Are You Mentally Ill...?
6 Posts • 2112 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you walk around telling people you talk to someone that isn't physically there all the time, regularly...?
If you believe that there are forces out to get you that can't be seen only f... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89363 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Just look how close we came with the Cuban Missle Crisis, other nations may be more determined not to submit to our directorship of their security than Iraq. so how strongly are we willing to pu... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, okay. I'll grant you that leadership is important.
But I think social framework is more important. Take Democracy as opposed to a Dictatorship. Democracy is a stronger framework which is... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9979 Views Religion Forum |
There are those who follow the leader and then there are those who follow their heart.
Unfortunately there are far to many who follow the leader and ignore the truth that cries out from their heart... |
Can science explore nothingness?
30 Posts • 7693 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think I understand your difficulty. Many years ago I attempted to understand what I call "the problem of the infinitely small." I began to wonder about the idea of the "smallest parti... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
All this time i never believe
All you let me percieve
I knew there was more that you felt
But only held the cards you dealt
We could have played a better game
Only wish you believed the same
You... |
BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11637 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I think it's just that since we're sooooo sofisticated and intelligent now[/sarcasm], when the close evidence of the 2% difference is shown to us it seems like you're lowering them down... |
social mobility in the class system
15 Posts • 5424 Views Philosophy Forum |
i say it was easier then than now to move up because for some time now, the middle class has been slowly evaporating. thre trends just simply support it. i've read books on it, i'll see if i... |
48 Posts • 26847 Views Jokes & Games |
My two cents on Runecrap.... not that any of you care or will pay atention....
If you really want to play an online game that you pay monthly for, and you have a computer with enough power to make... |
How can we find that resonant synchronization?
3 Posts • 2657 Views Philosophy Forum |
Solitude is a valuable resource when changes of mental attitude are required-'solitude can be as therapeutic as emotional support from a friend'.
Our way of thinking about life and ourselves is so... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11708 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe you musn´t kill individuals who will be missed by others, since you are harming more people than you really wanted. If te person will not be missed than you can kill her, after knowing she... |
Gender PsychologyNaivety in men
6 Posts • 4552 Views Psychology Forum |
i'll never forget my first love ...yet wish i could cuz now that i think about him its like what was i thinking but like decius said don't let some one take away your faith of having another... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132047 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: The teacher
Again, you are spoofing (tomfoolery) me. *grin*
You could answer, 'No I'm not.'
Regardless, my (our) response to your post* is authored by 'The Real MacKay' (refer to link... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
why does the bible not predict the same things science does? Man didn't understand what he was given, let alone the deep things of GOD.
Though it changes nothing, the almost all stars visible... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141039 Views Psychology Forum |
*grin*I have been thoroughly enjoying myself alone and it is great until someone that is not like me makes me think I need to be surrounded by people all the time. It goes in my brain and makes me que... |
Classics: La Dolce Vita
1 Posts • 2179 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The wonderful thing about all Fellini's movies is that he doesn't rely on drastic impresarios to build a story .The movie is mostly about the constant human condition of insatisfaction. This... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We count on those that never fall to help us rise.
Connected by greed we feed on one another in order to live.
We alter the facts to fit our life style,
It has to work for us.
Enthralled in th... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10901 Views Philosophy Forum |
First of all I'm not sure if we know the exact amount a person uses there brain.
I would imagine it would vairy on the host.
But from research Ive discovered we use from 5% to 10% at any 1 ti... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59358 Views Philosophy Forum |
like i was saying, the purpose of life is to have purpose.
say you do suddenly die tomorrow, at that last instant of being alive, which lasts nearly an eternity in your mind, you replay all the ke... |
Reality & MetaphysicsParticle Memory
2 Posts • 4162 Views Philosophy Forum |
(I like this idea...)
Every particle essentially has a code.
When a particle interacts with another, it retains a memory of which particle it interacted with, and a memory of the nature of the int... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8294 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Dont condemn drugs until you've tried them. Lots of things are harmful for you. It was once illegal to help a slave escape and some drugs are legal in some countries. There are also legal ways to... |
Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7491 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey ppl. Well, Some time ago I use used to have this weird feeling sometimes when i looked into a mirror. At first I thought I was crazy, but when I asked other people about it, they said sometimes it... |
Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26738 Views Religion Forum |
jesus did not die for our sins, he died for his sins. the new testament makes that quite clear. he was a political criminal, and that is what they did to political criminals back then. hell, we still... |
GovernmentIt Will Be Hard Work, But He Will Be You Impeached
24 Posts • 7610 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A) i completely ignore the media unless its music and movies, the only time i pay attention to anything media is during debate when i have to and when going through the media's i can use for deba... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTwo Universes? Huh? & One Particle Theory…
9 Posts • 4490 Views Philosophy Forum |
But what of the Universe just being one particle, moving very fast…
And what of the idea that one thing looks at another…
This is quite hard to explain, but here we go anyway…... |