. Will the change in muscle structure effect brain capsity? Anyone with a basic knowledge in the human genome would know that it is a giant puzzle that each gene is influnced by many others, thus by changing the prodcution of Ppar-delta might have unexpected consequnces. For when the fruit flies gene of red eyes was changed to blue, the flies followed one another, mimicing an exotic dance... plz reply with feed back and discussion..
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"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"