Tagged > Strange findings |
9 Posts • 51850 Views Talk Talk |
heh, there was a catch phrase on the Equilibrium dvd at blockbuster which stated "better then The Matrix" .... i think the concept of both 1984 and Equilibrium are better, but both are lacki... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15616 Views Religion Forum |
Ya, kiind of strange it all workd isn't it billyboy?
In my personal experience I still find myself believing in God's existence although religion tried very hard to turn me into an atheist.... |
Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10375 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner, but I've been running around all day...Well, I AM truly relieved that you GET IT...Cool!...The whole purpose of the paper is to actually transform... |
About You / IntroductionsHello again
8 Posts • 5215 Views Talk Talk |
Agree 100%. I have been starting to do that and it is helping.
It is strange because I’ve always been so independent and happy spending lots of time by myself in the past—bordering on... |
Something you always wanted to do in public
28 Posts • 6567 Views Talk Talk |
Theres nothing wrong with getting funny looks, or singing in public. i was walking down the road in the town i live in and realised i was getting some strange looks, soon realised that i was singing a... |
GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12282 Views Philosophy Forum |
Strange Lefty, I thought I had given you more about 'how you stated no one has seen GOD and I pointed out the same is true of atoms. Yet you seem to accept their existence.
Religion is more than... |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10715 Views Psychology Forum |
since i was a kid i had stairs in almost every dream i can remember. they were twisted, broken, disjointed, whatever. always treacherous and i always tried to climb them anyway.
as the years have... |
Physics & CosmologyDark matter
6 Posts • 3627 Views Science & Technology Forum |
This film seems to question the scientific authority on how the universe was formed by the big bang because of the strange effects of dark matter and dark energy and the contradictions that this impli... |
Riddles & PuzzlesThe 27 Club
5 Posts • 3321 Views Philosophy Forum |
"The 27 Club"
otherwise known as "forever 27"
and "curse of 27"
Ive recently stumbled upon a a string of unrelated incidents regarding many celebrity's (manl... |
SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I appreciate the bravery you must feel you are showing in enduring my crazes insanity, and the strain it must cause to bother and to repeat yourself so, oh so much.
First, your failure to participa... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21992 Views Religion Forum |
I am not sure how to explain this in simple terms, but matter itself can be reduced to a wave. This is where string theory gets really strange. Imagine the vibration of a one dimensional massless part... |
11 Posts • 5337 Views Talk Talk |
My key is one of two things
1 Life has been a strange ride and I never take things to seriously as the whole deal of life seems to be a joke of sorts so I remind myself of that and ge... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25422 Views Psychology Forum |
suicide is something that most people think about at least once in there lives,lets face it,it isnt a strange thing to consider,although,most people also get over whatever was causing the thoghts in t... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39618 Views Philosophy Forum |
I know this is a fairly old thread but this last question (by Sorceress) fascinated me so much, I had to pick it up again. I used to believe that the entire universe was a mental realm within the mind... |
TV Show ReviewsT.V
35 Posts • 14164 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I'm obsessed with One Tree Hill too, it has a strange power that makes me stop when I'm jumping through the channels, and I have this same feeling when I see Teletubies, I hate th... |
2 Posts • 1947 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
that story is so strange. i read the book a year or two ago and didn't really enjoy it, it was an interesting read an I'm glad i did read it, but i found the lengths to which he predicted th... |
Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7491 Views Philosophy Forum |
when i did drugs(in the past)....i used to take acid and just sit in front of a mirror. it's a great experience...i highly recomend it for any of you who partake in such activities...but, now tha... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
0 Posts • 570 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, I'm honestly speechless right now....
I have chosen to rid myself of guilt, because it's the strongest one I could think of, and I have no clue how that word feels now. What'... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I think, therefore I am"-true
I expand on this saying, I percieve it, therefore, it exists.
If it were "I think of, therefore, it exists" then whatever you think of would exis... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views Religion Forum |
Essentially, CT, I am the same...I advise the return to church...to God...to Christ.
BUT, with some strange doctrines, their is inheret danger..and now my conscience is cleared...as I gave my warnin... |
DreamsCrazy Dream
7 Posts • 4171 Views Psychology Forum |
i have dreams like that, one night i dreamed i was sailing with my dead granmonther, inevitably, it jumped till we were somewhere with lots of sand and i knew this sand went on forever, somehow i knew... |
GovernmentBush's Actions Fuel Recovery II
10 Posts • 3498 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
According to the stats you sent me, more Americans think themselves as conservatives rather then liberals or moderates. How strange that the media would thus bias itself towards liberalism, don't... |
Society11 Year old Kidnapped girl found 18 Years later
0 Posts • 710 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
and he says he speaks in the language of angels...why does almost always madness gets tainted with the idea of god or holyness? strange...
Something that really ticked me off about this story is th... |
TV Show ReviewsPopular Politically Incorrect Shows
4 Posts • 4774 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Breaking Bad - is about a middle class man who has lung cancer and being a scientists (who now works at a high school), he decides to start cooking meth in order to save money for his family for after... |
Child & Family PsychologyEffect of aggressive voices on TV on baby
3 Posts • 4638 Views Psychology Forum |
My memory is hazy so some of this may be incorrect:
There was a study done where children in group A watched some footage of another child punching an inflatable wobble doll and generally playing a... |