SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No one has mentioned the torture. Unfortunately, the media did cover that, I remember reading about it in Newsweek and Time (before the elections). It's still going on. Suspects are being arreste... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25428 Views Psychology Forum |
That right there is the biggest load of bull shit I've heard in a good while. Yes, the world is a scary place, but is it also a joyful happy place. There are just as many good things... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
the english language comes from the indo-european langauge. then the celts moved to englnd with that language and broke up from internal feuds (wars), then the group from france, the anglo-saxons, inv... |
Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8165 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It's good to know that it's a common issue with some people, i always thought that it's something you have to fight against.
Uptill two years ago i was making an effort to have sexual... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10902 Views Philosophy Forum |
So I've found that there are 10 levels of consciousness I think and they are as follows:
1 subconsciousness
2 subnormal consciousness
3 normal consciousness
4 supernormal consciousness... |
Christianityis being too lazy to read the bible a sin?
10 Posts • 5202 Views Religion Forum |
well, if it's just something, then what is it? i hate to tell you this, considering the point of the thread is that you dont have time to read the Bible, but...read the Bible. if you want to know... |
48 Posts • 26847 Views Jokes & Games |
ok i have a top of the line computer and the graphics of runescape sitll suck...play a real game like WoW or Guild Wars not some crappy free internet game that takes no skill to play..and bragging abo... |
InventionTaking the battery out of the electric car equation
4 Posts • 2549 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Yeah, but if there is not a vacuum the efficiency drops dramatically, and can lose up to 5% of its energy over 2 hours and if you go to work with the car and leave it until you get of work it can lose... |
SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13774 Views Religion Forum |
at least the essence of what you were, are and will be, exists throughout time
Xanadoool: Well that all depends on what one defines 'existence' as. It seems that you are attempting to d... |
51 Posts • 20012 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think we can all agree on the many "I";s in time and part of brain realted to personlity way of thinkning by influnce etc... but is there an "I" underneath?? that doesnt change .... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15665 Views Philosophy Forum |
you are contradicting yourself to say that there is no right or wrong
How can you be right about there being no right if at the same time you're saying that there is no right?
Who was it t... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39742 Views Science & Technology Forum |
For me the most logical explanation of deja vu is that it is caused by dreams.
We dream almost every night and most of those dreams are not remembered. And what do we dream about most of the time?... |
6 Posts • 3418 Views Talk Talk |
life does suck. there are worse off people than you and there are better off people than you. always have been, always will be.
try to focus on the good things you have. if you become confident in... |
Random QuestionsOnline Masters Degree
8 Posts • 9777 Views Talk Talk |
Sable, are your interests purely academic or do you intend to use the degree to improve your employability? If the latter is the case, you should, as timeless1 said, not only look at the different onl... |
4 Posts • 2949 Views Talk Talk |
Maybe someone can shed some light...I live a good life, take the high road and treat everyone i know and meet with respect. So why has the financial side of my life been so hard. I don't blow all... |
Miracles, lest we forget
0 Posts • 535 Views Psychology Forum |
The Best Timing Ever Miracle
Well, I gotta tell ya, I can relate. but when something like thishappens to me I usually just say something like, "What the fuck!?!?", or to that effect.
I... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
Haha, so true.
If you read into DMB's "Crash Into Me" or Nickelback's "Figured You Out", that's some crazy-assed explicitness going on. I still can't get over... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe it is rediculous to try and determine what happens when you die. It becomes to the point at which you can find no logical answer so you subconsciously convince yourself of the first solution... |
ChristianityWhy does everyone have to be sinners
17 Posts • 5627 Views Religion Forum |
Ok but take things into perspective. The only way that the adam and eve story could have reached the bible was to be passed orally. When someone tells a story it's different every time, people ad... |
11 Posts • 5532 Views Philosophy Forum |
ya disenchanted and chris, I know what that feels like-although I only smoke hash etc-the greatest insights of my life have been thru mediation(on hash). I can clearly see through people all the time... |
LawThe Draft Law
11 Posts • 4417 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I would rather be blowing up congressmen than Iraqis.
Force me into the military, give me training and weapons, I guarantee I will at some time become a disgruntled, violent man who doesn't li... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views Philosophy Forum |
Nothin g.
That's the proof so far... PROOF... Not stories, (unverifiable)...
No one has returned to tell us, and stuck around to prove they came back... (convienientl... |
Tell me somthing good that happen to you recently.
21 Posts • 6335 Views Talk Talk |
my birthday is in 19 days. :) i too love the fall... winter is my favorite, but fall is the most relaxing for me i think. i remember being very young at daycares, sitting outside in the grass with the... |
124 Posts • 33728 Views Talk Talk |
you know what else i hate... people that always kill the mood. i mean, one time i was talking about how this person i am supposed to respect as an extremlly hard working figure of athurity when that p... |
Religion & HumanityMarriage
11 Posts • 3830 Views Religion Forum |
Chris I'm not sure about what decision you made regarding your sexuality (I know you were questioning not so long ago) but my father was married to a woman (not my mother) who divorced him and sh... |