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 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
My arguement was simply that many people can know one God as the same God because if they didn't there would be no point to God.
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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 35yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that lastresort is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
i agree completely with cynic al, and ethereal... honestly... think out of the box. atoms were always there, wether we could see them or not, and right now we can see them so now we know they are there. just because we dont have the technology at the time doesnt mean we cant see it im sure there are plenty of things out there we cant see and dont know exist. quarks for example, are just theories however strong it may be... as soon as we get technology to actually see them, their existance will always be questioned. such as god. it human nature, seeing is believing as to your most recent post, so you're saying that the whole point of god is to bring people together... THANK YOU! that is why religion was created, to bring the masses together. adventually to make money and what not, however the idea has now evolved. in this day and age, god is stronger to some people and not so much to others, the masses that religion brings together set out to kill other religions. this is what has to stop, i have no problem with personal religion and if it's peacful and comepletely understanding of all other religions and cultures, mass gatherings of one religion. however as soon as a group of extremists start killing people that dont think like them... god must cease to exist.
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Religion is supposed to unite people under God, it is only because God exists that we have religion. No religions would ever exist unless God did.
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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
no-one ever knows anyone the same as someone as someone else knows them. you will always look at someone differently to everyone else. god is just the ultimate friend, but the same still applies, no two people think about god the same way. therefore there will always be rifts within a religion, to try and put an overall view on god to any extent is a waste of time.
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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"
 39yrs • M • 
huyties is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Has anyone thought that each of us is "God"? We all go through life at different paths. Some create things, some study things, but we all have our own different thinking patterns that weave into a huge patern. Everything relates to each other in some way. Its said that we are all connected somehow between 6 people. Therefore, could each of us be a God that comes together to create this world? Also, we only use 10% of our brains. The strongest computer in the world and we only use 10% of it while we live. What do the other 90% of our brains do? Could it do things we don't control but unconsciously, it knows everything and knows exactly what to do and what to change to keep life evolving?
 41yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that patape is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Religion is supposed to unite people under God, it is only because God exists that we have religion. No religions would ever exist unless God did. 5:11:54 pm - July 31st, 05 "take off those mental training wheels" if there is the view that god may not exist why would religion be a reason for god to exist? why not just say god exists becasue of the god concept alone? so we want to belive in 'god' for al the common psychollogical reasons.. we want to bond for it, we love morals so = religion forms why is that so hard for you too undertand? and thers still so many absudities especially in christianity.. but the main point is of course religions can exist without 'god' (and just the concept alone)...n casue whether he does or doesnt we sill have our same tendancies
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"no quote until i copyright it.."
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
i like huyties idea. but i must say that it sounds a lot like the christain ideology, of god being a part of us, and us being a part of god. mayb we are all linked together through god, we all use 10% of ou brains, god uses the other 90% and resides there, or mayb our minds are parts of god, and knowing god is just breaking down the barrier between the two sections. the bit we use for livin, and the part in which god resides.
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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"
 39yrs • M • 
huyties is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
It is a bit of a christian ideology prolly because I was raised christian. But now that I have come into knowledge, I am not sure about religions anymore. I do not have the same belief i did in the teachings of the Bible. But i think that becuase i was taught that way, my ideas will be influenced by what i was taught. "God" or something of the same aspect, i beleive in but religion is corrupt and man made. There are so many out there, what makes one right and one wrong? The idea of god living in the other 90% is a good idea Cynic-al. But i'm saying each of us is a different God not one God all connected. Each of us sees oursleves differently so how can there only be ONE?
 42yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that heyjme1 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
A painting can be seen as a composite of many different colours
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Cynic-Al is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
heyjmes right, beacuse the other 90% is a different part of god in each of us, we will see it differently. there is a story, about some blind men and an elephant. they each took hold of a different bit, one the trunk, one the tail, one a leg, one a tusk, and one its body. each one thought an elephant looked completely different, but they all had hold of the same animal.
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"So Schrodinger's Cat is not only neither dead nor alive, but might also be sexually aroused by elbows and peanut butter?"