31yrs • M •
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Religious views: are they really a reason for argument? |
Love one another. Live life fully. Words everyone should live by, regardless religion. I know, another article about religion. I apologize if anyone is sick of it. Honestly, I am a bit too. Which is why I wrote this. Hopefully my words hold true, and quell people on both sides of the argument who become much too involved and offensive. Read on if this seems interesting to you, if not, pass. Either way, I hope I am able to help at least one person. Some people take the religious views of others much too personally. Someone writes an article stating what they believe and there are always a few dozen people that call them ignorant or retarded. Sometimes, ignorance is true. But a lot of the time, calling someone ignorant is using a double-edged sword. To say that one is absolutely right in a religious argument is, in itself, ignorance. Because we don't know, not for sure. We may believe or not believe, but that's all. Which is why it's called a belief. Maybe you don't agree, but you don't have to be so aggressive. Faith isn't a bad thing. I, myself, am agnostic, and lack faith. For those who don't know, agnostics are those who believe that people can't know, and won't ever know if there is a god or not. Some agnostics lean more towards the belief in deities, and some more towards the non-existence of one, but in the end, don't know. And don't pretend to know. But to non-believers, is it really so bad to have faith? Say, hypothetically, that it's misplaced. And that there is no god. Would that change anything? They're happy, so let them be. Some extremists use the religion to justify their racist/sexist etc. thoughts, but if there wasn't religion, I'm sure they'd find another output. In the end, religious people (who don't aggressively attempt to force their beliefs upon someone) are hurting no one. And to religious people that push god onto others... why? Isn't it the bible that says something about how only god can show the way? If they aren't religious, leave them be. I mean, if you take away the prayer, religion, the ones that believe in god/jesus at least (can't speak for the others, as I lack knowledge in those) is all about helping your fellow human. Being kind to them, and living a good life. Would a god, who is supposed to have everlasting patience and love, really deny them 'heaven' for the sole reason that he didn't go to church? I know christians and catholics that do horrible things, everyday, and many atheists and agnostics that are selfless. would you really want a god that condemns the selfless to hell on the basis that they didn't pray and reward those who commit horrible atrocities 'in the name of god'? I wouldn't. It shouldn't matter what religion, race, or creed you are. To live a good life, to help those around you, should be the goal of all. Whether it's to gain entry through the pearly gates, or to experience the great feeling of gratitude and the knowledge that you made someone happier. I've met many a people that only abide by proper morals and ethics because of the consequence of hell. Which is really stupid and immature, in my opinion. It's the boy doesn't steal a cookie for fear of being spanked. Is that really the highest level of thought that some of us can get to? Yes, this isn't a proper christian or catholic, and it's another reason why religion is...useful. It does keep some of the less intelligent people from going on a killing spree (someone actually once told me they would if it weren't for god). Now, don't think I'm grouping all religious people into this group. I find a lot of religious people are also highly intelligent and just great people. And just like there are a small percentage of religious people who are just idiotic, there's an equal amount of non-believers that are as well. Stupidity doesn't discriminate. I've also met some people who believe in god and heaven because they're afraid that after they die, there will be nothing. Maybe not, maybe so. Should it matter? We're not dead yet, why worry? Live life to its fullest extent right now. Live in the present, and don't dwell on the future. Life is beautiful enough for anyone to feel content-no, ecstatic, if you see it as it should be seen. Whether life was created by god, evolution, both, or neither, it's here. We're here. So enjoy it while it lasts. Many people don't, and it's a huge loss. It's... well, a once in a lifetime thing. In closing, don't argue about religion with others. The majority of these arguments don't end well. There will always be those that disagree, different opinions and beliefs. If you think you're right, (as we almost always do) then be happy that you think you are. Live your life by your morals and ethics. Don't push them on others. Don't worry about what happens after death, whatever happens will happen, whether you worry about it or not. So live in the moment, try to make those around you happier, and appreciate life for the beauty it truly holds. For anyone who made it through the whole thing, I congratulate you. This started as a comment and then became a full-blown rant. I hope I didn't offend anyone, and if I helped anyone in anyway, this was well worth it. P.S. My fingers hurt D'=
68yrs • M •
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Do you really believe God can not be known, or understood? Do you really believe God is just an abstract idea of our imagination? Do you really believe God is not personal? Why do people base their opinions about God on what religious people have to say? What makes anyone think just because religious people talk about God, what they think has any bearing on God? Who studies the prophesies with total understanding of what God is about, instead of what they want to believe He is about? If you have a problem believing in God what about Satan? The scriptures state, Satan can appear as an angel of light, it's no marvel that his ministers can appear as ministers of righteousness. So what does that say about the ministers of Christianity? God also said many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many. Many shall say I represent God? who is God's representative? God also said many shall come unto me in that day saying, but Lord I have prophesied in your name, in your name I have cast out devils, and in your name I have done many marvelous works, and He will say unto them depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you. It's not a question of, do you know God. It 's a question of does God know you? God said I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink, naked and you clothed me, sick and in prison and you visited me. They answered when did we do these things for you? God's reply? When you did them unto my children, whose hearts I was hidden in. You done them unto me. God also said I was hungry and you fed me not, thirsty and you gave me no drink, naked and you clothed me not,sick and in prison and you visited me not. They answered when did we do not these things unto you? God's reply? when you did them not unto my children, whose hearts I was hidden in. You did them not unto me. Where are God's children, in whose hearts God dwells? They are hungry, thirsty, naked, sick and in prison, not filling up the churches across America and the world.