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 37yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Trick questions |
1. What do you put in a toaster? Simple to answer, right? Answer: "bread." If you said "toast," give up now and do something else. 2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink? Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," don't attempt the next question. 3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from? Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," why the hell are you still reading these? 4. It's twenty years ago, and a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany (If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany.) Anyway, during the flight, TWO engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing,decides on a crash landing procedure. Unfortunately the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack in the middle of "no man's land" between East Germany and West Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, or no man's land"? Answer: You don't bury survivors. If you said ANYTHING else, you're a dunce and you must stop. 5. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales. In London, 17 people get on the bus; In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on. In Swindon, two people get off and four get on In Cardiff , 11 people get off and 16 people get on. In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven. What was the name of the bus driver? Answer: Oh, for crying out loud! Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!!
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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 40yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Das Kapital is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Not bad.
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"To wish for death is a coward's part." [Timidi est optare necem.] Ovid"
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
WOW I'm gullible- Missed all but one.
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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 65yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I missed the second one.
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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 37yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Don't we all feel smart? Word association does that to you. "Silk silk silk silk silk...cows?....milk!"
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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 35yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
hahha I remember these trick questions from like 5th grade ^___^
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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that summit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
1. How quickly can you find out what is unusual about this paragraph? It looks so ordinary that you would think that nothing was wrong with it at all, and in fact, nothing is. But it is unusual. Why? If you study it and think about it you may find out, but I am not going to assist you in any way. You must do it without coaching. No doubt if you work at it for long, it will dawn on you. I don't know. Now, go to work and try your luck. Answer: in the whole paragraph there is no 'e' used 2. If you had only one match, and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some newspaper, and some kindling wood, which would you light first? Answer: the match
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"The summit is just a halfway point"
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I had to re-read the 5th one but, I also have heard a few of those before.
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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
i think ive heard pretty much all of those, except the one with the missing e's. i have a question though, what is wrong with attolias crash scenario, the trick works but she said something daft first? answer, there are no survivors in a fatal crash.
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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"
 34yrs • M • 
Sam Raven2 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I recognize half of these from other sites and from a show i saw in the 7th grade. missing e's: match puzzle:
 35yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
How does one walk on water? answer: freeze it  ahhh, I'm too much.
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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 35yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that littlelady89 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
wow. i fell for all of those...i think it's too early in the morning.
 34yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that CrypticTruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
these are great i missed only number three ,damn cows
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""Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" -oscar wilde"
 44yrs • M • 
kouiji is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
In alberquerque, texas, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why? answer: You take pictures with a camera, not wooden legs. How many time can you take 5 from 25? answer: 1, after that, it's 20. A man built a house a square house with a southern exposure on all sides. A bear shows up and steals his guacamole. What color is the bear? answer: white, if all walls have a southern exposure, it must be on the north pole, hence white polar bears. besides, everyone knows only polar bears steal guacamole. If a cop, a marine, a soldier, and a seal get into a gun fight, who is guarunteed not to get shot? answer: whoever has the gun. Why did God give women breast? answer: why wouldn't He? That was more of a joke than a trick question. A detective arrives on the scene of a death. A man was sitting slumped in a chair with a pencil clenched in one hand, and a bottle of half drunk cyanide in the other. In front of him on a desk was a suicide letter. After taking one look at the body the detective knew for a fact that the man was murdered. How? answer: He wouldn't get paid as much if it wasn't. lol. jking, the real answer is if the man drank cyanide, his muscles would go limp thus, he would not be able to hold on to the cyanide and pencils.
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"God has a normal personality just as we do. If someone said that they were sexier than me, i'd banish them to hell too!"
 31yrs • M • 
Ruddy Dude is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I didn't miss any of those. I'm pretty smart.