Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8404 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, I'm not saying your way of dealing with this is wrong. As I said, I agree that if you are nice it may very well be he will blow it off.
I was giving you some ideas on how to look at th... |
Intelligence, Memory & Brainintelligence flaw - Chomsky
5 Posts • 3175 Views Psychology Forum |
Ah, for clarity, it would seem, I am required to ask more clear questions.
What do you feel chomsky, and any others you wish to name, are saying or doing that is anti american?
I'm used to... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
After Hurricane Katrina wiped out most of New Orleans, President Bush
said on television , "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." But a recent tape revealed tha... |
Emotions & FeelingsRelease
4 Posts • 2801 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, I don't know anything about your medical history, but it sounds to me like you have purposefully been prescribed medication due to some type of chemical imbalance. Obviously when you take a... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43988 Views Religion Forum |
'Well, if you cant see the logic and reasoning behind why homosexuality isnt "right"..then thats completely absurd.'
You are still using religious and personal opinion. It is not 'right'... |
Writing Advicecoming of the sun,who can expain it????
1 Posts • 4195 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
hi all
can any of you help to explain this poetry
Coming of the Sun
by james berry
The sun came out in England today-
Faces cracked wanting to smile.
Overcoats were guests overstayed
Nakedne... |
SpiritualityEmotional Intelligence
5 Posts • 3599 Views Religion Forum |
Samantha98, emotional intelligence needs the following list of necessary dimensions: all of these dimensions may not be met for the fully rounded personality. Nevertheless, a partially developed indiv... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25013 Views Psychology Forum |
First time I cleaned a fish... fish guts all night, no plot or emotional content, just fish guts...
As far as dream interpretation goes.... It is possible to interpret them WHILE having a lucid dre... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14686 Views Religion Forum |
Hmmm, I wonder what is life, as it seems to be a nexus of this topic. Awareness? Is this what you consider life, beings that move and do, perhaps even think (but what is thought) doesn't qualify... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views Philosophy Forum |
What i'm getting at is not the holding back of idea's from children, concepts can be taught with very little harm. The thing i fear is a world full of children who are taught things to early... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14684 Views Philosophy Forum |
i agree completely with cynic al, and ethereal... honestly... think out of the box.
atoms were always there, wether we could see them or not, and right now we can see them so now we know they are t... |
the Holocaust of north and south america.
7 Posts • 2981 Views Talk Talk |
Your post's points and figures are scattered and ambiguous.
Who is killing whom, how, and how are they getting away with it, so that it may be corrected.
If you want anyone to have a discus... |
Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3501 Views Psychology Forum |
I absolutely hate it. Just about every part of society and the people who make everyone else look bad. What kind of shit hole have we jumped into when we kick other people when they're down and s... |
Alternative BeliefsNovus Spiritus
4 Posts • 4925 Views Religion Forum |
We believe that Our Lord was crucified but did not die on the cross and went on to live out His life in France with his mother and Mary Magdalene, his wife.
Yea, when I think of God making a home o... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3616 Views Psychology Forum |
The other night before I went to sleep I was just thinking in my head as usual about my own personal dreams and fantasies when something kind of peculiar happened (at least for me.) At some random poi... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42014 Views Religion Forum |
What does the reason 'why God created man' seem so important? Be happy with your existence, and God allows evil to occur because that's the ony way we will learn. It's like a Paren... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Ok this is how legitimacy works - unless you have the direct quote where he admits to making it or unless you have him on tape then you can not believe something attributed to him if it contradi... |
grandfather theory
6 Posts • 4422 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Going back in time means that time doesn't pass but exists as a parallel. If you can move along the parallel, both forward and backwards it means that time is not a parallel line but a plane. On... |
17 Posts • 8494 Views Art Forum |
i am a musician too! i love music - any music! and i have tried hard to make a career for myself as a songwriter and recording artist but hey, its hard coming up with new ideas and perfecting your cra... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10355 Views Psychology Forum |
Who on earth said anything about imagination?
Do you not hear the carping need to dominate in your voice?
Who said sufferring, death and decay had to adhere to some kind of ange... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
When i say something, im refering to a greater good. Since spirit is not given or created by physical differences, we cant castrate all blue eyed people.
religion has already been imposed...figh... |
ChristianityBaptism (Fire, Spirit, Water) Whatever
11 Posts • 4320 Views Religion Forum |
Excuse me if I am a little foggy yet this morning. Working on my morning Java! *dead*(word play, java script problem)
A bit of irony, Note that the biblical nation of Israel when oppressed turned to... |
ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7998 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know if you are in a position to answer this question because it is sort of posed as a rebuttal to PeterSmith's assertion that Christianity is the only religion that provides "g... |
Blah, Blog, Blohhhhh!, = healing
1 Posts • 1807 Views Talk Talk |
You know with all this technology and more avenues to express personal opinion, of only the fortunate whom have access, it seems rather silly that the focus of the connected at places like YouTube, co... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
A thirteen year old girl does not have the same understanding of the world as someone in their twenties or thirties or more and if you were sitting in front of this little girl instead of behind your... |