Here's some deja-vu stuff...
Ever since the age of ten, I have not had an insincere dream... "where there was a perponderence of fantasy"...
for those a little more experienced with the phenom.... I've never had a fantastical dream, like the mickey mouse or cartoony stuff..... never
and all my dreams come true.
a year, a day... three four or seven years later.... My dreams have always come true... all of them...
down side being, among many things, that I've dreamt of my death and the circumstances of it since the age of at least ten years old...
From a family with a propensity towards these sensitivities....
though with ABSOLUTELY no encouragement from the immediate family, since there was a great deal of influence from the Militant Christianity adopted by my father from the Missionaries in the country of his birth which converted him from the religion of his ancestry
this Missionary Christianity produced a hyper adjusted Protestent Evangelist
my dad
Me, with my awarnesses and influences from outside the definition of Christianity except to call it Satanic... I began and end as a familial oddity that isn't unexpected
there are realities and schools to teach the school of thought to which those realities belong...
as time has allowed, eventually a school of everythng comes about, so it's not hard to wrap one's head around... depends on how long you think we've been intelligent and organized as humans...
which I believe is longer than ever
call it what we will, I'll let this be said of myself
Deja Vu
is a portent... that acts independent of the dillution, or its frequency in my reality which is where i experience the phenom.... it's a portent
of things, IN MY EXPERIENCES, definately to come
I can't imagine how it's not the same for anybody else, actually
my bad
ONE THING I DID DO, IS, BEGIN to catalogue mentally, since i couldn't discipline myself to journal the experiences, except mentally.....
I began to keep track of the experience of DEJA VU
the surroundings, the timing and some of the immediate after effects, and or results from the chain of events that were detailed in the dream...
since my De Ja Vu is always connected to the dreams I've had in the past
Once I discovered the underlying message of the collective experience of the De Ja Vu's that I always have
the only info I seem to retain is this:
I am exactly where I'm supposed to be
More enigma wrapped in a puzzle in the form of questions about infinity...
or not
depending on the conclusion you've come to about the definition of Deja Vu
by this time...
timing IS everything
of course I believe what I'm saying...
some say that belief is the accomplishment