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THREAD IslamLast Sermon Of The Prophet Muhammad (P)
8 Posts • 4422 Views
Religion Forum
I posted this because the prophet said "All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again..." Have you heard about a successful prophet came after prop...
THREAD The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11179 Views
Talk Talk
great thread awakendwraith. too bad nobodys picked me apart yet, but perhaps this will give some motivation. awakendwraith- you have a relatively innocent exterior. your family still treats you som...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 28810 Views
Religion Forum read.php3/thrdid=12746-u-frmid =12-u-page=2 Pugsl3yB0y: I used to be a believer of fate but now I believe other wise. Fate as I believe it is rather the choices you make i...
62 Posts • 21728 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Stop with all the damn history lessons. Sadam is NOT Hitler, what Hitler or anyone else did is irrelavent. Yes, it is important to understand history if we learn from our past mistakes and failures...
THREAD Multiple Personality Disorder
1 Posts • 2165 Views
Psychology Forum
I had a experience a while back and I forgot about it, but just a week or two back one of my friends, Paul, asked me about the theory of the mind and the brain being two different entities and that th...
THREAD Music VideosThe 80's
22 Posts • 5653 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Fantasy was actually pretty big in the 80's here up over, uh, in the states. Lord of the rings was getting a big animated feature, Tom Cruise was in Legend, Conan was huge, Krull was awesome,...
THREAD Age and time
7 Posts • 2823 Views
Psychology Forum
I've certainly felt that time moves faster as I age. And I have talked to allot of people my age and over about this phenomenon, and they too agree. In fact, its been almost a year since I saw...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39122 Views
Philosophy Forum
Theory, she covered your initial question. Beuphema, no problem but don't discount your part. But you must now take stock of what else you need to address. As I told dbh and Decius and...
THREAD SocietyCanadian's Feelin the Love
11 Posts • 3529 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
No time to read equals more opportunity to lose Liberties, meaning freedom. We all have priorities, but we won't fight against things we are unaware of. "CanadasPatriotAct 3 Canadas Bil...
THREAD An introduction.
3 Posts • 2074 Views
Talk Talk
This bastard forum just lost what I was about to post. I lie, my fingers dancing across a disturbingly darkened qwerty. My ears are ringing from the heavy club music experienced but hours ago and v...
THREAD DepressionMy Life
5 Posts • 3007 Views
Psychology Forum
Ok first time poster here. Just joined today. Saw this forum and thought maybe someone in here could contect with me. Forgive my spelling and gramme as it is due to my dsylexia.No that is not a grea...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13373 Views
Religion Forum
To follow Jesus is to follow His Father. The Mosaic law had come to pass with Christ, but God's laws never wavered. This would include all that was from the beginning. jesus came to teach...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 48932 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I was crying and for some reason I couldn't stop. A storm brewed with in me, As my tears destroyed me from the inside--there flow would not cease. Scattered through out my being, I could not gat...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI lost the love of my life, how can I get her back
9 Posts • 24133 Views
Psychology Forum
I am a 18 year old college student. During high school I dated this girl for 3 years. When we started to date she told me she wanted to wait to have sex until she was married, so I respected her wishe...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13373 Views
Religion Forum
To follow Jesus is to follow His Father. The Mosaic law had come to pass with Christ, but God's laws never wavered. This would include all that was from the beginning. jesus came to teach t...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24227 Views
Religion Forum
Look Nicholas has the memory of a squirrel after winter looking for his nuts he burries in fall... Devil is NOT beast! Devil lives on our planet but beast lives in afterlife! Only proof of my v...
THREAD God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8763 Views
Religion Forum
I would have to say that the Christian god really does suck. I have noticed that "god" has some pretty funny ideas. For one it seems that according to it first we are supposed to love people...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34221 Views
Psychology Forum
Doesn't all the pain and conflict between men and women have something to do with each's desire to CONTROL the other, and the experience of the other? Wrestling with dominance and vulnerabil...
THREAD Favorite quotes so far.
40 Posts • 12737 Views
Talk Talk
Well, that is the optimist in me speaking. "The behinder I sit here, the longer I get." "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him pass it." "Sometimes y...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
On the original comment of SNL racism, I agree. To show one's enemies in a stereotyped negative way, helps to bread more misunderstanding and can be construed as propaganda. To not watch a show becaus...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8424 Views
Psychology Forum
Things that make me feel insecure? I'm not sure what you mean. There are many things in my life that I do not like but the vast majority do not make me feel threatened or at risk. Annoyed, depres...
THREAD Life & DeathDescribe Your Death
16 Posts • 5610 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not so bizzarre to me... I will go preferrably long after I have watched the last of my enemies seedlings die horribly... and when my enemies have watched their children perish through torture...
THREAD Society & Sociologydeterioration of identity in society
12 Posts • 2602 Views
Psychology Forum
At such a young age its sad to see someone feel like they are giving up. The good news Circus is that there is hope. The very fact you have realised the trappings around you, and have become a...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84718 Views
Science & Technology Forum
10 February 2013 Asteroids in the Distance Image Credit: R. Evans & K. Stapelfeldt (JPL), WFPC2, HST, NASA Rocks from space hit Earth every day. The larger the rock, though, the less often E...
THREAD BiologyLife in the Blood?
1 Posts • 3184 Views
Science & Technology Forum
You ever get these people talking about 'how they think that all these modern devices are screwing with their minds?' Like I heard of these people wearing metal foil over their heads to pro...
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