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THREAD GovernmentThe Role of State
10 Posts • 4172 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hmm . . . question? Who owns the airwaves? Some businesses, like cell phone companies, pay the government to use their airwaves (also "spectrum" ). Radio and TV broadcasters, though, use...
THREAD Venting!!!!
28 Posts • 7046 Views
Philosophy Forum
quote: "makes others look at you as a "God".. you're put in high esteem for doing what others couldn't do" -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------...
THREAD Scorpion
15 Posts • 4642 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
SSBN Marylyn Monroe "Contact, sir. Russian sub, Mike class refit, identifying itself as Ice Fox." Captain Arthur Peary crossed to the sonar station. "I don't recognise her. Ask...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 26835 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
homosexuals do not procreate..they do not concieve "offspring".. Het erosexuals give birth to those who will later "choose" (whether conciously or subconciously) to be attracted,...
THREAD Sexual PsychologySex for the first time
5 Posts • 4084 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
A girl asks her boyfriend to come over Friday night and have dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl announces to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out...
THREAD When all else fails fate comes through
3 Posts • 2464 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I wrote this one awhile ago but thought id share sure many can relate to it whenever things seem to get tuff with u and ur loved one...but if its true...and its meant to be it will pull throug...
THREAD War & TerrorismThese Recent Smoking Attacks.
9 Posts • 5319 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
If any of you keep up with American news, you would see that there has been a recent effort to stop smoking in "public" places, and very recently movies. I believe that people shouldn�...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 35686 Views
Religion Forum
"And archeology has time and again showed the accuracy of common sense would lead us to believe IFall else found thus far prooves scripture then according to reason, it is accurate...
THREAD Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
lol, this will more than likely propogate into maddness but here goes i seem to recall scripture indicating the bible is a set of information, and an incomplete set at that. the spirit of god is th...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 48932 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
There's this little old lady who dropped by work today looking for returns (It's a shoddy job, bottles something I do not for the money but for the entertainment the company's good,...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 66335 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I'm Not Pissed, I Promise. rarely do i insist but this is extraordinarly important to me. rarely do i lie, well i do it all the time. pathologicaly inside i dont care if you find out. be...
THREAD DepressionSeasonal Affective Disorder?
2 Posts • 3088 Views
Psychology Forum
I've been feeling bad for the past few months. I would say depressed...but I can't quite put my finger on the emotion, so to speak. I've felt like I've lost a lot of my ambition. I...
THREAD America: Freedom to Fascism
8 Posts • 2947 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Had to replace the above video, we'll have to see how long this one lasts. Excerpt: Top 1% OWNS MORE THAN bottom 90% The Truth Will Set You Free | September 19 2006 And these figures...
THREAD Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16448 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I can talk to any adult for hours, and pray to one day find some people my age to actually hold good and meaningful discussions with." Don't stress, go with what works, you'll...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17521 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe in the 'soul' and reincarnation, and therefore I think the possibility of two 'souls' meeting one another again in another life is totally feasible. Do I believe in 'soul mates' – no....
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I often wonder ....if... a person who has not recieved this "gift" I was talking about....could get a correct interpretation of the Bible....I can tell you in my case....I read the Bible whe...
THREAD ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5833 Views
Religion Forum
The first thing you have to think about with this question is what kind of sins we're talking about. Remember that almost all sins come from bodily desire and material desire. Since its typically...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56971 Views
Religion Forum
DUGBUG says: <<Why did god make a law about gravity, about respiration, why did he make us have to breath, if he is powerful then why did he do it? How come we evolved? Why do we need energy?...
THREAD DepressionMental Cusp
13 Posts • 3743 Views
Psychology Forum
Wyote, Im happy to assure you from my own experiences, that you probably aren't going to be at the same level of intellect or mental processing forever. At exactly around your age I felt the...
THREAD PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15115 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
"You, Andrew Marvell" by Archibald MacLeish And here face down beneath the sun And here upon earth's noonward height To feel the always coming on The always rising of the night:...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 26903 Views
Science & Technology Forum
the biggest problem people have with high dimension universe theories is their inability to see them... I propose that people understand that the word dimension can easily be replaced with the word pr...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs and how they screw you up
10 Posts • 7073 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Hey, I've been smoking pot for about 2 years now. This is the first time i've been fucked over. I'm a bit confused, but very curious to whether or not my weed was laced. I was told the...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyQuestion about the speed of light
15 Posts • 4521 Views
Science & Technology Forum
'Hmm i was thinking of this the other day... Einstein once said that matter can never travel the speed or faster than the speed of light...Does this mean it is possible to Infinitely Travel closer to...
THREAD Vegetarianism
30 Posts • 9429 Views
Talk Talk
It's been quite a while since I was last here, thought I'd pop by to see how these threads are doing. I have to pass comment, I can see that I still have a very tall mountain to climb. To...
THREAD SpiritualityChruch
6 Posts • 3751 Views
Religion Forum
I think I am a softie myself. I simply have no ability to help people return to church. But it a desire I know that God has. I have no merit myself, in anyone returning to God, or to church. So wh...
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