Tagged > Strange findings |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13811 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, we definitely confuse ourselves. At least I do. I question something, then I question my question, then I question my second question, and it goes on. The cycle of thougt. I like that phrase.... |
Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8917 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Oh, and as for infinity: I believe infinity is more a symptom of mental limitations, a kind of "curving of thought" as the external world seems to extend beyond our perception of three-dimen... |
God in ReligionGod: a reappraisal
1 Posts • 2383 Views Religion Forum |
By a strange paradox, the subject at hand is on everybody's lips but nobody's mind. For this is that area of inquiry which, being least amenable to certainty, also requires us to be at our most dogmat... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
3 October 2012
Goat Aurora Over Greenland
Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado (TWAN)
Sometimes it's hard to believe what you see in the sky. During the Shelios Expedition to Gr... |
SocietyBoycott GE
1 Posts • 2276 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Contact GE and let them know your intention:
https://www.ge.c om/contact/contact_form.html
I am outraged that your Network NBC has refused to let Kucinich in the Las Vegas presidential debate. I... |
1 Posts • 2710 Views Religion Forum |
'God works in mysterious ways'
To us, yes.
To Him, no:
God knows what 'he' does.
Therefore to get to God we must do so through understanding so that the mysterious is... |
93 Posts • 30411 Views Philosophy Forum |
Some really interesting answers- Thanks!
My own philosophy- I Beleive that in everyone there is stuggle- to say between good and evil is an oversimplification - but that is close. We strugle with ou... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16251 Views Religion Forum |
do i fear questioning? lol if u knew me u would know how strange that question sounds to me. but u dont so here goes. i drive my parents, my teachers, my friends and pretty much anyone else i happen t... |
BooksBook dissection
20 Posts • 13070 Views Talk Talk |
My favorite paragraph from G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy:
"Joy, which was the small publicity of the pagan, is the gigantic secret of the Christian. And as I close this chaotic volume I ope... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views Religion Forum |
As Jesus was tempted by Satan. Hmm
In The Aquarian gospel Jesus teaches that we are a strange mixture of good and evil in constant battle with ourself.
Consider when Jesus was tempted, he knew w... |
Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8056 Views Religion Forum |
The OP addresses Heaven's standards, and that the good should go regardless of their faith and in what we are shown that is in fact needed for such a venture.
Put it this way...if we were goin... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13285 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Untill There is substatial evidence or absalute proof which tells me otherwise I reside by evolution being the means of creation."
Even though there is zero evidence to suggest... |
Habits & BehaviorMy son and his odd imagination habit
6 Posts • 14118 Views Psychology Forum |
Hello, I would like to bring up a strange habit that my 10 year old son has and get some opinions on it. I am the boy's father.
This is very hard to describe so bear with me. I noticed a coupl... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20693 Views Philosophy Forum |
Although this post was entered long ago, I am replying on the idea that there are still some reading the responses.
"Why Continue", why not? Many walk this earth wondering why they are here... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51800 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
some just want to get a nut off without using their hand or having to commit to anything
In that case, why not work to make yourself a better person with a higher self-esteem. In time, sex will inevi... |
General HealthWhy I Love Green Tea
0 Posts • 2209 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
That's sounds about right to me given what I've seen.
Oxygenation is extremely healthy but will add extra free radicals, some with harmful effects, as this electron pulling apparently dam... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
I would turn and face your hate. Confront it. Look it in the eye. And be aware of everything that crosses your mind. Watch every thought and image, and acknowledge them. Try not... |
Child & Family PsychologyWhy won't they listen?
7 Posts • 3611 Views Psychology Forum |
You are correct in your findings for why kids dont listen. Everyone is different; but ALL are trying to fit in.
Like a jigsaw puzzle.
Think of a time when you are developing, metamophasizing, a... |
GovernmentIt's time for Kofi Annan to resign from the U
14 Posts • 5947 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I have followed this scandal for over a year, researching it through numerous sources. Senator Coleman is only the latest person to speak out against the waste & corruption.
The U.N's own invest... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
20 February 2013
Saturn's Hexagon and Rings
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Why would clouds form a hexagon on Saturn? Nobody is sure. Originally discovered during th... |
War & TerrorismFreedom fighters, or terrorists?
22 Posts • 11250 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Tanker, I have to admit to certain prejudice. I still question the CIA (black ops) in regard to 911? These and other valid questions have not been answered. Closed sessions do little more than promote... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
why is it a problem for you to stand on what you believe and serve ONE God?
what is the fear of saying, "I will serve ONE God."?
what is the problem with renouncing all other Gods as... |
Do you know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?
9 Posts • 3135 Views Talk Talk |
I say both sides have their pro's and con's. Even I sound a bit one sided most of the time.
If someone owns guns and they aren't necessary, their a practicing conservative
If someone own... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91151 Views Philosophy Forum |
I noticed this post and remembered the discussion about the theory of eternal recurrence, the idea that when we die we are reborn as who we are in the same year, on the same day, in the same house and... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views Religion Forum |
Bullshit, there are thousands of religions, don't delude yourself many with ancient origins and prized texts that will factually corrolate with basic history.
Buddha has a follow... |