He who works with his hands is a labourer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist - Saint Francis of Assisi
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Tagged > Prove
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40565 Views
Religion Forum
Summit Nice try..... Let's leave the personel slander down a bit. I'm guilty too. For learning's sake as you wisely stated. First off Your points of veiws are just that "p...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24423 Views
Religion Forum
It may have taken me 3 hours to read this entire thread, but, I have finally done it... And out of everyone's posts and debating, Summits seems to make the most sense..He is the only who has thou...
THREAD What is It, that I need to do....
4 Posts • 3509 Views
Talk Talk
...in order for her to know that I love her? I know a lot of ppl say that you only have to tell a woman that you love her, and be there when she needs you. But is that all? NO! I have this pro...
64 Posts • 19299 Views
Philosophy Forum
Personally, I find it harder to believe that everything that is is just coincidence than God exists. There are numerous physic constants that are infinitally precise that allow life to occur. It has b...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views
Religion Forum
Elemental said:Sorry, I don't mean to say trying to prove it is dishonest in itself, its just that often the person attempting is being dishonestDon't worry, I hate it when people are like t...
THREAD War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12125 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"And we were NOT a nation when we overtook native americans. We were not yet under a constitution now had an army....so that is mute point." And that makes outright slaughter ok? The Iraqis...
THREAD ChristianityThe Exodus - decoded
12 Posts • 2995 Views
Religion Forum
Just because we can explain these events doesn't mean they were any the less miraculous to the people of the time Absolutely true. And even today magicians appear miraculous to the people o...
THREAD What is the nature of man?
40 Posts • 10744 Views
Philosophy Forum
"My views are more valid because I believe in the only living God. I have seen physical proof of God but you will likely dismiss it because you are blinded by your own set of beliefs which you se...
THREAD General HealthWhy Games Are Good For You
7 Posts • 7306 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Training properly to have a fit body needs a bit of science too. For instance, a basic workout in order to get good in shape can consist of 2 basic things. Running 5-7 times a week and doing 2-...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24965 Views
Religion Forum
Since you neglect to rebut my most pressing points, I'll asume you haven't read my post properly. Do so. In the meantime, I will answer your call for a more cogent impeachment of the conc...
THREAD ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8508 Views
Religion Forum
I am sorry if i sound like a bible thumper Are you? Why is that? but what I said is true. No. What you said was nothing, what you referred to was a passage from the Bible, which unless Go...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismIf you had a gun to your head, what would you choo
30 Posts • 8575 Views
Religion Forum
A gun pointed at your face is not a random accident have you even the slightest idea how many random factors come into play in how the gun got in front of my face. how many random factors come into p...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24965 Views
Religion Forum
It's just that the atheist and agnostic point of view is more responsibility and much less magical and wondrous. Think back to when you were a kid, didn't everything seem to have a glowing a...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42406 Views
Religion Forum
Its people like you that when explorers find a new land mass filled with new colored people that can't talk to you right and explain that they wonder why they exist and that they are people too,...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8933 Views
Philosophy Forum
MiA...we are discussing morality. Responsibility for your actions is directly related; if you can claim you have no responsibility for your action, then you can say your action was moral. But can you...
THREAD FuturologyPreparing for the worst....
4 Posts • 7533 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've prepared a "bug-out" bag. In it, I have basical survival necessities: tent sleeping bag warm clothes first aid basics cookwear utensils fo lding saw survival knife w/metal m...
THREAD Consciousnesschi
7 Posts • 3550 Views
Philosophy Forum
Matter can never see matter. Matter in itself has no real observation properties, because it can only absorb photons and retransmit them, and if you truly look at photons it is only energy one sees, a...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17381 Views
Religion Forum
Nicely done Dreamer, I really liked the portion Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can obtain no part in the kingdom of God, neither shall corruption have any part in incorruption.They ar...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, You denied using mockery, that was your lie. Then you trivialized it when cornered. You have no credibility. I admit I missed the point when you said ""by the way, evolution...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13576 Views
Religion Forum
Josiah, King Akhenaton, Constantine, Mohammed and Abraham all had a vested interest in seeing the One God theory succeed. They profited greatly by fooling the masses. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Inte...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19624 Views
Religion Forum
No, but one who sees and questions ones motives will find man inherently evil. That depends on what evil is. And is it not safer to say that man is both inherently evil and good, or do you discoun...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityDoes meaning come before awareness?
5 Posts • 2940 Views
Philosophy Forum
in my view, it was "does logic exist before life" I think life is inherently "logical" -- a product of a logical, perhaps even inevitable cause/effect chain. In that respect, lo...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views
Religion Forum
I've got a few reasons to believe in some creator(s): 1. The design of our place in this universe, particularly, but also, the universe itself. What is holding all the stuff therein together?...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorWhy do I naturally want to debate everything anyone says?
8 Posts • 12277 Views
Psychology Forum
I am a 21 year old college student. From my grades and ACT score I can conclude I have above-average intelligence, but I can't see the problem here. Almost anytime someone comes to a semi-debatab...
THREAD Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9267 Views
Religion Forum
Pete - First off, I'm glad that we can have this discussion and that we can express our point of view and neither one of us will go to prison for it. We are not so far apart on our beliefs exc...
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