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THREAD what is the truth?
15 Posts • 2809 Views
Talk Talk
Wyote I agree with you truth is the ideology that is most widely agreed upon and that is dominate. There was an experiment that was conducted to prove just this point wyote. The experiment consisted o...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe Conventional Man and Woman
4 Posts • 4355 Views
Psychology Forum
The other day, I judged this one person to be "not that pretty" semi-consciously, then gave myself a mental jab. It was my third eye, wasn't it? Or were you disgusted with my braided...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorSuperiorority complex
4 Posts • 3786 Views
Psychology Forum
i think a lot of workers are quite unmotivated, and its quite understandable in some of the more repetative manual labour (believe me i know, i work in a staff restaurant at weekends) there is a disti...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyThe Walls Have Ears
4 Posts • 3232 Views
Psychology Forum
While the parents are away the children will play, but some things are just not done. My friends mom left for 5 days and while she was gone my friend invited friends over. They drank and had a good ti...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70952 Views
Psychology Forum
My intentions we not to bash 'fat' people, but if thats the way you intrepret it, then so be it. Well, there is no reason to give up already! If I have a different opinion than you, the...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33991 Views
Religion Forum
It doesn't matter what faith or religion or science you use to understand the universe, it doesn't matter what face you give creation, what matters is that you try and understand your own pl...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorIgnorance
7 Posts • 3484 Views
Psychology Forum
Yes ignorance has its advantages but over time it is boring. Ignorance is bliss to some extent but knowledge and curiosity for the unknown is what makes life purposeful. "The important thing is...
THREAD Bookswhat about books?
3 Posts • 3187 Views
Talk Talk
I have noticed something that scared me. Not many people read anymore. My highschool, which is comprised of 2000 students, has about a 200 concentraiton of people who actually read for fun. Maybe once...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17744 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think also that the concept of a soul mate can be detrimental in the thought that it can lead to unrealistic expectations which may drive people apart or fail to bring them together. Ideals can get...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Worry About God?
12 Posts • 5710 Views
Religion Forum
"There is a difference between accepting that you probably didn't create yourself and the universe, and trying to justify a definition of the forces that did, especially any derived from rel...
THREAD Finding Out What I Believe
5 Posts • 2529 Views
Philosophy Forum
This being my first thread, please excuse it if I've placed it in the wrong forums section. I've been lurking around Captain Cynic for a while, and decided I'd come spend a few sleeples...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22589 Views
Religion Forum
Atheists often present themselves as rational and unprejudiced people. I think this is only a mask of their deep bigotry and hatefulness against anyone who thinks in a different way, say, theists or a...
THREAD Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12843 Views
Psychology Forum
Sushil has some very valid truths that he puts foreward-all should take note of these. However, his? conclusions are exactly that...he proposes a end. However I ask you a simple question did nature ch...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views
Religion Forum
IF that were true Okcity, that they were waiting for the messiah to save them from Rome, and they are still waiting,,,,,then they either at this point have no faith in God....or they wait in vein beca...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe waiting room effect...
2 Posts • 3138 Views
Psychology Forum
You have to consider the people that will be in the waiting room. Do you really want to buy nice furniture and such when people will be bleeding and puking on it? You need something that will clean up...
THREAD Random QuestionsSuper Saiyan
3 Posts • 2923 Views
Talk Talk
do you think this is possible for humans? personally i think we will never archive it but pass it without the experience of it as we are most likely already past this. but i am probably just an...
51 Posts • 20012 Views
Philosophy Forum
true.. theres the distinction.. but actually even tho you tried to ecplain it im not sure where that distinction may be (maybe by analyzing in myself sorta).. but saying that dressing a certain wasy c...
THREAD ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14540 Views
Religion Forum
i think that this is a very dumb surprised that it is being asked now...i figured it would hav been asked along time ago...but...the relevence of this question is alomost 0 .....ppl are...
THREAD Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14757 Views
Philosophy Forum
ooo i love thinking about the alternate universes.... it's so .. hmm unreal, so ununderstandable i get lost in my own thoughts every time i think about this ? how does it really work ? i'...
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views
Philosophy Forum
Something else that Could happen... really really briefly: Okay angels come and take your soul, you are questioned in the grave about three things, islam, muhammed and the quran. Fail to answer cor...
THREAD Alan's Philosophies
17 Posts • 7160 Views
Philosophy Forum
Jus t atrail of thought here and im not tryin to put anyone off of there religions or watever but dont u think that religions are contradictory and a bit totalitarian. I mean look at the crusades, the...
THREAD Society & SociologyMorality is a weapon in class struggle
5 Posts • 3474 Views
Psychology Forum
Boshevik Morality 1) Several years ago I wrote a short book (with 54 references) entitled 'Hell on Earth: Brutality and Violence Under the Stalinist Regime.' It is now freely available online. Let...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33468 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Jacker - For someone who really dislikes America, you seem to have a lot of trust in them and their "good intentions." In one thread you place absolutely no trust in America, and a thread cu...
THREAD A bit of common sense
13 Posts • 3621 Views
Talk Talk
Right, nail on the head time. There's the internet and there's the real world. There's tv and there's teh real world. There's the real world as a primary source, not a seco...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67441 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Time To Share The two of us. Slipping through the sidelines. We're better off. Well, me and you ain't hidin' now. So let it run. I'm standing as they run from me. I got...
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