SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Why are we in Iraq??? Are you serious? There were innocent people being tortured there under the Saddam Hussain regime. They're lives are getting better now. You sound like we have given up findi... |
Emotions & FeelingsMoody in the morning
3 Posts • 2250 Views Psychology Forum |
In movieland, people wake up with a smile. I've never done that. If anything, I swear when I wake. Doctors said it was my iron deficiency and "stress". Parents say I need a daily goal.... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
for example, many cultures kill of the elders when winter time is coming near as they are unlikly to survive and are also a burden. In other cultures stealing isnt evan a concept as they dont own anyt... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64080 Views Religion Forum |
Look at what you are saying. God hasn't left us to wallow in ignorance. You know full well what God desires of you, that is why you can't let this go. You know you must submit... |
Society & SociologySchool girl frustration
19 Posts • 7457 Views Psychology Forum |
Why d people judge me based on my grades? People who don't know me call me smart and are in shock when I receive bad grades. I tell them that I work hard for my grades, but they never care about... |
Emotions & FeelingsGetting out of Control
7 Posts • 3047 Views Psychology Forum |
What kinds of emotions do you feel when these thoughts start creeping back in? Is it just pure anger? Is there some guilt or sadness or self-hate in there? I think that if it isn't just pure ange... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
"To build upon your point. We don't believe anyone else should have this bomb, that would be a threat to us, while we believe we should have more of them."
And your point is? Of cour... |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4284 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"It is a great falacy that we seek to impose our values upon their societies then wonder what went wrong when they don't accept our ways. Why should they, they are different and will form di... |
4 Posts • 3209 Views Talk Talk |
that is pretty vague there, i may be able to produce more insight if you are willing to add more specifics about the situation. for now ill try and deal with what youve given...
it seems to me that... |
24 Posts • 7663 Views Talk Talk |
Alright, to allay any 'fears', and to put the nutcases to rest, there are no such things as the classical movie vampire or werewolves. There are people who have styled themselves as such, including bl... |
God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11509 Views Religion Forum |
true but what if your beliefs are differnet from that? i dont have a religion... i dont believe in the underworld of hell... i believe earth is hell....long ago god banished Lucifer to earth ...so may... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25721 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Julian Beever makes an interesting comment on Art being a valuable, collectible, object for investment and museums.
Clearly the start of the video shows evidence of sponsorship and funding. But by... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62352 Views Jokes & Games |
A travelling salesman once got caught up in a blizzard got shelter
with a farmer who had three daughters. The farmer called him aside
and told him, "Young man, I have three daughters, so stay... |
The importance of university and higher education?
18 Posts • 9143 Views Talk Talk |
So "usefulness" is only reflected if we use what we learned in the courses in a job? What about personal development? Here is one area- Take essays for example. To write a proper essay, a pe... |
God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8703 Views Religion Forum |
My point is to be concerned with why and not what or surficial things. We know, for example, that spacetime curves under the influence of massive masses like stars due in part to gravity. The man who... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25015 Views Psychology Forum |
Whenever I die in a dream, I wake up immediately. Usually, I kind of jump up in fright. I also get a feeling of being gently placed back into my bed.
I think the only time I had a dream where I die... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15295 Views Religion Forum |
The church is not an entity which can hold a standpoint, people within do, and when time brings new events not covered in the bible's and traditional teachings they have to make new traditional f... |
PoetryPoems by an Ancient
21 Posts • 6604 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
slowly dripping from overcast skys
along this long road i walk
slowly dragging my innocent self along
time passes by for this visitor to life
muddy puddles arent always so bad
drops resonate of... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62352 Views Jokes & Games |
Smell My Finger, Redneck!
This guy was deer hunting in North Carolina. He shoots a deer, and as he is dragging it back to his truck, he gets stopped by this redneck Game Warden who asks to see his... |
RelationshipsMeeting My Boyfriend for the First Time
1 Posts • 3618 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
My best friend of six years, now my boyfriend of three months, finally decided to move to the U.S. so we can take our relationship to the next step. If all goes well, I fully plan to move to England.... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9979 Views Religion Forum |
I really don't know what to believe I just very strongly believe in one. I've studied this God and came to the conclusion from my studies that their were two gods. A false god and a true God... |
txt Nick Lachy for charity
1 Posts • 3566 Views Talk Talk |
If you've got Cingular, you can win tickets and back stage passes to Nick Lachey's next concert in your area. Just text to code "Shine", and you'll be entered. Check out Cingu... |
HELP ME PLS! How to Overcome a break up!
8 Posts • 8643 Views Talk Talk |
Hahahahah..*lol* nice one for an advice..still..but im getting fine coz i keep myself busy I added more effort to my studies to make my grade even higher! you know i got an idea tha come on my mind ju... |
Heart gone block
2 Posts • 3047 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dunno why I wanted to post this here .. but maybe you guys can give me some hints or something ..
Thx for reading
------------------- -----
No matter what i say,
I'll never forget,
Th... |
Random QuestionsWhat job Do You have
27 Posts • 7013 Views Talk Talk |
what job do you do? well, i am currently unemployed and in psychiatric care for being diagnosed with a mental illness - paranoid schizophrenia. although i am at university studying literature (BA(hons... |