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Ony one God created this entire World

User Thread
 51yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that dattaswami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ony one God created this entire World

Hindus say that Brahman is the creator, Muslims say
That Allah is creator, Christians say that the creator is
Jehovah, all say that the creation is this entire world.
If Hindus say that Brahman created India, and if
Muslims say that Allah created Arabian countries and
If Christians say that Jehovah created the western countries,
The problem is solved, there can be three Gods together,
Who have created the three parts of the earth separately.

But this is not so, each religion says that their God only
Created the entire world, unfortunately there is one world!
One world only! Come on, all of you sit together here
And give me the final conclusion after debate, otherwise,
The scientists are laughing on all of you! Shame to all!

They criticize that these religions do not have even
The basic logic, which is the fundamental common sense.
Because of you, the greatest God is also mocked by them
They say that the religions are rigid conservatisms!
Even a small boy is putting this question to all of you.

Stop all your discourses and first answer this question.
If you want to say that God created the entire world,
You have to accept that there is one God only always
And that His names are all the above three names.

We see in the world a single person having three names.
If there is one God, He only created this entire world.
All the human beings are invariably His children only.
No Father is partial to a single child and therefore
He must have preached the same knowledge to all
In different languages and in different methodologies
To different levels, this is Universal Spirituality.

At Thy Lotus Feet

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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 49yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that PeteSmith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Faulty logic.
If you want to say that God created the entire world,
You have to accept that there is one God only always
And that His names are all the above three names.

It is possible for all these 3 religions to be wrong, but it is not possible for them to all be right.

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""What we do in life echoes in eternity" Maximus"
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Nice Decius

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that mikes is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I dont think see how all 3 religions can be correct if they have fundamental differences that are often contradictory. Religion comes as a package, and although there have been some slight changes they must be looked at not only by the god or gods they worship but also the rules that they preach.

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"thinking about doing something is just as good as actually doing it"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
All religions lead to the same thing=God, only the paths are different. Buddhisim, Taoism, Hinduism, Christianity,Islam-they have completly different rituals, but the essence is the sme

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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The teaching of Brahman can be found in bothe the gospels of Thomas and Judas

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 53yrs • M •
holymagi1 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Hey didn't you know... Jesus wasn't a white man or a black man or yellow man or red man. He wasn't just Jewish by descent and he didn't play favorites with races.

Jesus was bronzed by culural diversity and ready to forgive us all if we are still willing to behave and learn to get along with one another.

There are problems though. Christianity teaches the triumph of a good and loving God over the forces of evil in the world leading to the salvation of the human race. The methods of redemption are spiritual in nature and can be reflected in human behavior but, are not ment to be carnal. Salvation leads to heaven an abode of God that is absolute paradise.

The Hindu faith Declares much like many cultural religions befor and after it that, there are many Gods with one chief God - Brahma as the head King or of chief of it. In contrast to Christianity they have a trinity of Gods equal in the Godhead with Vishnu on the right and Shiva on the left. All the many other Gods submit to these 3. Salvation is obtained much like in budhism by achieving a state of Nirvanna through the building up of ones Charma. If you fail to achieve this state of divinity in this life you are reincarnated and get a chance to try again in you're next life. It's like a merit system or ladder system. you have to be perfect to be a god but, apparently that's the objective. Impossible I say.

The Korahn compromises between the 2 but, even the Muslim version cannot accept the Salvation through grace method that Jesus declares to the world.

In fact the Jews also cannot accept this. Allthough, the Jews do the 1 God system like the Christians and the muslims do, even they have a hard time accepting the concept of ascendancy to the after life through Grace by faith in the redemptive power of Christ crucified and resurrected off the cross. Christianity is the only system that offers you and me and everybody the notion that you can inherit eternal life and paradise without a merit system or ladder climbing or law abiding whatsoever.

OK you're sinner, you deserve to die or go to prison. Every religious system established punishment for sinners and rewards (or merits) for obedience and productive living. If you fail you wont get saved in this life, maybe the next. how hypocritical. As if you don't sin, you don't make a mistake or 2 or 20 or 100. Jesus offers salvation immediately upon acceptance of him as the one true God.

I'll stick to Jesus. He was the only one who idenified with the human race on the level he did and still the only one who was bronzed by cultural diversity. He is superior to Jehova, Brahma, Allah and all the rest because he is the creator incarnate as a human being and the new race of divine celestials under his order - human beings. Jehova has already given it all to him what the hell is Brahma and Allah waiting for?

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"Otto (as in Autobot - Otto-bot) is an unhuman creation of man and therefor, the opitimen of idiosynctratic & disonnant logical fallacy"
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
By "new" and "old" religions, you mean....?

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 42yrs • M •
Doctor Nobody is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I can't believe this thread.
"If a million people say a stupid thing, it is still a stupid thing".
It still applies to a few billion people saying who created the world. Or actually, saying who they were told created the world.

