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THREAD mirror mirror on the wall?
11 Posts • 4533 Views
Philosophy Forum
What is wierd is that a glass mirror is actually a liquid! Some mirrors are simply highly polished metal and they can be just as reflective. Mirrors are indeed mysterious- anyone seen the end of the...
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15679 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
The Bibles justified a lot of evil things in history, slavery, the crusades, persecution of the jews, and of course prejudice against gays. How can loving someone be said to be evil, i'm gay myse...
THREAD Drugsthe cannabis connoisseur
13 Posts • 4502 Views
Psychology Forum
Ahh...well, its been about two weeks since my last spliff, but up untill about a month ago I was quite a regular smoker, consuming about a half ounce a week. But I've noticed that over time the &...
THREAD Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31960 Views
Psychology Forum
A girl who can metemorphisize her body and mind according to what I want at the time. :D I am just kidding, feel free to show *yuck* In general, short, semi athletic and athletic looking, without...
THREAD Relationships & LoveNothing to Lose
9 Posts • 3481 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't have any friends, the ones I did have moved away and don't visit anymore. I don't have anyone to go out with and have a laugh like I use to. I'm 23 and wondering if I'm ever going to have frie...
THREAD Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15156 Views
Talk Talk
I think I was in First Grade - I was very little. We watched this movie about these skelitons fighting with swords, one day I was looking into the mirror and noticed my ribs *oh no I'm turning in...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67442 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
you're "mall" post seems all too familiar to me. I dated a girl once who was insufferably self-centered. I spent nearly a year trying to make her happy, and trying to help her through a...
THREAD ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4110 Views
Religion Forum
I do believe that Korea is a threat. Without jumping into an arguement over politics and religion on your shared article - let me just say that if the world is meant to end by a nuclear holocost, then...
THREAD Recommendations
12 Posts • 3999 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
cop lands a little different ( and some were hesitant to say they liked it but I did) and it has some of the old guido's and gumba's, and believe it or not, if you step back and check out so...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19401 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
of course its wrong, youd have to have your head in the mud not to know that. cigs create a chemical imbalance which contributes a great deal to the addiction. but there is also a very deep psychologi...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyNibiru looks more and more plausible...
8 Posts • 3975 Views
Science & Technology Forum
This is just one article and I'm still learning and investigating this stuff as well. My time table could be off. Go to this link and scroll down a bit until you get to "Prehistoric repti...
THREAD Society & SociologyRevenge
15 Posts • 4819 Views
Psychology Forum
Ah. much easier said then done my friend. Forgetting a girl is not an easy thing to do, nor is it a fun thing to do. It seems as though in my findings, revenge, is sweet. Yet revenge on someone I used...
THREAD SocietyParty bash thread
1 Posts • 2053 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
From some advice from someone on this site I suppose it would indeed be more efficient as well as benificial to make one thread about how we feel about either party and their politicians, if you have...
THREAD Osama Speaks
4 Posts • 3033 Views
Talk Talk
Agreed. There's a very interesting documentary I saw on TV the other day that I think you might be interested in. I HIGHLY recommend anyone who has an open mind and doesn't know about the bu...
THREAD ElectionsRon Paul for President
14 Posts • 5385 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Decius, I live in Dr. Paul's district and I have met him many times and spent time with him and heard him speak quite a few times, and he's a great candidate. However, I have a problem wi...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6708 Views
Philosophy Forum
Don't leave your theories, "she" may not want to hear you but that's what this forum is for (and I was talking about this with someone of us), this is an space where you can tell y...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's funny that you"hate" that guy. Do you hate the current president as well? It seems to any rational thinker that he is following the same path as the former president only more wrec...
THREAD Random QuestionsZune or ipod
8 Posts • 2878 Views
Talk Talk
personally i would go with the ipod. 1st generation products arn't usually the best.... take the ipod for example (buttons didn't last...) Give the zune some time, let is evolve or fi...
THREAD Society & Sociologyreality!!
22 Posts • 6965 Views
Psychology Forum
reality tv is pathetic. it is a platform for the scum of our countries to make a spectacle of themselves on national television. it is a aste of time and money. also programs such as the one where the...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I've heard rumer of these tax cuts, but the last two years I've paid more taxes then I ever have, so has my sister and many others I spoken to. We had a surplus because we were taking mor...
THREAD Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13694 Views
Philosophy Forum
Today, the word "nigger" can be debated as being an insult or just a sub-standard title. Odd, it's politically incorrect to refer to someone as being "black", but in rap peopl...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9959 Views
Psychology Forum
Boom. We finally get to the root. The Bible is truth. You are a closed minded fool because that is unquestionable to you. It would seem that your prejudice of me has been unquestionable to you thi...
THREAD What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15375 Views
Philosophy Forum
thoughtmanifest, I like to believe that you are very well on to something about changing the way we think, in order to change the world. And I think if preaching any sort of wisdom has any significa...
THREAD Friends, or so you thought
8 Posts • 3635 Views
Talk Talk
Your situation at the moment will get less hurtfull in time concering the so called "FRIENDS", but losing your son is a different ball game alltogether. Ive been f%$*d over in my younger ye...
THREAD GovernmentKerry Bad For America
26 Posts • 7566 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
[May I remind you that in 1929, 12 million Americans where thrown out of jobs] Once again IU, you don't know how to read. I said SINCE the Great Depression. That means after, in case you'...
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