5 Posts • 3418 Views Psychology Forum |
It always seems like whenever something is enjoyable and therefore has potential to be given allot of value, someone in power will step in and try to control it. And if they cant control it they will... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38020 Views Psychology Forum |
MountainGirl, I think a really good investment for you would be some pepper spray. It's cheap as hell, and if it's easy to reach (don't keep it in your purse all the time), it should dr... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11227 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I beleive that some may have the abilitys to sence such fenominon but others are just vary good at advanced math and can work out the proberbilities And make an inteligent guess. I don't beleive... |
StoriesSex Ed
1 Posts • 2583 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sex Ed
a short story by Wolf Larsen
It was the first day of our sex ed class in high school in some typical American city.
Many of us were hoping we were about to learn what we had been doing... |
SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3809 Views Religion Forum |
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond.
"I believe that the things we concern ourselves with, when added together, all add to our general outlook and behaviour around other people.&quo... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30358 Views Religion Forum |
I believe death is not evil. And I do not believe that there was ever a time when life was not intertwined with death. To be alive is to be mortal, and to be mortal is to die someday.
In order to u... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10023 Views Religion Forum |
This statement is inaccurate; because when people decide they want something they simply change the laws so that accountability is negligible.
And be held accountable to whatever degree of accounta... |
19 Posts • 8036 Views Philosophy Forum |
There isn't much nature left to observe, but if you can find it and the time to observe it, but if not, then study what others have observed, you'll discover as I have that there must be a God. N... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23909 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let me add something I copied elsewhere. Because at the beginning of this thread I noticed the statement that the last war 'Desert Storm' was a waste. Or something along those lines.
WHO:... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13268 Views Religion Forum |
The only proof of the nonexistence of God is personal opinion. I may not believe that 1 + 1 = 2 but that doesn't change it's truth, just as not believing in God doesn't change the fact... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59356 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes agreed!
i think the question why live if u are goin die just goes to show that the person who asked isn't happy..
we have to lose those negative thoughts..
here's something i was... |
28 Posts • 7711 Views Jokes & Games |
Sit! I fix a looted amp or delay more, hasten not. A baser if snug stool, wonkier, if not - Alf says - super, a ballet to no devil, is a stool too. Ban it, actor, race to no tune.
May names I wrote... |
SocietyDavid Icke
3 Posts • 2455 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Are you part of everbody? Feel free to share your thoughts as well.
David is a fascinating case due to his backround as a public figure in such fields as sports (pro soccer career ended by nearly c... |
62 Posts • 22010 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"DumbTeen, you have a very limited view of the war and WW2 if you think they were in any way similar.
Imperialistic wars != Isolationalist wars"
They are not similar, however the nature of... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Anti Americanism is a hatred towards freedom of speech, the free enterprise system, and freedom of religion. Before America was born there were kings and monarchies and state churches. A person could... |
Human Nature & Emotionnot in love but still benifiting
2 Posts • 3400 Views Philosophy Forum |
I know what you mean. It's like you continue to persevere, focus, achieve, and strive for the best of yourself so when you are finally united with that other person you can honestly say that you... |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84768 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
well then, common interests abound.
I love getting head, and giving head, I don't care if she spits swallows or drowns me im my own cum, its just that good, getting head that is, well, when s... |
Life & DeathYour outlook on life
9 Posts • 11233 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think I live by looking on the brighter side of things, but perhaps you could say that in the very general sense of life, we all have pretty much the same experience whether we have a positive or ne... |
SocietyEye Witness Report From Louisiana
1 Posts • 2816 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hello Again,
I have never seen anything like this, gas stations are already beginning to run out and the local shelters are full to capacity. They are already requesting new shelters for the people... |
2 Posts • 3292 Views Talk Talk |
In Newfoundland most people are fantastic. I don't know why we make jokes about them because we can learn a lot from them. Not just about how to have a good time or how to welcome people into the... |
Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12470 Views Religion Forum |
Nope, not necessarily, firstly, no matter what, all experiences that dabble with the possibility of OBE's and various esp's, are firmly rooted in the possibility of being delusions and even... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://911busters.com/911-Comm ission.html
http://911buste rs.com/
This has been a quiet thread since post Nov. 2 '04, it probably shouldn't be.
On Sept. 9 2004, there was held a citi... |
A question about adulthood
3 Posts • 2267 Views Talk Talk |
it's not about childhood or adulthood, it's about a specific action, and our inability to stay constant doing the same routines as time passes.
as for most things, we grow tired and bored... |
:P I am...
6 Posts • 2706 Views Talk Talk |
I'm a guy who enjoys making people smile but has a slight problem with controlling his anger. I smoke and play sports, which is a very unhealthy combination. I spend most of my time talking to pe... |
Physics & CosmologyBlack Holes
25 Posts • 9587 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Allright folks are you ready for the low down on Black holes- because I am going to lay it down for you. This is a whacked out crazy theory of mine concerning the formation of black holes and the seem... |