You have to admit the mattress dance is just a dance. And love, with a cursive capital 'L', is merely sleight of hand, doled out by genetic edict to keep DNA flowing. It's all genetics. And beyond that, it's all just zeros and ones. - Nick Sagan
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Tagged > Social realism
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40979 Views
Religion Forum
I think Love is the ultimate reality in a social context, otherwise for a point of life, things become conflicted because life feeds on life and being kind to plants and animals is hard when you have...
THREAD BiologyIs Floride used to CONTROL
8 Posts • 2965 Views
Science & Technology Forum
nothing so ominous as "control" need be bantied about here... more a condition... like any other... all systems of control produce organizing principles... some people develop systems,...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhat is your current occupation versus....
16 Posts • 6847 Views
Talk Talk
It's the rat race I'm telling ya. We all need to survive. So we join this race to survive. We have to be marketable in today's economy and seek higher education to remain marketable...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousSubconscious
43 Posts • 10955 Views
Psychology Forum
Romach - You don't have to defend your philosophies or attempt to shoot others down by quoting historic philosphers. Because in the end, they were all just a bunch of guys sitting around thinking...
THREAD GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5466 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Chris, would you have willingly voted for Bush then? Do you consider him a good conservative? You refer to McCain as a Marxist. Do you feel, though the country "survived" a social Clinton...
THREAD ConsciousnessDifferents Forms of Consciousness
5 Posts • 3094 Views
Philosophy Forum
I personally do believe in the collective unconscious, global consciousness in some form. After all we are all linked, we all came from the same energy force in the universe so we are linked whether w...
THREAD Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23777 Views
Philosophy Forum
when i was young always wanted " to be in my grave " i even told a news reporter that, and he just quoted me as saying "patrick really liked the ice cream" my parents showed me the...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8539 Views
Psychology Forum
Disenchanted, it's possible that you're in settings that don't appeal to you for now. Maybe they talk about things you could care less about. You can either try to find ways to get the...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6519 Views
Religion Forum
nomeaning, What is "wrong"? What is "right"? What religion is right and which is wrong? According to most religions every other religion is wrong. So, which is right if there is b...
THREAD Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16569 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm sorry, I made a post without reading, fyi, I wasn't directing my last post to anyone in particular, just everyone. "The strange thing is, I have at least three very dependable yo...
THREAD LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22160 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Marriage is just a word... You don't need to be married to love someone or raise a family. What gay people want I assume is legal equality. I doubt any homosexuals are arrogant enough to expect c...
THREAD Men are like.....
10 Posts • 4769 Views
Jokes & Games
How men are like dogs:- both take up too much space on the bed both have irrational fears about the vacuum cleaner both mark their territory neither tells you whats bothering them The s...
THREAD Doctor-Assisted Suicide
13 Posts • 3794 Views
Philosophy Forum
Enough of the corruption of the medical and pharmaceutical industries in complete free-market capitalist countries like the US, that's what I've had enough of. You just try working at a priv...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87298 Views
Psychology Forum
Anyone feeling like I'm a Know-it-all? Feeling like I need a dose of sarcasm? LOL!!!! If you do feel this way, stop and ask yourself - REALLLY dig deep (are you capable of looking this deep?), &q...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsOvercoming fear: Shyness
2 Posts • 2552 Views
Psychology Forum
How do you overcome this fear of speaking up Fear is a biologically normal unless it consumes ones life. To over come fear you have to face the fear it self. This may sound cliché, but in most cas...
THREAD the Holocaust of north and south america.
7 Posts • 2978 Views
Talk Talk
I could write an article on the subject it is a big subject. I recognise that the worst of the oppression and destruction of native civilisations is over but there are still realy bad residual effec...
THREAD God in ReligionOny one God created this entire World
12 Posts • 4799 Views
Religion Forum
I agree with Angel of Death...All religions strive to know and understand one God...Each religion, however, grew from different cultures so, of course, there will be different conceptions and "na...
THREAD Society & SociologySelf-Acceptance
4 Posts • 2520 Views
Psychology Forum
i think self acceptance has always been hard to achieve, people will always want to measure up to some standard that they percieve someone else as measuring up to. human nature provides envy and jealo...
THREAD Cheater or not
14 Posts • 4196 Views
Talk Talk
From the earlier question I would have to disagree with wes. I beleive there is a corolation If a man checks out other women when on a date he obviously lacks discretion and any respect for their part...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33957 Views
Religion Forum
I think that "The discussion on God" is very intrusting Topic for wisting ur time...Because,no one can see the God(even if u believe that GOD exist)There r some religions those believe that...
THREAD Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16569 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, since everyone is essencially selfish I don't think it matters if you're introspective or not cause you're still selfish. I know someone who is really social and who seems to like...
THREAD Relationships & LoveConfusion mixed with some more confusion. Please help.
4 Posts • 2318 Views
Psychology Forum
Thing is she isn't ready for a relationship, being that she is just out of one. I really respect her and understand her situation there for I am not trying to convince her to do anything she isn&...
THREAD Closeness
16 Posts • 4985 Views
Talk Talk
The most outstanding of individuals will say completely absurd things when caught off guard. People who exude confidence in social situations simply do so because they have experienced more awkward mo...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsUniversity life not going as I would like it to go...
6 Posts • 2854 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't know if I would call this a regret, because I didn't have a very good support system from my family, but for pretty much the whole duration of my time at uni I had a boyfriend - and...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19101 Views
Religion Forum
Well, that is dependent upon whose Traditional accounting you are want to discuss?These quotes are from the linked site provided by OkCity. Our souls have traveled throughout the cosmos from the beg...
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