televangelist-faith "healer"- Peter Popoff....liar and fake
5 Posts • 5746 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
My point is that I am very skeptical about the placebo effect entailing its cause, process and consequences. A placebo in my understanding is a psychological illusion and a response to treatment. Corr... |
Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything I've ever read, heard, observe tells me that both effect a person. I think the majority comes from environmental conditions. I say this because from my observations good parenting seem... |
LawFalun Gong Persecution
6 Posts • 3867 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
For Qigong practitioners this may be somewhat old news, but for many this is just now being exposed due to all the attention on China during the Olympics.
If you think conditions in China are &quo... |
Plain stuipid or worthwile?HELP!
4 Posts • 3617 Views Philosophy Forum |
i like your ideas... i have read about many of them so i will share what i've seen.
so that means that a thousand years might be a really small period compared to a Him, something like 0.0001... |
God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20533 Views Religion Forum |
Look at our bodies they are far from perfect, we need glasses to see, we catch dieseases, we are born with incureable conditions
You just have to look. How can you not be filled in awe when you try... |
God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20533 Views Religion Forum |
You cant have a valid reason for murdering a 6 month old baby and depositing the body in a drain. You may be able to explain someones disposition through traumatic childhood experiences but this does... |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11497 Views Philosophy Forum |
I get a big bang out of that theory. Although I truly believe that if I'd have changed my mind and done some other thing at any given point in my life that I might not have the present conditions... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34205 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
But is it morally correct to impose an idea on another country?
What we might find unacceptable in our culture might be there normal in there's.
Il give you an example of what I mean, there is a tr... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13843 Views Talk Talk |
Surely it should have been pink floyd with the flying pig over the factoy (see Pink Floyd - Animals) lol. The bias in that episode does make me laugh though, as I am still used to seeing animals raise... |
CBC: The Human Behavior Experiments
1 Posts • 2151 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Excerpt: Why would four young men watch their friend die, when they could have intervened to save him? Why would a woman obey phone commands from a ... all » stranger to strip-search an innocent em... |
Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18619 Views Religion Forum |
When i used to trip on acid, I would think of this universe having an infinate amount of space, and there were aliens that could travel to Earth, but just havent made it to us yet.
Then I put a spin... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17071 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its interesting that if the moon did break orbit in the near future it would probably destroy the biological era (if global warming doesn't wipe out life before). The moon helps to stabilise Eart... |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20514 Views Philosophy Forum |
Gee sounds familar some how , did we do this one before?
many women comijng up on the change find the thought of not being or having the choice, seem to want to do so before it is to late.
Kind of a... |
The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9385 Views Psychology Forum |
I never said, nor did I mean to imply, that probability could be dispensed with altogether. In fact it is central to my argument that I say precisely the opposite. To go back to my previous example: h... |
Physics & CosmologyGod FOUND by Scientists!
6 Posts • 4072 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ummm, I may have mis-spoken.
"In his 1993 book, "The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What is the Question?" Nobel laureate Leon Lederman, head of the Fermi National Acce... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50286 Views Religion Forum |
How do we define 'good' unless we have something to reference it against. If we have no fixed, unchanging reference point as to what 'good' is we cant define it.
As secret07 sta... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30337 Views Religion Forum |
"Everyone that has ever lived, is living, and will live, before humans ultimatly go extinct (as they must, according to the physical laws of entropy) will probably amount to a cosmic blip on the... |
grandfather time
7 Posts • 4609 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, as I said, either life is pretermined, or the dimension thingy. Basically, what u said about the space continuom thingy is the same thing. All moments of time are taking place at the same time.... |
67 Posts • 18844 Views Philosophy Forum |
When an action is taken is there a possibility of there not being an outcome? But since when does chance ha... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132015 Views Philosophy Forum |
I dont necessarily agree with this Movement. Yes, some people are just not fit to have children, but what of those who are? I don't know how to fix the problem of children being born into terribl... |
War & TerrorismI'm Angry At Our Country - I'm Very Angr
4 Posts • 3854 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is a digression of mankind.
To be so technologically advanced...and yet so carnal and primitive towards each other, the idea that warfare and battlefields still exist..
It is funny. Hiroshima w... |
Is the Rap Culture Destroying the Generation?
2 Posts • 3884 Views Philosophy Forum |
It is not a new trend. It has been around since the 80s.
It reflects the social, political, but more importantly, the economic conditions of African Americans in general.
The language in rap mu... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27634 Views Religion Forum |
From experience, I have learned not to take the Quran's words literally. There are some parts that you need to understand the context first before jumping into judgements. Too many poor judgement... |
Physics & CosmologyReality in the melting pot
11 Posts • 10570 Views Science & Technology Forum |
In regards to multiverses, I like the concept. Multiverses have been hypothesized in physics and philosophy. However I just wonder, why stop there? The last objection to the existing multiverse theori... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8026 Views Religion Forum |
"But I think that a sentient intelligence must have created that first moment, that beginning of all - because I cannot see that you can have something created without matter, energy... |