99 Posts • 21708 Views Philosophy Forum |
However, I do see your point: sombody steals...maybe it was to feed his family who desparately needs to be fed because the guy's not working, then it's not stealing. Or, somebody steals...ma... |
Obama a thread about Hope and Change.
9 Posts • 2702 Views Talk Talk |
I am canadian but i try to keep up on global politics. I think Oboma Is Simply a talking head He is likely to be just as corrupted as any one else involved in most political partys. We need to realise... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
World Population
http://www.geno cideintervention.net/educate/c risis/burma
* See cartoon.
What choice did this child* have in being born? NONE!!!! *angry*
[... |
I am not cool becuse another man makes me feel effeminate.
12 Posts • 4221 Views Talk Talk |
Try to call me gay
Try to call me confused.
I have spent a lifetime being straight
And have typified what is masculine in my social group.
Im comfortable i... |
SocietyRed Vs. Blue: Who Picks Who?
8 Posts • 2445 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You said that republicans are greedy and care about corporations. And that democrats care about middle class. If Joe is a republican and does not care about corporations, your statement is no longer v... |
SocietyVIDEO: Shouting CCTV Cameras
1 Posts • 2005 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I suggest every citizen to prop a camera around every government and corporate building as well as the homes of the heads of them so we too can monitor "anti-=social" behavior from sources t... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I hereby state that I am ignoring all previous posts on this topic in order to answer the original question"
I think everyone believes in free speech, unfortunately, this is only as long... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
*sighs deeply*
So I think Decius was taking it into the social context of how Bush is like the Jesus Factor for thinking he can save people and whatnot, I mean that's a given and it... |
GovernmentSocial Security
4 Posts • 3607 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
During the stock market 'crash' of 1999, those of us who had 401k's through our employer lost bundles. I lost over $20K, and I have not yet seen that amount recovered. A co-employee los... |
Society & SociologyYour political symbol- my fashion style
4 Posts • 2275 Views Psychology Forum |
The fashion industry (supported by us, the people) is exploiting dress styles that were once a form of political or social protest. For example, the 60s women's business suits were more masculine... |
DrugsWhats so appeling about drink?
15 Posts • 3262 Views Psychology Forum |
I've just been wondering recently whats so appealing about alcohol?
I hear people all the time saying things like "lets go get wrecked at the weekend" I just don't see a point... |
23 Posts • 26625 Views Philosophy Forum |
If we were to describe being "selfish" as in gaining an emotion from our actions, (here is left to be defined as which emotion is good, which is bad. to each his own i think).
then we are a... |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10706 Views Psychology Forum |
i have heard that in dreams we often act out our inner most desires. nothing restrains us from doing what we really yearn for. nor do we have any physical, social or legal limitations in dreams.
m... |
LawDo you think Black Economic empowerment in SA is racist?
6 Posts • 30776 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am a White South African as well, I see Black economic empowerment as a small obstacle, in fact I am producing a formula to make it null and void in my life. I believe that it is inefficient, but al... |
Mental IllnessBorderline Personality Disorder Advice
10 Posts • 3244 Views Psychology Forum |
Thx, thank you for your input, it is appreciated.
Decius: My borderline consists of nearly non-existent self esteem, paranoia regarding separations and abandonment, persistent depressed moods, Subs... |
Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18541 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I would like to discuss the pros and cons of genetic engineering, I'm hoping someone can give me some insight into this subject.
Some of the cons I hear/think about are, and some arguments aga... |
7 Posts • 3044 Views Talk Talk |
Talked to him today, he has some cheek. Both sounding like I should apologize for making him feel guilty and that its his "burden" to "liven things up".
He's in my flat nex... |
Does Time Exist?
30 Posts • 7069 Views Philosophy Forum |
if everything was to stop moving COMPLETELY... down to the molecular level and everything... theoretically time would stop because:
according to the social construct time theory, we wouldnt be able... |
a new code processor
11 Posts • 2885 Views Philosophy Forum |
we don't all think the same. As we each have separate experiences and exposure to differing stimuli, our individual ways of reacting or coping begins to diverge.
Is this because of social cons... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12644 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Im self-righteous? Im not the one telling people how and what Christ would say today!
And if you sense anger then that is the emotion that you are feeling when you are reading me - I dont g... |
CBC: The Human Behavior Experiments
1 Posts • 2151 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Excerpt: Why would four young men watch their friend die, when they could have intervened to save him? Why would a woman obey phone commands from a ... all » stranger to strip-search an innocent em... |
@tax cuts
22 Posts • 5534 Views Talk Talk |
thank you for your reply
i agree with your 2nd point whole heartedly. in your first point you contradicted yourself in the first sentence. you put reality and theory together pertaining to the same... |
Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9453 Views Religion Forum |
social constructionism- means that our knowledge is a human construct. That there is a diversity of beliefs. That their is no universal absolute 'truth'. I'll elaborate below.
'... |
93 Posts • 25427 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Sorry about bringing religion into the picture. When you're discussing a phillosophical issue is it really so wrong to bring in another phillosophy (relligion) into the picture for a little bit o... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotions
6 Posts • 2867 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe our emotions are born out of the complex interaction between the physical, ie brain processes, chemical reactions caused by a chain reaction in the web of neurons that are all interconected... |