Whats Your Myspace?
18 Posts • 5523 Views Talk Talk |
It's kinda ironic here we sit bashing on another blog and in CAPTIN CYNICS blog. Besides all that I really understand what you guys are saying. Looks like things are getting pretty evil there a 1... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11372 Views Psychology Forum |
Wondering nobody I really understand you , but what you say in your post is subject to change from one person to the other , or depeding on the locality..Say New Yorkers have different local "sad... |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24977 Views Philosophy Forum |
My karma ran over your dogma!
Karma is as real as breathing. Instant karma is even more real. Watch the order of things in your life the next time you kick a dog or cat. or step on a butterfly, if... |
JokesClean fun...
24 Posts • 8938 Views Jokes & Games |
Sexually Extroverted!
She is not a BABE or a CHICK
She has not BEEN AROUND
- She is a PREVIOUSLY ENJOY... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Again you dilute the point and change the subject. He was equating our treatment of POWs to the treatment of our POWs in Vietnam. Any such equation is ridiculous and outrageous - even immoral.
I am... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8294 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
hmm, actually Im thinking of giving up smoking up n drinking, cuz all I wanted to do in the beggining was to try it n den leave it. I have gone to the extremes of alcohol and hash and have fully exper... |
HistoryAncient Astronaut Theory
0 Posts • 1898 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Don't know who's told you that info James as it's prooven that 100 African tribes men and women ventured north eventually leading to evolution taking place and with lack of sun we gradu... |
Random QuestionsRandom Questions
32 Posts • 15125 Views Talk Talk |
in my cd player.......my chemical romance
under my bed....nothing,it's on the floor
what/who inspires me.....strong willed and minded people,art of any kind including music,love,sexuality,a... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10582 Views Science & Technology Forum |
........Who Cares we are all going to die on average you don't really see people having happy 200th birthdays do you
Let them kill the planet or solve world hunger do you think any of us will still... |
Random QuestionsWhat is your current occupation versus....
16 Posts • 6853 Views Talk Talk |
Lady Tazmanian, one of the major complaints among these social workers is that the caseload and the paperwork make it impossible to spend any amount of "quality" time (I hate that expression... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I watched the sun set for the first time last night
looking up from the pages of numbers and letters
to the glass window before my desk
curtains fluttered in the breeze as it flowed through
the sc... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107410 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
"Marijuana and alcohol were both developed at around the same time. Marijuana was first produced as hemp in Thailand and China and was one of the earliest domesticates. It was grown for its fiber... |
TechnologyAdvances in cold fusion
14 Posts • 13308 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Sounds familiar, back in the days of hot rod fords they talked about how the big auto manufacturers bought up the copyrights of fuel efficient vehicles inovations to suppress them not produce them. No... |
LawFalun Gong Persecution
6 Posts • 3871 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I've heard the term Falun Gong but I didn't know what it was. My bravenet blog had become pretty popular and someone had sent me about a hundred pages of information about the organ trade in... |
God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9775 Views Religion Forum |
lol, :D
i didn't like you so much at first, but you're growing on me/
if my interpretation of what they say is right.
In the "end" god destroys satan and everyone that was... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12228 Views Religion Forum |
Sorry about prolonging a dead discussion but could you answer me a question?
My mom is a major GOD believer. well when she didnt have a job and she had days off she wouldnt try to get a new job or... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Nosferatu: The Undead..it is Murnau's (sp?) version of Dracula...Everytime you see the black n white film roll with some Tall, ugly looking guy w/ elongated fingers and fangs... creeping up the s... |
70 Posts • 22681 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
yea, everyone says they "sold out" which really irks me. yes they switched record companies, yes they ended up making a lot of money right afterwards. but they werent trying to horde money a... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82912 Views Psychology Forum |
I've never felt inferior in regards to my intellect, though I'm guessing many women do. If anything, my experience has been that many men feel inferior intellectually when they spend time wi... |
PoetryDust in the Wind
41 Posts • 13290 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Forever & Always
We stand in the drive
Putting off 'Good Bye',
The wind in our hair,
Hiding tears in our eyes.
We reach for one-another
And hold on very tight.
We remember the t... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18265 Views Religion Forum |
You miss the point m'dear...
The preparation we must all face is within ourselves.
O, it will come, when we least expect it, as did the tsunami....
Throwing out theories will not help, but... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A poll of 21 countries published yesterday - reflecting opinion in Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe - showed that a clear majority have grave fears about the next four years.
F... |
The two biggest neo-fags in Hollywood
0 Posts • 3558 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
did you know that when lucas made star wars. he said he would give them his salary. and the only thing he wanted was ten percent of the sales on all the toys. well at the time no one bought that stuff... |
some theories I have stuck in my head
10 Posts • 3013 Views Philosophy Forum |
1. Everything has an opposite, or else it cannot exist (contrast).
Therfore, matter has to exist because space is nothing but a vacuum. The universe must then have always existed for eternity, becaus... |
Mental IllnessApparentley I'm psychotic, but I feel normal?
19 Posts • 12483 Views Psychology Forum |
I just read this whole thread and it was very interesting. The things that Decius bought up seem really logically placed.
One thing that kind of worries me, because to be honest wolfbait, just from... |