Tagged > Strange findings |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7019 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
CHAPTER TWO â€' Moonbeams and Memories
It was a Sunday and I wondered around the house like a lost soul tidying up with a strange compelling urge to clean up my act! Maybe the messy house of a b... |
People are...
2 Posts • 2182 Views Talk Talk |
Masks... People were them. They are 2 people in one, they say that something is important to them and when you spend time with that person it becomes clear that they dont give a shit about that import... |
GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12282 Views Philosophy Forum |
Religion is made up stories (my memory wasn't made up though, but it might have been a dream, strange dream for a baby to dream though). Just like my memory, none of it may have been real at all.... |
I am a bodybuilder and have been thinking about taking creatine
4 Posts • 3165 Views Talk Talk |
I am a natural bodybuilder. I only take a whey protein and my essential fish oil and multivitamin, but have been wondering about which creatine is considered the safest? I have tried micronized creati... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12478 Views Religion Forum |
'...a closed mind absorbs nothing, including light..'
Now whom is kettle calling?
God is Light. I kinda figured it would go over your head. :D
Attolia, I do not... |
Physics & CosmologyThe Edge of the Universe
32 Posts • 9594 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I was thinkin about this a while ago, and though people say that the universe is infinite, i dont think it can be. If the big bang theory is true, then at some point however many billion billions of m... |
RelationshipsWhy do women give guys a hard time.
3 Posts • 7236 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
The short answer is: "because they can." But, that is truly too cynical.
People most often enter into relationships to gain something, and they pick the relationship they perceive as offe... |
Shadow of the Colossus
2 Posts • 3172 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
also known is NICO, also considered ICO2. one of the more original games out there right now. i played ICO long ago, it was a very strange yet beautiful game. this one can be called the same, but i am... |
Religion & HumanityReligious views: are they really a reason for argument?
5 Posts • 2698 Views Religion Forum |
having woke from the dream about 1:30, I had stayed up till about 3 amcoming to terms with implications of it. I guess that is why the details were strongly fixed in my mind.
My sister had sent each... |
16 Posts • 18751 Views Talk Talk |
if i were you (and of course im not) i would stay away from anything band related. you love your music, i know. but so many strange things happen and you could (i say could with strong emphasis) regre... |
Nature & GeographyA Compendium Of Fascinating Places On Earth
3 Posts • 18356 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Us Earthlings have yet to explore and fully experience the abundance of amazing places found on Earth - there are no many fascinating natural geographic locations that most of us only get to visit tha... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
God is man's way of explaining the unknown.
Science is quickly taking over that chore.
I tend to agree with you, science has been taking the place of religion in leading people into misconcept... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views Religion Forum |
I don't even know if you are recanting or being sarcastic, what is sealed about my mind, I have never witnessed even the possibility of such events let alone actual ones, and am skeptical towards... |
BiologyDefense, home team, defense!
1 Posts • 3349 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The cell's natural defense against HIV...
Howdy! Haven't had much time for forums these days, but this article seems relevent enough for me to make an appearance around here...
(From S... |
My Chemical Romance
3 Posts • 1864 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
All 14 year olds are obsessed with rock stars.
I went back and looked and it turns out I had heard almost all of their songs. Strange since I'm not a big fan or anything. Anywho, I listened... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39618 Views Philosophy Forum |
"as far as God reasoning for creating the universe...well
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) "
Wh... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
ABOUT ADAM AND EVA! It would be wrongly to think that Lucifer came into paradise one without companions! Second, right after Adam's fall approx 1 000 000 000 angel did perform escape from Kingdom... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6035 Views Talk Talk |
I know this may sound a bit strange to a youngin, but here's what I think you should do.
Keep in touch wih him, be his friend. When you leave school, don't let distance water down your fr... |
Gender PsychologyTeen girls dressing like Hookers
0 Posts • 5234 Views Psychology Forum |
as a teenage girl i must comment on this as well......
I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!!!! i hate seeing my friends dress like hookers...its a little strange to me and makes me feel weird. i must admit... |
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
35 Posts • 11248 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Ok good points Wyote- indeed Mrs. Portman was damned good in the profesional (also one of my favorites). A friend said that indeed Lucas is a lowsy director - he is a guru of special effects and prima... |
PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10681 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I remember when I was a small thing,
I used to leave it lying amongst
the blocks, dollies and weeds.
I used to bounce it off the walls
and slip it into my father's pocket,
and he'd walk... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19112 Views Religion Forum |
Patrish- first off, i do believe children are closer to god. but you strike me as the type of person who most likely discusses god and religion quite frequently. wouldnt it be natural for your childre... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stranger than fiction indeed.
I can't get the image out of my head of how strange of a movie this would make. Would Martin Sheen play the President? How awkward. Perhaps Rosie will seduce Cond... |
Intelligence, Memory & Brain4a.m. Terror
6 Posts • 2819 Views Psychology Forum |
That's really weird that you post this.
It seems that now that I've read this, I'm recalling feeling the exact same way during these hours... (when I'm usually still awake)... |
War & TerrorismMadrid Bombings
18 Posts • 7076 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
" It is the result of Bush, his tactics, and all the fucking moronic imbecile's that support his ludicrous agenda."
Decius please. Not every supporter of Bush is an idiot. I honestly b... |