"We see in the world a single person having three names", dattaswami ?
Yes, and when they give a personal history and way of thinking to every name that contradict eachother, what do you think about them ?
"No Father is partial to a single child". Yeah, right. You should come to Earth more often.

Angel of Death:
"All religions lead to the same thing=God, only the paths are different. Buddhisim, Taoism, Hinduism, Christianity,Islam-they have completly different rituals, but the essence is the sme"
Let me get this straight. God gives completely different rituals, that get the same result ? So I guess he-she-it doesn't care about the rituals, just on the results. Then why not give one religion ? Is he-she-it going around making up several "one and only holy right" religions ? Or humans misunderstood most of the "revelations", that were meant to be all the same ? Quite the poor communicator for the supreme truth incarned.
Maybe he-she-it wanted to promote some melting pot between religions ? I would support that, if it wasn't for the "one and only" rule.
Unless the god is always the same and people make up all the religions and rules ? Could be. Making up the god would be more fun, still.
Or maybe, you know, several groups of people independently created religions based on their individual and/or collective needs-thoughs-philosophies, during widely different historical circumstances ? And some of them look the same because they have some common denominators producted by the society they appeared in ?
I'll stick with religions and their gods being similar only if they have a common origin, that being the same starting religion or that humans as a whole are not that much different where it counts even millennia or ten thousand kilometers away.

"Christianity is the only system that offers you and me and everybody the notion that you can inherit eternal life and paradise without a merit system or ladder climbing or law abiding whatsoever. "
You're right about eternal life, that's for everyone including sinners in hell (big deal). But paradise ? Without merits or laws ? I didn't get the memo, when did they cancel the ten commandments and all the sins ? Which kind of christianity are we talking about, as there are quite some differences between, say, Calvinists or Mormons ?

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""For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.""
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that danman2_2999 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"Or maybe, you know, several groups of people independently created religions based on their individual and/or collective needs-thoughs-philosophies, during widely different historical circumstances ? And some of them look the same because they have some common denominators producted by the society they appeared in ?"

Nicely said, Doctor Nobody. The way I see it, all humans have had a tough time coping with this unforgiving world. It would make sense that people in one place would look different, as well as have different beliefs, than those on the other side of the world. Until I see anything that would even suggest something after this life, then yeah, I might go to church.

I have not seen one thing ever that would suggest that God exists or that there is an after life or ghosts or anything for that matter. All I see around is science and people doing fucked up shit.

But in all reality, God could be apparent here by our own existence. But it is so....non-personal. I dont see how he can sit around and let us suffer here. What kind of Father is that? It seems like a good idea tho, i mean for those people that suffer all the time, they NEED something better for them after this life ends.

If we all were buddhists, then we would all be nice to each other and we would eventually be enlightened, instead of depending on faith alone to get us to heaven, that gives us the ability to act foolish and just ask for forgiveness.

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"down to smoke a bowl?"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wizardslogic is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree with Angel of Death...All religions strive to know and understand one God...Each religion, however, grew from different cultures so, of course, there will be different conceptions and "names" of God...Different people can observe the same situation or object and see and interpret them differently, although they are visions of one and the same situation or object...Even religions that assert the existence numerous minor gods allude to the idea of one supreme diety which, in general, is thought of as the only real god; all the rest are described in almost symbolic terms...suggesting that there may be what could be considered "conscious" forces that approach godhood, but not quite...Most religions today, unfortunately, seem to have lost thier interest in the nature of God and are more concerned with tenets and ritual and social concerns...Oh, well...

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"Each conscious mind is alone in the universe!"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angel Of Death is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
yes, religion maybe different because of difference in cultures and time.

But it is so....non-personal. I dont see how he can sit around and let us suffer here.

It becomes non personel if you conceive of God as a seperate thinking entity 'up there'.

have not seen one thing ever that would suggest that God exists or that there is an after life or ghosts or anything for that matter.

it doesn't matter if God exists or not, what matters is how well you find out who you are, how deep you understand the mysterires of nature, life and yourself. If you find it hard to believe in God-don't, but don't let that take away the wonder and mystery of life.

So I guess he-she-it doesn't care about the rituals, just on the results. Then why not give one religion ? Is he-she-it going around making up several "one and only holy right" religions ? Or humans misunderstood most of the "revelations", that were meant to be all the same ? Quite the poor communicator for the supreme truth incarned.

'God', the sperate entitit didn't give us religion, all religion has in fact come through us. Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha, all were humans, but spiritually enlightned ones, ones that had found the highest Truth. They had discovered who they really were, what God was, and consequently preached. How does it matter if you worship Buddha or Allah when God is inside of you.

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"I'll heal ur woundz I'll set u free, I m jesus christ on xtacy"
Ony one God created this entire World
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