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Tagged > The church of the flying spaghetti monster
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58959 Views
Religion Forum
Catholicism and Christianity go together as well as oil and water. The Catholic Church attached itself to Chrisitanity when it was founded in roughly 300-325AD. Christianity is not the same as Catholi...
THREAD Religion & HumanityHow come the transition for polytheism to monotheism?
16 Posts • 10121 Views
Religion Forum
DazedNconfused. I think that when LittleJohn and I spoke of primitive man, we are not thinking the Aztecs. I was thinking more like 20,000 or 30,000 years earlier. Bare foot hunter. The Aztecs were a...
THREAD War & TerrorismThe 9/11 Mosque
7 Posts • 2890 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think it's really sad that people will so blatantly associate 9/11 with islam in general. It's sad that key people aren't outraged that anyone even consider this to be an issue....
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9974 Views
Religion Forum
Ah, yes I see the Bible as a fairly accurate account. If for no other reason than the OT contains both the positive & negative acts in reguard to Jewish Traditions. As it is highly symbolic, it...
THREAD Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers
41 Posts • 13601 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
One i am looking forward to - A Scanner Darkly m/shop?d=hv&cf=trailer& ;id=1808626786 and a bunch of oldies everyone should see - Brotherhood of the Wolf http://...
THREAD Religion & HumanityMarriage
11 Posts • 3825 Views
Religion Forum
If you're not of Christian faith, and really like the idea of marriage, but don't want to follow their rules, you can resort to a non-denominational wedding ceremony. Finding a Christian...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7774 Views
Religion Forum
firstly in attolias example, the people they are reffering to is westerners, in general, not just christians. they were invaded and had their land taken, and missionaries did come, but the missionarie...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33962 Views
Religion Forum
Well guess what there are people in my church who have had things done to them out of the ordinary and all of them good Mr. T I would like examples of these out of the ordinary things you have spok...
THREAD War & TerrorismWhy do young Muslims blow themselves up?
4 Posts • 13977 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I believe the reason they are doing this is because they are taught that life has no meaning. They are not taught this by their school, church or parents, but by the goings on around them as they grow...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6742 Views
Religion Forum
And generally won't teach that which undermines and contradicts their dogmas and systems of control. This brings up another thing. The church should admonish those who have more to share their...
THREAD Random QuestionsTrick questions
23 Posts • 208583 Views
Talk Talk
Haha! And it doesn´t matter how many times you´´ve heard them, still miss them every time:P This one I laughed so much, how stupid I am*lol* "4. It's twenty years ago, and a plane i...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe Media has it All
4 Posts • 3196 Views
Psychology Forum
Still, violence is not the right way to protest religion. There's ways to do it without destroying property. If anything, burning down a church is just going to get it's members to stick clo...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36239 Views
Religion Forum
If there really was one, how come he doesnt make himself present to us. Perhaps we are to dull & / or insensitive to His Nature or being? Abortion, homosexuality, divorce.... all exist cuz we ch...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6633 Views
Religion Forum
First and for most anyone who'd ask me this question is someone I wouldn't associate myself with. Their up there with the people that say okie dookie. I'd say that I believe that som...
THREAD Religion & HumanityBah'ai the religion
11 Posts • 4124 Views
Religion Forum
In my case, 'accepting' paganism was easy. When I left the Christian Faith, due to the overwhelming political agenda of the Church, I drifted for years examining other paths. During a lightning storm,...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58959 Views
Religion Forum
Tradition of the church is an important factor. If you read St John, he tells many times, that he will tell them 'in person' ..towads the end of the text. He therefore leaves open the oral...
THREAD ChristianityPaul - The 13th apostle who never met Jesus Condemns Homosexuality
4 Posts • 3509 Views
Religion Forum
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped a...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21655 Views
Religion Forum
cturtle - I don't know how God could have ever become a man and still keep everything working. How can God even die. Father Fox who was a Catholic priest, but was banished from the church had a g...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33462 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I honestly dont give flying fuck wheher or not those scanners are installed. My point was against Mutnuaq. I though he was over reacting about some pervert behind the screen of the scanner beating off...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6698 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hmm, I have a what some consider a high income job (6 figures) and I always thought it was the American dream, not greed. How silly of me. As far as the greed part, charitable organizations and my chu...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8931 Views
Religion Forum
I am not a church-going person but believe that religion has an important purpose on this earth. I believe it came about back in the dark ages as a primaive 'legal system'. By providing 10 b...
THREAD Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15796 Views
Religion Forum
i pray you're kidding.... i mean, even in that everyday sentence i used a religious word.... we are becoming more and more religious by the day. what do you think all the wars are about......
THREAD Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12926 Views
Talk Talk
but i will say.. . . does a murderer deserve to be put in prison where: they dont have to worry about bills or taxes where health care is . . free Where residency is. . . free Where c...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeWhat is TRUE KNOWLEGE
6 Posts • 3987 Views
Philosophy Forum
How do we KNOW there is no such thing as true knowledge? (An annoying but apt question) I believe there are 'givens'. Things that one intrinsically knows, but can never convey to another...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17038 Views
Religion Forum
"Does that mean protestantism was all good? No it doesn't. Calvin's Geneva was just as bad as Komeini's Iran." No you are right - it wasn't all good - but lets not exa...
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