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Tagged > Prove
THREAD War & TerrorismOfficial Captain Cynic WTC 9/11 Thread
0 Posts • 6685 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is the most compelling video I have come across. I cannot prove it's entirely legit, but I can't find anything that disproves it either. Building 7 being reported as having already c...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsYour definition of existence
23 Posts • 10134 Views
Philosophy Forum
Existence for itself must be considered exist if it's there, but actually it's exist here or there because we observed it (whether) through understanding or through any means (that limit us)...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views
Religion Forum
Strongclad: I didn't read all of your posts, just briefly brushed through them as they weren't all written to me. I've come to this conclusion. Logic and Religion are like Oil and Water...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12214 Views
Religion Forum
So when you have people saying that religion is the only way to go. I say, why? And when people say that there is no such thing as a god? I say 'can you prove that?' When people say th...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeInvalid Beliefs
10 Posts • 3736 Views
Philosophy Forum
Many things could show how a belief can be addressed as valid or invalid, in my opinion. I would say a belief which requires acceptance and unity is the least valid, as oppose to someone who is insane...
THREAD How do we describe perfection
49 Posts • 20056 Views
Philosophy Forum
What if perfection didn't even exist and we presume perfection exists? How can we prove there is such a thing as perfection? We talk about Jesus being perfect in christianity. He wasn't perf...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat is religion?
40 Posts • 10570 Views
Religion Forum
Thats my point, its not supposed to make any sense. Thats why it is "illogical". An illogical statement about God does not make the concept of God illogical. Some more comments about th...
THREAD can anybody help me?
5 Posts • 2572 Views
Talk Talk
ok, so i'll be honest. i may be the biggest ass hole on earth to even ask for help on this question, but if you have advice i'd love to here it... so, a while back i was dating this girl....
THREAD conversation I had with a myspace female
24 Posts • 7053 Views
Talk Talk
i never said there was anything wrong with having m8s the same sex as you as well. the only reason i have more female friends than male is cos i get one with them better. the reason you think girls...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44055 Views
Philosophy Forum
also, if you care not to justify yourself...or prove yourself as all unenlightened beings seem only to want, why did you feel the need to post again. because i'm still unenlightened.....I'...
THREAD EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23556 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"A percentage is more realistic compared to a fixed ammount because a rich person may utilize more governmental resources than a poor person will." Nonesense. The poor through social welfar...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12275 Views
Philosophy Forum
I remember. I could say, "I saw God," and someone would then say, "are you sure you saw God" I cannot prove to you that there is a God, anything I say will be questioned. Likew...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24722 Views
Religion Forum
And at the same time while he claims the unfailing nature of "Glossolalia"... it hasn't caught on...? No matter how many detractors when a system works it's nearly impossible to...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21652 Views
Religion Forum
okcitykid said:I question the validity of Paul.What makes you think that Paul's statements or claims are invalid? The scriptures concerning the virgin birth are not found in the earlier transcri...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67397 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Abuse Sickness Causes silence Causes violence Causes "Its not, its not true." I've come to See That I can feel it In my blood And in my youth Prick, ow My life....
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42254 Views
Philosophy Forum
Good. The part about the individual, experience and ideas in particular. These are all things in your brain, probably chemicals, you can call them spiritual if you wish, it doesn't matter. The pa...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15608 Views
Religion Forum
i come from a very large family of (some may call fanatical) christians. they believe god exists as strongly as, or even stronger than, they believe 2+2=4. the reason i say "or stronger than&q...
15 Posts • 3823 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The anthrax letters There is something that hasn't come up in a long time - no one took credit for them, isn't that strange? The terrorists have always taken credit for everything they ha...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views
Religion Forum
Dumteen knows a lot of stuff - but most of the stuff he thinks he knows is opinion he has chosen to believe. I agree that the science on this subject is flimsy - Why is it so hard for them to say -...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3830 Views
Religion Forum
All my family save me are muslims, no I dont love or hate them because they are muslim.. or others because they are not but because of their individual traits and actions. When 9/11 happened i was...
THREAD AliensIs Bush An Alien From Another Planet?
12 Posts • 4028 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I think its more likely that UFO's visited us, maybe still do, and implanted there genes or modes of thinking upon us. Similar to humans and apes...some apes can learn a little sign langauge, for...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38004 Views
Psychology Forum
In many instances victims are blamed which is why our local women's center provides legal advocates to support them through the court proceedings. For example, the questioning in court may addres...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24269 Views
Religion Forum
When you have my experiences you can let me know what conclusions you draw from them. Don't be an ass, do not think your experiences so unique no one can relate. Your conclusions are not yo...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42406 Views
Religion Forum
We did not inherit 'sin' from Adam and Eve, we only inherited imperfection. The question here is not is God good or bad(which in itself is pretty stuipid), but wheather He exists or not....
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24269 Views
Religion Forum
So no then. Does this then mean that you desired to kill, rape, and steal? Not all of the above but I had been prone to theft and other dishonest activities. I desired to get all I could without...
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