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Tagged > Nature
THREAD Ethics & MoralityGood vs. Evil
14 Posts • 5994 Views
Philosophy Forum
People who do bad things are sometimes just that way because it feels right, whats wrong to you is not necessarily the same for me, nurture verses nature. I feel that genocide is in order this whol...
THREAD WE owe it to ourselves
9 Posts • 3354 Views
Talk Talk
even when i believe whole heartedly that things are unjust, i believe im not one to judge. im not against society, just against the way we have built it, without first building ouirselves, life would...
THREAD SocietySave the Internet
10 Posts • 2694 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The BS you are unhappy with is not the fault of the internet. Information, like technology or nature, is not in itself the danger, it is how we use it and how we protect ourselves from it's inher...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeEnilightenment
23 Posts • 7739 Views
Philosophy Forum
no, Enlightnment is not simply a 'ascension of matter to pure energy', although yes, many people have a chance to experince a little bit at the time of death. Basically, it is based upon...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20475 Views
Psychology Forum
So evil comes as a result of not acknowledging the essence of who we are? (For example as creatures meant to be one with nature) Do you ever dream without language? It does not seem possible to...
THREAD Religion & HumanityGeneral meaning of life
24 Posts • 10675 Views
Religion Forum
Yes, it is in mans nature to worship something, be it God or be it a can be said man intorduced God into their lives, though that doesn't mean that He doesn't exist. Don't see...
THREAD Vegetarianism
30 Posts • 9555 Views
Talk Talk
"Being vegetarian in this day and age will cause the death of animals." I should of made this more clear. What I meant is the death of animals generally, that is the species-be this near...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73023 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
"what the hell is wrong with u!!! how can you disrespect women who do dogs more than people wo diddel [do] children. at least when they do animals[altough disgusting ] they are not hurting childr...
93 Posts • 30373 Views
Philosophy Forum
maybe im trying to oversimplify reincarnation but, when you die your either buried or or cremated either way your remains become one with the earth again, ever wondered why people say you are what you...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8689 Views
Religion Forum
Dude...if you are truly agnostic god is not going to punish you the idea you are referring to is a Christian one, so if you are no longer a Christian take what truths you want from your experiences as...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40939 Views
Religion Forum
love isn't usually defined as much more then an emotion experience, meaning beyond the basic nature of emotions as internal guides for survival is where the romantic notion comes into play. L...
THREAD Hobbes: Leviathan
2 Posts • 4120 Views
Philosophy Forum
The first is that, since there is a common aversion to the summum malum (death), we will tend to do whatever is necessary to preserve peace. Almost equally important to Hobbes is the natural equality...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27177 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Naming the Sacred Considerations of the universe and its construction lead to the foundation of science. Based upon rigorous measurements and the discipline of logical forms, known as Math to produ...
THREAD Humankinds place
7 Posts • 2346 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is nature everything but me? I'm sure Einstein said it was. I disagree. Psychologists would say that its possible to predict other people's behaviour based on stereotypes. Why does thi...
THREAD ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5567 Views
Religion Forum
You've brought up some interesting things here. Paradise is not lost, it is to be found, here on earth while you still are in the flesh. This is what Ive always believed. Whats with the...
THREAD GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6215 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
If people don't want American corporations all in their country they have to do just ONE thing and it would TOTALLY fix the problem. Don't buy their product. It's that simple. That'...
THREAD populations in ecosystems
17 Posts • 6053 Views
Philosophy Forum
Personally I think the world has already started going downhill, and that we are going to have some major problems soon. Oil is going up in price, more and more people starving, more disease and war....
THREAD ElectionsObama Deception
17 Posts • 6791 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I only viewed a portion of the video, certainly don't accept everything that I did see but . . . It does make a valid point in that historically we should be rational as to the aspects that thi...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30276 Views
Religion Forum
Chilled, I'm not denying that the tectonic plates slid and whatnot. But to me, attributing everything that happens to a coincidence doesn't make sense. The universe is too well planned to ha...
THREAD SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13113 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What if there are disagreements in the laws or values? The as windupnostril pointed out, people would either divide themselves or appoint a person in power, which defeats the purpose. It's only h...
THREAD Scapegoating Human Nature
7 Posts • 4020 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is a great article that my friend Louis showed to me. It talks about how negativity, hopelessness, and selfishness are bolstered and supported by our economy and our society to continue the explo...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70924 Views
Psychology Forum
but it to one's own opinion whether they're not the same person or not. If it's the inside that counts, then it won't matter. as for myself, i am a bonafied freak of nature, can...
THREAD Sexual Psychologywhat's the deal with porn?
9 Posts • 4815 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
as i thought, none of the contributors to the CC blog have a pair of balls and probably think more often of fluffy animals than horny bitches. which brings me to my third post in this very selective a...
THREAD TechnologyNano technology
2 Posts • 3170 Views
Science & Technology Forum
here's a think.... the best of us have made it this far... with plenty of replacements... there are going to be obviously those that get along with these items on an advanced technical leve...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131921 Views
Philosophy Forum
why do we think of the human condition in an individualist point of view? we are species just like anyother specie. you don't see killer parasites complaining about their overgrowing number :P t...
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