To follow Jesus is to follow His Father.
The Mosaic law had come to pass with Christ, but God's laws never wavered.
This would include all that was from the beginning.
jesus came to teach the WORD of God.
God GAVE MANKIND WAR OVER EVIL NATIONS....and that has not changed.
So, although war worries me, and it lurches in the pitt of my stomach....ti must be.
Because the Lord wants it.
IT would not have occured....if it were NOT for God allowing mankind to wage war.
Now, understand something, you seem to repeatedly ignore okcity....the ppl of IRAQ want this war, they want their freedoms....
YOU are whining about a war that thye desire to free them.
YOU are against the ppl of Iraq.
The biggest surprise is that CNN.....of all stations in all of media history...actually did a special report on the happy Iraqi's, and the destruction of Saddam's state, that they all cheered at!
Incidently, let me just say, the Iraqi's you point out that have died, have been at a majority.....done by terorrists....and NOT at the hands of Americans.
However, THE IRAQI ppl are ready, and want the freedoms....
This is a war about TERRORISM. I wish you could comprehend the differences. You protests the unfairness of this war, but it's not your butt living the way they have been tormented for 30 years to live like.
Get the facts, m'love, and then preach about what is actually happening there.
War is punishment.....
Lev 26; 24
Duet 28; 36-49
Judges 2; 13, 3; 1-8, 4; 1, 6; 1, 10; 6, 13; 1
Isa 5; 25
Jer 5; 15
Jer 5; 19 And you shall say; Why hath the Lord our God done these things to us? thou shalt say to them; As you have forsaken me, and served a strange god in your own land, so shall you serve strangers in a land that is not your own.
Also remember when Jesus said...Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword...?
What has Saddam, and the terrorists done thus far??
They killed...whether it be Saddam has done, or civilians as the terorrists have done...they have killed!!
NOW returning the chastisement....upon the nation.
Therefore, I truly believe that this is a time of retribution.
I wish it never did come to this...but He did say they who use the sword...or any way to kill...will die by the sword...or any way used.